dirty fly

no external source is used..,,,hungry for comments
For: yellow pills contest
no external source is used..,,,hungry for comments
For: yellow pills contest
thanks to the-strawberry-tree.deviantart.com for the stock
thanks to water brushes by-http://redheadstock.deviantart.com/art/Water-Photoshop-Brushes-37338369 and Eirian-stock,deviantart fir the stock
thanks to http://rakibbappi.deviantart.com/ for the glass
For: egg contest
thanks to http://piratedpictures.deviantart.com/ and http://kikxsuk-stock.deviantart.com/ stocks
For: egg contest
thanks to-http://vigorousjammer.deviantart.com/ http://cozycomfycouchstock.deviantart.com/ water brushes by-http://redheadstock.deviantart.com/art/Water-Photoshop-Brushes-37338369
For: glass bowl contest
only the given source used
For: trail marker contest
only source used bubble brush by-http://www.brusheezy.com/brushes/1410-Bubble-Brushes inspired by two of my fav. artist -jaskier..and nasir khan
For: trail marker contest
thanks to ~creat-stock(http://create-stock.deviantart.com/) for the face source
For: glass holder contest
only used the source image
For: tulips contest
New era of RObo industry..flying bots..production is running..soon it will be available in market...no external source is used...sbs is coming soon
For: car front contest
Far away from our planet in another glaxy theres a planet callled Mitus..heres a picture of old homestade from that planet captured in 1932....(all are my imagination ,no external source is used)
layer cuts and gradient tools
For: lone pine contest