12 comments given:
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rob170 says:

I just found the hi res img. my pc opened it in a small window behind the main, the full size img. has a better background affect but you can only view part of the img. at one time and scaled to screen size it looses background clarity.

(5 years and 2832 days ago)

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rob170 says:

I was not implying there was no 3d affect,I was impressed with the affect from the table forward, beyond that the image was too dark and lacked any contrast. I don't know if it's the img. (860x645) or the settings on my monitor but with out any light contrast behind it the globe, rather than looking like a sphere, looks like a distorted circle, the same is true of the clock face. Another option would be to darken the edges of objects to contrast with the background. still a great job

(5 years and 2832 days ago)

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rob170 says:

i like the way you put it all together but I think it would help if you increased the lighting in the corner and on the pendelum. Images project depth by progressing from light to dark or dark to light to depict increasing distance. The 3d effect is created by placing selected forground lighting to contrast in the background and selected backgroud lighting to highlight forground objects. If you increased the corner lighting then added a table shadow it would enhance the visibilty of the whole image. I would also add lighting to the pendelum and give it a shadow. and add shadows to the fruit on the table and to the table cloth on the carpet.
Great job.

(5 years and 2833 days ago)

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rob170 says:

you might want to add the table reflection and i think i would add another leg to the table

(5 years and 2835 days ago)

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rob170 says:

how did you come up with the idea?

(5 years and 3348 days ago)

Destructive Curiosity