
washed up feather and weed on a pebble beach in Wales
For: washed up contest
washed up feather and weed on a pebble beach in Wales
For: washed up contest
melon macro. not sure but i think its a cantaloupe?
this is a capoeira move called S Dobrado. this is a VERY advanced moves that many masters cannot do - this girl is a FIRST belt!
impossible equilibrium. we were told we wouldnt be able to get more than two ppl to do this, we actually got 7 but this is the best pic and i joined in at 7 so i didnt take that one. i did this one tho :)
a friend of mine who is terrified of heights takes a plunge into a lake after doing a zip line from a cliff into a lake
peacock feather macro f7.1 iso 100 100mm -2ev external flash gun at -2/3ev
For: symmetry contest
iso 1600, f4.5, 1/320th
For: song title contest