bloody roots

For: old church contest
Far away from our planet in another glaxy theres a planet callled Mitus..heres a picture of old homestade from that planet captured in 1932....(all are my imagination ,no external source is used)
only used the source image
For: tulips contest
thanks to ~creat-stock( for the face source
For: glass holder contest
thanks to water brushes by- and Eirian-stock,deviantart fir the stock
thanks to for the stock
as you can see no external source is used.:)
For: mate contest
while I was working with cogs accidentally I have discovered this illusion.and I developed it .
For: optical illusions contest
nothing but sorrows now..wish there was a gate to skip this time.. entry is edited with a valid fix the dimension
For: open field contest
thanks to ~pueang and =liam-stock and *mjranum-stock and =Falln-Stock for smoke brush
For: good vs evil contest
thanks to ~PiratedPictures
For: old babies contest
thanks to Miss_Princess_Beanie from diviant art/// ~py from deviant art/// hazem for the violin
For: ostrich contest
thanks to ~SoloPianoStock of & *suntanna-stock of & MnMacarta of
For: mixed manipulations 13 contest