323 comments received ( finished contests only ):
avatar nasirkhan
nasirkhan says:

Nice work. Good Luck

(5 years and 3492 days ago)

oh no...my bike...
avatar dollmommy
dollmommy says:

great.....gl to you

(5 years and 3492 days ago)

oh no...my bike...
avatar hereisanoop

catch it......... its going..........

(5 years and 3493 days ago)

oh no...my bike...
avatar itsdesign
itsdesign says:

nice job

(5 years and 3493 days ago)

oh no...my bike...
avatar wrockx
wrockx says:

I like the idea!

(5 years and 3495 days ago)

oh no...my bike...
avatar swordfish
swordfish says:

nice entry ...............

(5 years and 3495 days ago)

oh no...my bike...
avatar erathion
erathion says:

I agree about shadow issues,hand need shadow too and bike shadow is wrong...Idea is very nice,but work a bit more on shadow problem author and u will have very nice entry...good luck

(5 years and 3496 days ago)

oh no...my bike...
avatar DanLundberg

It is a nice effect. I would observe that the pic's drop shadow implies a flat surface, but the bike's shadow apparently exists in a floor/wall environment.

(5 years and 3496 days ago)

oh no...my bike...
avatar erikuri
erikuri says:

Very nice OOB effect, but hand needs a shadow as well...

(5 years and 3497 days ago)

oh no...my bike...
avatar dollmommy
dollmommy says:

great shot.....gl

(5 years and 3520 days ago)

grow my Sporophyte
avatar Lamantine
Lamantine says:

great color !

(5 years and 3521 days ago)

grow my Sporophyte
avatar busmav
busmav says:

This amazing shot looks so peaceful and warm. Good angle. And good luck Author

(5 years and 3524 days ago)

grow my Sporophyte
avatar erathion
erathion says:

Very nice idea and great work...good luck author

(5 years and 3604 days ago)

Hear It
avatar ponti55
ponti55 says:

Very imaginative.. shame about the tree edges.. good luck

(5 years and 3605 days ago)

Hear It
avatar loopyluv
loopyluv says:

Pretty image just watch the edges on your trees GL

(5 years and 3608 days ago)

Hear It
avatar Govindrathod

Nice image....and a nice emotion....Good work....

(5 years and 3608 days ago)

Hear It
avatar Suky04
Suky04 says:


(5 years and 3608 days ago)

Hear It
avatar Clinge
Clinge says:

Very nice image

(5 years and 3608 days ago)

Hear It
avatar spaceranger


(5 years and 3672 days ago)

Astron Robot
no avatar
ingrid says:

Congrats on your 1e place, I like this image.

(5 years and 3673 days ago)

Astron Robot
avatar nasirkhan
nasirkhan says:


(5 years and 3673 days ago)

Astron Robot
avatar chizty
chizty says:

Selamat ya, refleksi! Well done!!

(5 years and 3673 days ago)

Astron Robot
avatar madamemonty

Congrats, really well done

(5 years and 3673 days ago)

Astron Robot
avatar darkshellie23

congrats on the win

(5 years and 3673 days ago)

Astron Robot
avatar demi
demi says:

congrats on your first place

(5 years and 3673 days ago)

Astron Robot
avatar adeincyprus

Absolutely Awesome work..............I bow before such talent! You guys turn out some amazing stuff here, and I love looking at it. Maybe some time, I will learn some of your techniques, but for now I will just come and look at the wonders you produce. I think this will be the winner for this contest...

(5 years and 3674 days ago)

Astron Robot
no avatar

awsome use of source image author

(5 years and 3674 days ago)

Astron Robot
avatar erathion
erathion says:

I love this...i think this is the winner...gl author...

(5 years and 3674 days ago)

Astron Robot
avatar CorneliaMladenova

Stunning robot!

(5 years and 3675 days ago)

Astron Robot
avatar alexstephen

Thank you for the explanation. I am really impressed by your imagination and skills. Very nice work. Keep it up

(5 years and 3675 days ago)

Astron Robot
avatar etherwarrior

Wicked pic!

(5 years and 3675 days ago)

Astron Robot
avatar alexstephen

This is awesome, but I really wanted to know what programs you used and did you draw a rough sketch of the robot? I really cant imagine how you could have just started building it piece by piece as shown in your sbs, the final output and from were you started match 100% I really dont understand how you got it so acurate.

(5 years and 3675 days ago)

Astron Robot
no avatar

this is great

(5 years and 3676 days ago)

Astron Robot
avatar Oranos2633

Awesome entry and a great idea too!

(5 years and 3677 days ago)

Astron Robot
no avatar
Niigl says:

Amazingly well done, fav!

(5 years and 3677 days ago)

Astron Robot
avatar sparklen
sparklen says:

Yipes!!! THE RUSSIANS ARE COMING...THE RUSSIANS ARE COMING!!! What a Great image! Fabulous work!

(5 years and 3678 days ago)

Astron Robot
avatar demi
demi says:

wow ,very good fantastic

(5 years and 3678 days ago)

Astron Robot
avatar ponti55
ponti55 says:

This is fantastic! Great, GREAT job, and very high marks from me!

(5 years and 3678 days ago)

Astron Robot
avatar chizty
chizty says:

Excellent work!! Had the idea on my mind, but I guess I still can't work it out THIS good! GL

(5 years and 3678 days ago)

Astron Robot
avatar sebykxxx
sebykxxx says:

nice image,gl

(5 years and 3687 days ago)

the Frogs
avatar chakra1985


(5 years and 3688 days ago)

avatar chakra1985

very nice job

(5 years and 3688 days ago)

the Frogs
avatar jawshoewhah
jawshoewhah [banned] says:

I still think you should of used the source more like maybe putting the design on the plave to making the sausages out of the jellow mold.

(5 years and 3690 days ago)

avatar erathion
erathion says:

Fantastic idea,try to fix frogs legs a bit,it looks like they dont reaching the leaf...GL

(5 years and 3690 days ago)

the Frogs
avatar ponti55
ponti55 says:

I learned how to make these a while back, and i still get criticised for them not looking like frog. Excellent work, a fantastic choice of background. Good luck!

(5 years and 3691 days ago)

the Frogs
avatar sparklen
sparklen says:

These frogs don't have heads!!! :o but the work is beautiful!

(5 years and 3691 days ago)

the Frogs
avatar jawshoewhah
jawshoewhah [banned] says:

It would of looked a lot better if the egg resembled the original source image, rather than just the shape. I could only tell you used the source from your SBS.

(5 years and 3691 days ago)

avatar divair
divair says:

Looks appetising though I don't like underdone eggs I think you should work a bit more on the white and shadows as to make the egg look more natural...

(5 years and 3691 days ago)

avatar jawshoewhah
jawshoewhah [banned] says:

Where's the source image?

(5 years and 3691 days ago)

avatar UncleJimmy

for the equipment used, i would have to say it's very good work...just a bit of experementing with light and technique is all you need for some really exceptional work here...nicely done

(5 years and 3699 days ago)

my kinetic watch