66 comments given:
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r1k3r says:

All we're asking for is a little more detail in your SBS. This site is fairly new on the 3D side and because 3D software is so difficult to learn it really helps people to see how you made the sofa or the bed, how you lit the scene, what render setting you may have used.

(5 years and 2426 days ago)

Entry number 85701
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r1k3r says:

That's really freaky! Nice job.

(5 years and 2650 days ago)

Eschers Cube
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r1k3r says:

Well done nice job

(5 years and 2650 days ago)

!mpossible WaterFall
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r1k3r says:

Another nice render in this contest, love the idea and the scene setup, I think would have made it even better if you had rendered caustics into your image though. Glass on a sunny day without caustics just takes looks fake. But nice image overall

(5 years and 2662 days ago)

secret mystery...
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r1k3r says:

Nice render! Would like to have seen some caustics though....

(5 years and 2662 days ago)

Tennis Bottle
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r1k3r says:

Good job author, I just want to pick up a couple of points with you. The string or strap looks kind of fuzzy, the lighting on the rest of the model is great, but somehow the light doesn't pick up the fuzzy bits on the straps. In other words all those little fuzzy bits would cast shadows themselves. But they don't. I love the texture of the table/wood top, nicely displaced and lit. overall good job author just a couple of things need correcting.

(5 years and 2725 days ago)

minolta HI - MATIC G
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r1k3r says:

Fantastic modelling skills, just a few minor points. The flash seat, should really have had the edges chamfered slightly nowhere is there ever perfect sharp corners on anything. The texture of the black plastic on the front of the camera is stretched and doesn't match the same material on the corner of the camera where the strap loop is. The embossing of the lettering and the lighting is good. The machine turning or knurling on the focus ring is excellent and I love the F-numbers and focus values on the lens barrel. Good job aithor, just a couple of minor issues.

(5 years and 2725 days ago)

First SLR
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r1k3r says:

Nothing wrong with the modelling whatsoever, clean lines and good composition. I have , however one slight criticism. The rendering takes very little advantage of the good model. Somehow the model, despite the great texturing seems plastic, maybe I would re-render this with slightly more subtle lighting and a more definitive shadow map, as the shadows seem weak and unrealistic. I only say this because the model is excellent and the composition is great, more time spent on the rendering settings and maybe a bump and displace on the bellows to bring out the finer textures to add that extra realism.

(5 years and 2725 days ago)

Old Fashioned Camera
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r1k3r says:

Nice work author.

(5 years and 2877 days ago)

The scientist
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r1k3r says:

Nice work author, very clean.

(5 years and 2878 days ago)

daisy chain
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r1k3r says:

Nice work. I like this image author

(5 years and 2904 days ago)

Newly arrived
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r1k3r says:


(5 years and 2913 days ago)

Playing Misty Song
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r1k3r says:

Really nice job author. The only problem I see here is that you've dropped the ring into water that has not fully settled. Did you use a k_speed daemon on your emmiter to slow the water down once the glass was full? I would have then set the water to an initial state and kept re-running it until the water was dead still. I know the water bounces around for ages once the object has been filled, but the mass rippling effect in the glass gives away the fact it wasn't still. I would typically run a 10,000 particle simulation 10-15 times at a 100 frames each time, to get the water to behave

(5 years and 2938 days ago)

Dropping the question
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r1k3r says:

Graet image author, looks like the making of a childrens book.

(5 years and 3111 days ago)

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r1k3r says:

Beautiful, three frogs courting the girly frog on the swing.

(5 years and 3151 days ago)

3 Froggies Went A
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r1k3r says:

That is one smile, thank you for sharing.

(5 years and 3164 days ago)

Grandma...Evan says hi
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r1k3r says:

Very well done. Nice job.

(5 years and 3214 days ago)

45- 50?
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r1k3r says:

I really like this, nice work

(5 years and 3257 days ago)

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r1k3r says:

This is a really nice job. I can only see one problem with this, some of the grass geometry is coming through the hat geometry. Maybe you could but a soft body reactor on the grass, so that hat moves the grass away from it's brim? Nice render and good texturing though

(5 years and 3275 days ago)

10% off
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r1k3r says:

Nice job with the shaping of the lounger. Maybe you could have done something with the caustics of the plastic though. This would have made it more realistic. The grey wall is a bit of a let down too, if you had added a tiled wall or some other texture it would have been nice. Is it an indoor pool? If it's outside where's the direct light, this would surely have cast some nice shadows, even inside this should have more than just the flat lighting there is now. The glasses are maybe just a tad too small as well, not quite in proportion to the lounger, considering an adult male would almost certainly nearly fill the lounger. The towel should be a little more flexible or creased, this would increase the shadow amount and added more realism, a nice toweling texture would have looked nice too. But overall a nice job, just little more attention to detail would have nailed this.

