9 comments given:
no avatar

well done! Kinda freaky lookin with the throat!! GL!!

(5 years and 3900 days ago)

no avatar

Very awesome! Great work!!

(5 years and 3900 days ago)

The power of photoshop
no avatar

a much needed pluck!! GL!!

(5 years and 3900 days ago)

Pretty  Eyes
no avatar

her eyes are a bit odd, but on the whole, like author said, If u just concentrate on the after, she doesn't look to 'weird' or 'alienish' at all!! I've seen worse in real life!! Good Luck Author!

(5 years and 3900 days ago)

no avatar

looks like she's been a bit heavy handed with foundation to me! GL

(5 years and 3900 days ago)

no avatar

looks 'better', but looks.... i dunno, flat? fake? More around the mouth and nose! But good job!! GL

(5 years and 3900 days ago)

plastic surgery.
no avatar


(5 years and 3900 days ago)

Radical Makeover
no avatar

very good, but teeth look a bit fake! GL

(5 years and 3900 days ago)

Natural beauty
no avatar

younger maybe, scarier? DEFINATELY!! GL!

(5 years and 3900 days ago)
