Chicken Egg

Plastic egg in a rope loop on Easter day hunt. My own photo, slight color correction in Lightroom.
For: easter eggs contest
Plastic egg in a rope loop on Easter day hunt. My own photo, slight color correction in Lightroom.
For: easter eggs contest
2 main photos and lots of layers in PS Elements, with final coloring and shading in Lightroom. All my own photos.
For: the mask contest
White balance corrected in Lightroom, otherwise as-is
Don't ever mess with T-Rex's snack food.
For: path contest
Odd things thrive outside of the metal works plant.
For: metal things contest
For: shallow DOF in red contest
Long live the King.
For: sand king contest
The Devil is another of the popularly misunderstood cards of the Tarot, perhaps second only to Death in this category. In our modern world we do not like to think that there is a seed of negativity in everyone, so we assume that anything bad that happens must be the work of some outside Devil, who ...
For: in the cards contest
The family that morphs together is always changing.
For: morphing contest
8 second exposure using a flashlight above and twine to create the smoke effect.
For: single light source contest
Completely dark room, reflective base, vase of water, open shutter, drop tomato hoping to hit the opening of vase, fire single flash manually from one side as tomato hits water, close shutter, clean up spilled water, repeat until you get the perfect splash of tomato. Add Vodka as needed.
For: single light source contest
For: upview 2 contest
Light-painted Goldfish snacks making a getaway.
For: everything fish 3 contest
For: natural gradient 2 contest
The name orangutan is derived from the Malay and Indonesian words orang meaning “person†and hutan meaning “forestâ€, thus “person of the forestâ€.
Dude with a hat, $20 bill, and a woman from the Renaissance fair.
A magical car indeed.
For: antique ad posters contest
Would you rather lick a plastic ball or a tiny Elephant?
For: ps tournament 5 round 1 contest