182 comments received ( finished contests only ):
avatar Toothpick134

Great creation! And well done for 2nd!

(5 years and 3405 days ago)

Mass Dr
avatar erathion
erathion says:

Fantastic work author...good luck

(5 years and 3405 days ago)

Mass Dr
avatar hsbee
hsbee says:

Looks great .. the only thing that was glaring to me was the font used for the display.. a digital font would make it look better. also you could reduce its opacity to make it bit more realistic.

(5 years and 3411 days ago)

Mass Dr
avatar Alan2641
Alan2641 says:

nice build -- like the wiring and reflections

(5 years and 3411 days ago)

Mass Dr

if this building is real...then next time i don't need to take lifts to come down...i just have to slide down

(5 years and 3445 days ago)

Un Real
avatar orientallad

very beautiful art piece

(5 years and 3468 days ago)

old table
no avatar

luv the lighting.... congrats...

(5 years and 3530 days ago)

avatar RichieMB
RichieMB says:

Great lighting in this, nicely done.

(5 years and 3531 days ago)

avatar billyboy
billyboy says:

You are a master of the lights, you are modelling with lights. I knew who you are from those unmistakable lights.
Someday I will steal from you this secret.

(5 years and 3531 days ago)

avatar itsdesign
itsdesign says:


(5 years and 3533 days ago)

avatar westfall
westfall says:

well done

(5 years and 3533 days ago)

avatar Chalty669
Chalty669 says:

The texture on the wall is a bit hard for me but I like the overall image. Good luck!

(5 years and 3533 days ago)

avatar itsdesign
itsdesign says:


(5 years and 3553 days ago)

avatar itsdesign
itsdesign says:

really nice

(5 years and 3553 days ago)

no avatar
mires says:

Looks more like honey to me, but nice. 8)

(5 years and 3554 days ago)

avatar 04mehul
04mehul says:

Good work.

(5 years and 3555 days ago)

avatar 04mehul
04mehul says:

Very good and awesome work author but if you put some air bubble in it....It will be more effective.very impressive work.Good luck.

(5 years and 3555 days ago)

avatar Barracuda
Barracuda says:

wow, very good. could almost be in a photography competition

(5 years and 3555 days ago)

avatar erathion
erathion says:

Fabulous work author...great idea and fantastic execution...best of luck

(5 years and 3556 days ago)

avatar Govindrathod

Simply awesome work......Loved it....The droplets look amazing....

(5 years and 3556 days ago)

avatar Govindrathod

Looks really good....But as others are saying if a glass would have been present it would have been awesome...Lovely work though...

(5 years and 3556 days ago)

avatar chakra1985


(5 years and 3559 days ago)

Sweet home
avatar chakra1985


(5 years and 3559 days ago)

Un Real
no avatar

congrats for third as well...

(5 years and 3559 days ago)

Sweet home
no avatar

congrats for second...

(5 years and 3559 days ago)

Un Real
avatar RichieMB
RichieMB says:

Congratulations for 2nd

(5 years and 3559 days ago)

Un Real
avatar RichieMB
RichieMB says:

Congratulations for 3rd

(5 years and 3559 days ago)

Sweet home
avatar Barracuda
Barracuda says:

Its cool, but I don't really understand what is going on.

(5 years and 3559 days ago)

avatar Lelaina
Lelaina says:

And also congrats for your third place!

(5 years and 3559 days ago)

Sweet home
avatar Lelaina
Lelaina says:

Congrats for your second place, Ramananjv!

(5 years and 3559 days ago)

Un Real
avatar rasellia
rasellia says:

great job, author! This is really beautiful!

(5 years and 3559 days ago)

avatar itsdesign
itsdesign says:

good luck

(5 years and 3559 days ago)

Sweet home
avatar RichieMB
RichieMB says:

I think you should put a glass in, then it would look even better

(5 years and 3559 days ago)

avatar rasellia
rasellia says:

that's amazing! Very creative job.. GL author

(5 years and 3559 days ago)

Un Real
avatar rasellia
rasellia says:

great entry, author...and very nice idea... good luck

(5 years and 3559 days ago)

Sweet home
avatar kakarot
kakarot says:

Looks good, the shape is weird, but awesome ! Good luck!

(5 years and 3559 days ago)

avatar erathion
erathion says:

Very nice work author...best of luck

(5 years and 3560 days ago)

Sweet home
no avatar

Nice imagination.........G/L Author.

(5 years and 3560 days ago)

Un Real
avatar dollmommy
dollmommy says:

Really cool.....wonderful work.....Best of luck!!

(5 years and 3560 days ago)

Un Real
avatar dollmommy
dollmommy says:

nice job....gl

(5 years and 3560 days ago)

Sweet home
avatar Lamantine
Lamantine says:

beautiful work ! good luck

(5 years and 3561 days ago)

Sweet home
avatar ricky777
ricky777 says:

creative but a bit off-themed. the bump map level is too high and the pumpkin is too thin that there appears to be a lot of see-through holes in them.

(5 years and 3561 days ago)

Sweet home
avatar busmav
busmav says:

Nice work. Good luck.

(5 years and 3561 days ago)

Un Real
avatar kakarot
kakarot says:


(5 years and 3561 days ago)

Sweet home
avatar Govindrathod

Absolutely beautiful work.....Lovely.....

(5 years and 3562 days ago)

Un Real
avatar hazem
hazem says:

it is new and nice ,i wish i have home like this

(5 years and 3562 days ago)

Un Real
avatar RichieMB
RichieMB says:

Unreal. Cool shapes.

(5 years and 3563 days ago)

Un Real
avatar dinomario10

Hehehe, awesome, I love how their *spirality* Nicely done, author and well idea.

(5 years and 3563 days ago)

Un Real
avatar kakarot
kakarot says:

This is great! Very well done!

(5 years and 3563 days ago)

Un Real
avatar itsdesign
itsdesign says:

lovely concept

(5 years and 3563 days ago)

Un Real