2720 comments given:
avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

And where are you hanging out? LOL Great capture!

(5 years and 3192 days ago)

Dude Looks Like a Lady
avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

This looks amazing! Besides yummy, the photo is top notch!

(5 years and 3192 days ago)

avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Wonderful shot!

(5 years and 3192 days ago)

Light and Healty Breakfast
avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Fantastic photo! I planted blueberries this year and already have been able to enjoy them. This photo makes me want to go see if there are anymore ripe ones out there!

(5 years and 3192 days ago)

avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Welcome to the world of photography! I myself am a beginner and use Picasa sometimes. You should also give the photo some contrast and shadow, you can do this in Picasa. Use the auto contrast button and slide the shadow bar until you get some depth in your photo. I don't like to use the glow as it removes focus and makes your photo soft (it works well on face close up but not much else). Hope this helps! Good luck in your journey!

(5 years and 3192 days ago)

avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Fantastic capture!

(5 years and 3192 days ago)

I want that One too.
avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Very on theme! Just wish the quality was a bit better.

(5 years and 3192 days ago)

To Satiety
avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Great one!

(5 years and 3192 days ago)

avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Cool reflection!

(5 years and 3192 days ago)

avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Wow! Fantastic photo! Beautiful reflection!

(5 years and 3192 days ago)

avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Great! Love the different perspective.

(5 years and 3192 days ago)

Looking up
avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Great attempt author, the photo is a bit blurry so maybe you could try again. Good luck!

(5 years and 3192 days ago)

subtle sight
avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

I have to agree with mazanda about the similairity. Also the description doesnt make any sense, you had a break up and went and rubbed dirt on your face?

(5 years and 3192 days ago)

Cry Just a Little
avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Lovely, beautiful, angelic!

(5 years and 3195 days ago)

They will grow as I am good
avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Adorable! Fall down go boom!

(5 years and 3195 days ago)

avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Very simple yet effective. Nice work author!

(5 years and 3195 days ago)

Golden angel
avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Great silhouette!

(5 years and 3195 days ago)

Sole Dove
avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Me too! A very telling photo.

(5 years and 3195 days ago)

The farewell letter
avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Nice angle!

(5 years and 3195 days ago)

avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

How did I know? Nice job.

(5 years and 3195 days ago)

Fire Games
avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Great color!

(5 years and 3195 days ago)

Boggle Eyes
avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Very nice though it is a bit too yellow.

(5 years and 3195 days ago)

Ye olde Dartboard...
avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Very cool! Did you catch this in motion or is it propped up? Either way its awesome!

(5 years and 3195 days ago)

avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Now thats a really cool BBQ!

(5 years and 3195 days ago)

avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Very nice! Just wish you could have cropped the bags out on the right.

(5 years and 3195 days ago)

getting hot
avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

"splattered with mud"? that is not at all constructive.

(5 years and 3197 days ago)

Left Behind
avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

A personal exhaustion from a specific type of photo is not what the contests are about. When you have a specific theme then you are bound to get similiar photos. There is no need to insult the author for their vision.
Nice concept and beautiful photo author!

(5 years and 3197 days ago)

cold and alone
avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Seems pretty lonely to me author. The surroundings make it even more so.

(5 years and 3197 days ago)

I have nobody for my own
avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Nice shot author! She seems very lonely to me.
If you disagree dem90 then red flag, no need for such harsh critique.

(5 years and 3197 days ago)

Where has everyone gone?
avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

So yet again, same thing being said just more words and unecessary. If you think it's off them then red flag it.
Nice shot author!

(5 years and 3197 days ago)

emtpy space
avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

No peace here, just deep thought and a very lonely feeling photo. Nice job author!

(5 years and 3197 days ago)

Here in the dark...
avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

The model expression is dead on. Not at all hopeful. Seems to be looking out the window for someone.

(5 years and 3197 days ago)

avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Awesome shot!

(5 years and 3204 days ago)

avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Very beautiful! I love the tones.

(5 years and 3204 days ago)

avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Awesome capture!

(5 years and 3204 days ago)

avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:


(5 years and 3204 days ago)

Two bodies are better than one
avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Wow! Very cool!

(5 years and 3204 days ago)

avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Why no hi-res? It increases your score if you just check the box.

(5 years and 3204 days ago)

avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Now that is funny! Especially the bottom squirrel!

(5 years and 3204 days ago)

Up Skirt
avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Amazing colors!

(5 years and 3204 days ago)

Autumn leaves
avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Very artistic!

(5 years and 3204 days ago)

avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Lovely landscape!

(5 years and 3204 days ago)

St Michael
avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Great idea!

(5 years and 3204 days ago)

Going to rain.
avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Great shot and fix!

(5 years and 3204 days ago)

avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Nice one!

(5 years and 3204 days ago)

avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Great one! Different idea.

(5 years and 3204 days ago)

Hanging by a thread
avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

I like this one alot! Even though it's looking up like all in this contest it seems to have a different perspective than others. Great job author!

(5 years and 3204 days ago)

My School
avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Wow! Just wow!

(5 years and 3204 days ago)

The Gray Lady
avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Cool! Seems to be a bit noisy though. Overall a nice one.

(5 years and 3204 days ago)

Black And White
avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Wow! Fantastic shot! Do people walk on that skyway on the right? I wouldnt dare LOL!

(5 years and 3204 days ago)

Dark Tower