2720 comments given:
avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Fantastic capture! Great angle, awesome job capturing an interesting background while focusing on the calf!

(5 years and 3261 days ago)

baby cow
avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Such a sweet photograph! The babies are just beautiful! Great capture.

(5 years and 3261 days ago)

avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Beautiful! The wonder of a new life is facination!

(5 years and 3261 days ago)

avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Fantastic concept, excellent execution!!! Great job on the photo and the SBS was a plus!!!

(5 years and 3261 days ago)

Chef Bear
avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Nice! Great lighting!

(5 years and 3261 days ago)

Teddy is a DJ
avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Wonderful concept! So did he find any friends??

(5 years and 3261 days ago)

Internet Bear
avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Amanda, QUIT COMMENTING FROM YOUR NEW PHONE!!! The spelling/grammer is ridiculous!! (luuuv you!)
Nice shot author!!!

(5 years and 3261 days ago)

avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

oh wait, I am puzzled by this...LOL! Great job!

(5 years and 3261 days ago)

Just a Puzzle
avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Awesome work! If only her hair was this long!

(5 years and 3261 days ago)

avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Fantastic work author!! Kind of freaky seeing my little one like this but I still like it alot!

(5 years and 3261 days ago)

Death Becomes Her
avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Wonderful shot! Great vision for this!

(5 years and 3262 days ago)

He said She said...She won :)
avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Oh my goodness!!

(5 years and 3262 days ago)

avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Very beautifully done! Great idea!

(5 years and 3262 days ago)

Why Do Leaves Fall in Autumn?
avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

beautiful work! Agree with Magic!

(5 years and 3262 days ago)

avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Superb! Wonderful idea!

(5 years and 3262 days ago)

Say "Cheese!"
avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Fantastic idea! The best yet!!

(5 years and 3262 days ago)

avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Ah ha! Guess I need to go shopping!!! Nice shot!

(5 years and 3262 days ago)

avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

GREAT shot!!!

(5 years and 3262 days ago)

And We
avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Another awesome job author!!!!

(5 years and 3262 days ago)

She Really Hated that Carpet
avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Very interesting!! Good Luck!

(5 years and 3262 days ago)

avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Great work!

(5 years and 3263 days ago)

House at the lake
avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Wow! Very cool!

(5 years and 3263 days ago)

avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

This is beautiful!

(5 years and 3263 days ago)

in the Rain
avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

ewe and cool, all in one!

(5 years and 3263 days ago)

Seven Fingers in one hand
avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

I didn't see this before the edit, but the first thing I noticed when I looked was the reflection. Great work!

(5 years and 3263 days ago)

avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Fantastic work! Very futuristic and interesting. Love the colors.

(5 years and 3263 days ago)

lost the matrix
avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

LOL...oops, I lost my head to the sea!

(5 years and 3263 days ago)

avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

LMAO! And I agree with EmiK! Great concept!

(5 years and 3263 days ago)

crushed gravel
avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Very well done! Very artistic, love the mood and tones.

(5 years and 3263 days ago)

Feel Good
avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:


(5 years and 3263 days ago)

avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

EWE!!!!! Gross, yuck, ick!!! But still very cool! Great job!

(5 years and 3263 days ago)

avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Very interesting and definitely unusual! Great execution!

(5 years and 3263 days ago)

Devil Collects It with a Grin
avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Cool! Good Luck!

(5 years and 3263 days ago)

Shroom Head
avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

WOW! Fantastic!

(5 years and 3263 days ago)

avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

LOL! I have to agree with the title!!!

(5 years and 3263 days ago)

avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Now this is freaky!!! Good Luck Author!

(5 years and 3263 days ago)

split face
avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Very interesting work!

(5 years and 3263 days ago)

avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Amazing concept!!

(5 years and 3263 days ago)

avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Very cool! The SBS helped me to see how smartly you used the source! Nice!

(5 years and 3263 days ago)

dancing girl park
avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

This is great! Looks like a photograph!

(5 years and 3263 days ago)

The Girl on the Bus
avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Thinking about tking a road trip to go see her!!! LOL
And BTW author, I will respond to your PM as soon as I have some time.

(5 years and 3263 days ago)

Flim Flam Man
avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

You are so right MnM!!!

(5 years and 3263 days ago)

Delusional Beauties
avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Imaging that! But so did you but I fixed it for you! LOL

(5 years and 3263 days ago)

Flim Flam Man
avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Wonderful idea!! Fabulously executed!

(5 years and 3263 days ago)

light VS dark
avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

I agree with mom! Great and adorable!

(5 years and 3263 days ago)

Sunday Drive
avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Points restored Ade! I am having issues with the thumbs down too.

(5 years and 3264 days ago)

avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

I believe karaflazz is correct! I have a glass that looks just like this so I recognized it as soon as I saw it.

(5 years and 3264 days ago)

avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Agree with Magic. Great shot! I love the angle!

(5 years and 3264 days ago)

vanilla cola :)
avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Thanks you all!! You rock!

(5 years and 3264 days ago)

avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Fantastic!!!! Love, love, love!

(5 years and 3264 days ago)

Cue the Sitar