(5 years and 3284 days ago)

pool chair
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r1k3r says:

This is bang on theme, nice one author.

(5 years and 3284 days ago)

Busted Miss
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r1k3r says:

Nice image, shame it's not yours. Good work on the modeling and lighting, but IMO you have copied someone's idea. Would have been nice to see your own interior image, and not a reproduction of a visualization from someone else.

(5 years and 3284 days ago)

art deco interior
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r1k3r says:

Nice job improving the bounce light, but now you have a common problem when using colours such as this. The returning light from the walls is turning everything green. To overcome this problem you need to use the MTLOVERRIDE material, this will kill the colour returning from the walls but still allow the GI to bounce correctly. Giving you much better lighting and GI.

(5 years and 3286 days ago)

ArtDeco Style Room
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r1k3r says:

Nicely modeled scene. Unfortunately it seems to me that your GI is being killed as soon as it hits any surface other than the floor. There would almost certainly be alot more ambient light, the GI should be bouncing off all the surfaces in the scene. But the green is soaking it up like a sponge. I don't know what render engine you used but this definitely needs tweaking to get a more realistic look. Nice job on the chairs and table though

(5 years and 3287 days ago)

ArtDeco Style Room
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r1k3r says:

Very nicely lit, and rendered. Looks like the cup is emerging from the darkness. Well done author.

(5 years and 3291 days ago)

Morning Glory
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r1k3r says:

Great image, loving the big gun!!! I just wish you had more steps in your SBS. As Drivenslush says. There's no real way of telling us how you made this, a few lines pointing at source images doesn't help But nicely done anyhow

(5 years and 3295 days ago)

the luner
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r1k3r says:

Truth is photoshoppers will never like Lens effects Don't know why? But when it comes to space almost always there will be some lens flare and glow effects because of the nature of the sun This is a beautiful image and well done. Just tweak the camera slightly. and this will look like the sun rising over the Earth. Which for those that have actually seen it must be amazing! well done author.

(5 years and 3335 days ago)

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r1k3r says:

Certainly this is a good image. I read the SBS, and really would suggest turning the bump map down to at least 3, if using 3ds max. At the moment the planet looks a little noisy. Also for the material, I would change the shader from "Blinn" to "Phong" and set the specularity to 22 and the glossiness to 22. This will give a more realistic shine and reflect to the Earth. I don't know what render engine your using, But if your using Vray click the area shadows box and play with the UVW values to soften the transition from night to day. But overall a beautiful image.

(5 years and 3335 days ago)

Earth, Air, and Water
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r1k3r says:

This has the potential to be outstanding. My problem is the caustics are wrong. This is the reason you are getting Black blocks on your glass and water. The easy way to rectify this is to change the environment to white. The caustics need extending, as all of the subject matter is transparent. and water bends light quite strongly. As for the shadows being noisy, I struggled with this for a long time. This is a combination of render settings and light settings. There is no easy fix for this. I know they're not as noisy as they were. What anti aliasing engine are you using. I would suggest Adaptive DMC. This is by far the better filter. Great job overall though. A bit more work on the caustics and shadows and this would be awesome!

(5 years and 3335 days ago)

Crystal clear
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r1k3r says:

Nice modeling here. The motion blur somehow makes the blades look like they're about to leap off their motor. I don't know how you applied the blur? Or what render engine you used. But both Mentalray and Vray have excellent tools for just this thing. Nice job though author

(5 years and 3335 days ago)

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r1k3r says:

Nice work with the opacity map for the boat. Love the colors and atmosphere here.

(5 years and 3335 days ago)

Beautiful rainbow
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r1k3r says:

I like this image author, but maybe work some more on the randomness of the flags. They all seem to be blowing exactly the same, which probably wouldn't be the case. The debris that is blowing is a good effect, but has no depth to it. May be re-render with depth of field on the camera and the focus somewhere centered in the middle of the row of flags. This would certainly add more depth to the image. Nicely done overall though.

