Swimming between the stars

For: white castle contest
For: white castle contest
Extra sources: http://www.flickr.com/photos/humanoide/111707105/sizes/l/ Humanoide @ Flickr http://www.flickr.com/photos/ianduffy/4125138009/sizes/l/ ianduffy @ Flickr http://www.flickr.com/photos/faceme/1561601297/sizes/o/ FaceMePls @ Flickr FONTS: http://www.dafont.com/mburnette.font...
For: sea lion contest
Time is created by a turtle...
For: industrial nature contest
Full title "The Emperors Hall of Optical Illusions". Additional sources: http://cgtextures.com/texview.php?id=35382 > #6 http://www.flickr.com/photos/jammind/2273345990/in/set-72157603931835565/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/lou/87301715/sizes/l/ ADDED SOURCE FLOOR: http://...
For: optical illusions contest
Restaurant "At the Stuffed Elephant" makes the idiom "there's an elephant in my room" come to live. As a gimmick they bought a young elephant, but when the years progressed the elephant became famous and people started to feed him. Now the restaurant has a problem; the elephant h...
For: idioms contest
The queen wheeping over her fallen king. Updated version, thanks to Warlock for the suggestions.
For: water contest
...that I love you? Main focus on the head so the titlle and the photo merge.
For: teddy love contest
Most textures are standard in Bryce 7.0, the others I made and are in the SBS
For: music mayhem contest
All textures used are basic textures in Bryce 7 ple. More info on Da Vincis tank: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Science_and_inventions_of_Leonardo_da_Vinci Used as reference: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Leonardo-Tank.jpg
For: wmd contest
For: two seagulls contest
“The past is not dead. In fact, it's not even past.†William Faulkner
For: violin contest
For: diptych contest
All the ropes are handmade
For: mill contest
For: chess piece contest
Over centuries Saint Luke has been the patron of painters and artists. In this work he's shielded for the worldly temptations of pxleyes. On his belt you can see a paintbrush, a computer mouse and a camera. Kept the rest of the image empty because some stuff will be added later on, like the lo...
For: the eye 3 contest
Hand drawn in Photoshop with just the smudge tool. More explanation in the SBS.
For: broken heart contest
2 more sources in SBS
For: magicsteve contest