1324 comments given:
avatar robvdn
robvdn says:

A shame the thumb looks a bit blurred, high res looks way better.
Maybe you used to much light on this one, the details are washed out by it.

(5 years and 2889 days ago)

avatar robvdn
robvdn says:

Nice job

It's a hard theme this week and personally I wouldn't have had an idea what to do with it, think you did a good job on this entry

(5 years and 2889 days ago)

avatar robvdn
robvdn says:

I agree the contest theme is hard (somehow happy I'm out LOL). Think you did a good job here, specially creating your own species and did not go for an Avatar clone

(5 years and 2889 days ago)

Women Kriptian
avatar robvdn
robvdn says:

Great image

The perspective on two of the bigger temples on the right are off though, might be able to fix that by rotating and or skewing it. Otherwise: good mood, great color combinations, I like the framing in the rocks... a classic epic game scene

(5 years and 2891 days ago)

The Ancient City
avatar robvdn
robvdn says:

I like what you've done with this, some great find of sources (specially the car!)

Maybe you can have a look again at the boy? It stands out IMHO, to big and the colors do not match, the 'photo filter' and/or the 'match color' function will probably fix that color problem.
Something I would do is to crop the right area out (up until the bottle), IMHO improves the composition. Some minor fast changes which improve your entry IMHO.

But like I said: I like it

(5 years and 2891 days ago)

Delivery Boy Gotta Go!!...
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robvdn says:

You're welcome

(5 years and 2892 days ago)

Crackalakin Desert
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robvdn says:

Congrats for making it to round 3

(5 years and 2892 days ago)

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robvdn says:

Congrats for making it to round 3

(5 years and 2892 days ago)

To west
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robvdn says:

Congrats for making it to round 3

(5 years and 2892 days ago)

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robvdn says:

Congrats for making it to round 3

(5 years and 2892 days ago)

Crackalakin Desert
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robvdn says:

Congrats for making it to round 3

(5 years and 2892 days ago)

Road plates
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robvdn says:

Congrats for making it to round 3

(5 years and 2892 days ago)

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robvdn says:

Congrats for making it to round 3

(5 years and 2892 days ago)

Urban Journey
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robvdn says:

Congrats for making it to round 3

(5 years and 2892 days ago)

Hidden by daylight
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robvdn says:

Congrats for making it to round 3

(5 years and 2892 days ago)

Slow down on those cracks
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robvdn says:

Congrats for making it to round 3

(5 years and 2892 days ago)

Haz-Mat Spill
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robvdn says:

Congrats for making it to round 3

(5 years and 2892 days ago)

The road to hell...
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robvdn says:

Congrats for making it to round 3

(5 years and 2892 days ago)

Marked, but not repaired
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robvdn says:

Congrats for making it to round 3

(5 years and 2892 days ago)

Alligator Skin...
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robvdn says:

Congrats for making it to round 3

(5 years and 2892 days ago)

My dreams, the childhood infin
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robvdn says:

Congrats for making it to round 3

(5 years and 2892 days ago)

Hard climbing
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robvdn says:

Congrats for making it to round 3

(5 years and 2892 days ago)

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robvdn says:

Congrats for making it to round 3

(5 years and 2892 days ago)

avatar robvdn
robvdn says:

Congrats for making it to round 3

(5 years and 2892 days ago)

bot series xxviii
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robvdn says:

Congrats for making it to round 3

(5 years and 2892 days ago)

avatar robvdn
robvdn says:

Congrats for making it to round 3

(5 years and 2892 days ago)

Eight o
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robvdn says:

Congrats for making it to round 3

(5 years and 2892 days ago)

The Eighth Dragon Gate • 第八龙门
avatar robvdn
robvdn says:

'I would like to have those shoes (please)' would be the correct translation, Google translator doesn't always do a good job...

So from a German language point of view it is weird.

(5 years and 2893 days ago)

avatar robvdn
robvdn says:

Nice, even though the head doesn't fit in the image, the shadows on it are wrong and not very well blended.

(5 years and 2893 days ago)

Little Piggy Went To The Bank
avatar robvdn
robvdn says:

Think your idea is good but went a bit overboard with the vignette, also agree with Erikuri

(5 years and 2893 days ago)

mystical fantasy
avatar robvdn
robvdn says:

Great detail and lightning

(5 years and 2895 days ago)

The carpenter
avatar robvdn
robvdn says:

Why are the rings wired if the system has Bluetooth? Is a bit illogical...

(5 years and 2896 days ago)

Finger Ring Player
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robvdn says:

Congrats with a spot in the next round

(5 years and 2899 days ago)

the storyteller
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robvdn says:

Congrats with a spot in the next round

(5 years and 2899 days ago)

take off
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robvdn says:

Congrats with a spot in the next round

(5 years and 2899 days ago)

Passing under the Bridge
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robvdn says:

Congrats with a spot in the next round

(5 years and 2899 days ago)

So hungry
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robvdn says:

Congrats with a spot in the next round

(5 years and 2899 days ago)

night view
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robvdn says:

Congrats with a spot in the next round

(5 years and 2899 days ago)

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robvdn says:

Congrats with a spot in the next round

(5 years and 2899 days ago)

A little panning
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robvdn says:

Congrats with a spot in the next round

(5 years and 2899 days ago)

R/C Action
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robvdn says:

Congrats with a spot in the next round

(5 years and 2899 days ago)

6s of my life
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robvdn says:

Congrats with a spot in the next round

(5 years and 2899 days ago)

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robvdn says:

Congrats with a spot in the next round

(5 years and 2899 days ago)

Ghost Train
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robvdn says:

Congrats with a spot in the next round

(5 years and 2899 days ago)

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robvdn says:

Congrats with a spot in the next round

(5 years and 2899 days ago)

Forest stream
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robvdn says:

Congrats with a spot in the next round

(5 years and 2899 days ago)

avatar robvdn
robvdn says:

Congrats with a spot in the next round

(5 years and 2899 days ago)

Everything that...
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robvdn says:

Congrats with a spot in the next round

(5 years and 2899 days ago)

Take Off
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robvdn says:

Congrats with a spot in the next round

(5 years and 2899 days ago)

Propeller at Sunset
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robvdn says:

Congrats with a spot in the next round

(5 years and 2899 days ago)

Watching Over Time