Glowing Leaf

For: makeup mania contest
For: dragonflies contest
For: single leaf contest
The T is for my nick name Tito, in case someone asks.
Found this Anole Lizard in Fajardo, Puerto Rico
For: reptiles 2 contest
Driving To El Yunque (Forest Mountain in Puerto Rico) and bumped into this big Iguana.
For: reptiles 2 contest
For: l is for contest
Antena in Cieba, Puerto Rico
For: antennas contest
Bible on a table
For: religion 2 contest
Puerto Rico
For: skies contest
Old School 1983 Canon Sure Shot. Found this in my grandmas house haha. Canon Sure Shot, Canon Camera Museum states marketed April 1983 as an improved version of the original Sure Shot which came out in November 1979. The 1983 Sure Shot has a four element 38mm f2.8 lens. ISO from 25 to 400 set by...
For: old school contest
For: your city contest
For: selective coloring contest
Chevy Nova Burnout
For: selective coloring contest