in flight

abstract art using source image only
For: glazed meat contest
abstract art using source image only
For: glazed meat contest
All original source and photoshop
For: leaf closeup contest
It's time for a coffee break in the Cruller System. [pilot] Ground Control, I'm low on caffeinated fuel, requesting permission to begin descent. [tower] Affirmative, plot course using vector 338, you are cleared for approach. -- Other fun fact, the ring around the planet is a Möbius St...
The Jelly Venus de Milo is the most coveted of all the jelly candies. _______________________ This was made using the source for color sampling of highlights and shadows. Then airbrushing the venus by hand using the photo as an underlay. Lots of masks and smooth selection tools were used to get ...
For: jelly contest
Much like the Tower of Pisa this structure's most obvious defect is part of it's charm. _______________________ Created using primarily just cut, paste, and warp tools on the original source and then dropped in a new background. p.s. This is my first submission to Yeah! =)