(5 years and 3335 days ago)

Blowing in the wind.
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r1k3r says:

This really is a good effort. I'm not really up on C4D, but could with a few tweaks to the particle system used for the fire this could be great. Well don author.

(5 years and 3335 days ago)

Fire, Water & Air
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r1k3r says:

This is a pretty nice image author. The only thing I would suggest is to use some lens effects on the camera you used to make the sun less "flat" The lens flare and glow effects would be a good place to start. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGcToM_DyKU check out this tutorial for an excellent planet scene. There's nothing more beautiful than the Earth. This has captured my imagination. Well done author.

(5 years and 3335 days ago)

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r1k3r says:

Nice image. Maybe I would slightly adjust the ice so it was less translucent. The fire looks well, but I'm having a hard time with the edges, they somehow need softening, and the glow intensity maybe should be more centered towards the hottest part of the fire in the middle. But overall a nice image. Well modeled, with some tweaks to the textures this could be outstanding.

(5 years and 3335 days ago)

Fire and Ice
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r1k3r says:

@Geexman @author nice entry

(5 years and 3393 days ago)

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r1k3r says:

5.8. Models Created with 3D Programs such as "Poser": If you use a 3D program to create a model (eg. with Poser), it is required to post this in your step by step guide.You are allowed to use any program you'd like to make your entry. If you make your own renders, please make screenshots from the object in wireframe modus and show in the Step By Step how you made your render. In case you use premade models, always link to the page where the model is from. Be aware that these models have to be free to use.

It's time CMYK and Geexman YOU BOTH read the rules! Until ADMIN decides whats best for the contests then this entry is well within the site guidelines.

Nice work author and intelligent mix of 2D and 3D.

(5 years and 3393 days ago)

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r1k3r says:

I think this is fantastic. Great chop combined with poser, super

(5 years and 3411 days ago)

Dragon Slayer
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r1k3r says:

It's really a shame there's no SBS or Hi-res, this is great. It reminds of a book cover, with a story in from James Herbert, or Dean Koontz. But a great image, thought provoking.

(5 years and 3436 days ago)

monster forest
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r1k3r says:

I really love this image. Surrealism with a splash of colour. It amazes me that people are debating what this is about! Art is art. I stand firmly alongside Pearlie on this one. Art is very much about perception and interpretation. You either get it, or you don't. That is the point. I envy this author for the imagination and use of colour employed in this work. The chaos of colour and splashes and the order in the poles and spheres. It shows the contrast between the two. Loud and vivacious it certainly is, but imaginative and thoughtfully worked out too. I would much rather look at this piece of art, than most technically worked and correct "Photochops" This employs much more skill and imagination.

(5 years and 3437 days ago)

Bubbles Down the Kitchen Sink
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r1k3r says:

LOL this is so funny Nice job.

(5 years and 3437 days ago)

Bluey - the blue peeler
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r1k3r says:

A really good effort. The light from the mr omni's is definitely not bouncing off the mirror. I rarely use Mentalray, preferring Vray. However to solve your problem I would do away with the Omni's. Instead replace them with photometric freelights. These give off real world accurate photons. The problem will also be linked to your mirror material too. The mirror material should be completely black. with the reflectiveness all the way up. This is a neat idea and if the little problem with mirror is sorted will be excellent. Good luck

(5 years and 3466 days ago)

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r1k3r says:

I really like the modeling here, nice work. I'm interested in the render engine you used? It looks like mental ray? Or perhaps Vray sun? But really good modeling

(5 years and 3512 days ago)

The Out House
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r1k3r says:

Nice image, would like to see an SBS. Did you have the caustics turned on? Which render engine did you use? vray, scanline, or mentalray? Did you use any fill lights to enhance the HDR image? I do like this, I just wish you could expand on your explanation with an SBS.

(5 years and 3520 days ago)

Checkmate - Fallen King
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r1k3r says:

Great image, but I really need to know what tune it's playing?

(5 years and 3526 days ago)

music box
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r1k3r says:

Really good modeling, great colours.

(5 years and 3527 days ago)

Benelli Moto Racing