Lonely Tap
2 sources images - removed trees - added shadow and highlights plus contrast.
2 sources images - removed trees - added shadow and highlights plus contrast.
2 sources used, added shadows and colour corrections.
Was inspired by the movie Attack On Titan were it appears over the wall at the beginning.
For: puppetize me contest
For: vampirize contest
Only one external source used which was masked and blended to suit.
I had to edit my image due to copyright. I appologies for this guys.
3 out sources used, reflections created in photoshop
3 external sources were used. The rain and water droplets were created in photoshop and a couple of adjustment layers were also added.
Chopped the woman from the background and placed her in the rose then on separate layers added the shadows. Thanks to Björgvin Guðmundsson for the image.
For: rose thorns contest
Thanks goes to catalin82 for the image.
For: weave zoom contest
Thanks to c-louise for the image.
For: rose thorns contest
Thanks to the following persons: lprbrenda, malan512, lusi, susiet, TouTouke, for the use of their images. Additional splashes were created with a 59 splash brush on a seperate layer.
For: hallway contest
Thanks to getye1 for the use of his image.
For: ten holes contest
Thanks goes to: manitou, wilmath, memeuL, straymuse, djeyewater, from sxc.hu for the use of their images.
For: closed book contest
All external sources. Thanks go to the following: http://www.sxc.hu/photo/1272216 http://www.sxc.hu/photo/1200003 http://www.sxc.hu/photo/1272764 http://www.sxc.hu/photo/734343 http://www.sxc.hu/photo/1279302
For: blue dolphin contest
One external source was used and thanks goes to sriimage of sxc.hu, for the rippled water and white wash both were created in photoshop, as for the dolphin the source image was used for reference.
For: blue dolphin contest