He he he lol !!!

First bad attempt at water color, done in painter. not the most impressive part of the product. no sources used and my brain shut down half way through this.
For: watercolour contest
First bad attempt at water color, done in painter. not the most impressive part of the product. no sources used and my brain shut down half way through this.
For: watercolour contest
To me it felt like the light climbing through the stairs, driving away darkness! This photo to me is a metaphor to the darkness, the obscurity, that we frequently climb in life.
For: stairs contest
Elke rules with an iron fist, watch out Rob. Just fooling around guys, wishing you happiness now and forever. Congratulations! Thanks melstock for the cat's eyes.
For: mod chopping contest
A structurally oriented font from the Plebius scrolls. ;)
Only source
For: sun beams contest
Photoshop and source only. Please see high res
For: rings contest
Worked with the surface blur tool in order to get a smooth effect on the skin. Blurry brushes where useful for blushing some parts of the skin. The flower is made by myself from the source image. Just see SBS. Enjoy! credits and thanks: http://www.cgtextures.com http://create-stock.deviantart.co...
For: red flower contest
No sources
For: tree fear contest
No outside sources all PS.
For: tree fear contest
If you fly too close you could end up a snack for this cantankerous little fella.
Quality time on the edge of his seat! Always check for paper before you commit. Source links noted. Thanks to SandraBr for the Outhouse image.
This is my first entry in pxleyes and it is for you P3 Existing avatar of P3 just suits him.I thought of doing a funnier version of that.Hope he likes it.
For: avatar wars contest
I selected one of the lanterns from source image, copy/paste numerous times, resize, flip and positioned them differently in the tree. Selected leaves from another tree image, warped, resized and positioned them differently on and in between branches. Masked them to create a better blend with the b...
For: lanterns contest
I tried to make an album of us...Lots of members are not here so please: IF YOU WANT YOUR CARICATURE JUST CONTACT ME AND I'LL PUT IT WITH THE OTHERS. For sure I must do some others such as Spaceranger, Annabat, Cablawadg so, don't esitate I must modify my entry. A few steps will arrive soon...
For: caricatures contest
Source image: http://www.pxleyes.com/forum/download/file.php?id=225&sid=0e4ca3047aa9649b2900421172c7820a
For: caricatures contest
Thought again to make a fantasy scene :P Used the perspective transformation tool to posionate the water a bit lower. The rainbow is made usind the special gradient option set on overlay and on rainbow style. I cut of the ball using the patch tool. The rest is made with blending options, contrast to...
For: polo ball contest
L: look, i'm so sorry about your cousin.. i wasn't myself the other day.. Z: it's ok baby.. there, there
mst see full resolution for detailed work... it takes almost 18 hours to complete this entry...90 % of work has been done using path/selection. Source has been used as a reference to make more characters....hope u like it.... Also all comments will be appreciated as always...
For: angry mascot contest
For: caricatures contest