God's coffeetable object

For: snail contest
For: snail contest
The animalworlds finest show off what they are made off.
For: animal world contest
For: sand crab contest
The ball reminded me of Indiana Jones... No outside sources, used Artrage to make this.
For: stone ball contest
My first try at digital painting, it's not good but I'm happy with it. I used Artrage to do this. MementoMori-stock credited at his other account as requested http://m3ment0m0ri.deviantart.com/
For: freak show contest
This is a friend of mine, her uncut photo is in the SBS.
For: older beauty contest
Source 3: thanks to micromoth @ SXC.HU, he/she is also notified.
For: african man contest
PLEASE CHECK HIGH-RES! "All you need is some seeds, water and color" didn't fit the lyrics for that Beatles song, so the named it "All you need is Love". But this is the way it is.
For: glass sphere contest