singing and crying clown

For: glass holder contest
For: glass holder contest
Sepia done in post production with PS
For: sepia toning contest
This is the old workshop of my grandfather (Sepia by Photoshop)
For: sepia toning contest
Sepia done in post production with PS
For: sepia toning contest
When we where kids we use to sneak in our grandmothers kitchen to find the marmalade jar. Grandmother was there all day long cooking,baking & the house was smelling just great... Back then! Sepia tone was made in PS cs4.
For: sepia toning contest
Converted to sepia in Photoshop.
For: sepia toning contest
Back where everything was pure & real! My camera does not support sepia so i made it in PS.
For: sepia toning contest
Empty glass at front is air.
For: the elements contest
For: the elements contest
Thanks to nitty-stock and JR3
For: male fairies contest
Here in this work i just followed a simple modeling of the things and i concentrated more in lighting and render settings to get a photo realistic output and i hope i succeeded 75%.i wanna add more details to them but i dont wanna cross the deadline..and i have given the link for the reference ima...
For: food contest
The work done in 3ds max and vray and no external textures and worked simply with reflections and refractions of the material
For: crown me contest
Max,Vray default materials
For: crown me contest
The work done in 3ds max and vray.. and default materials my last entry for the the environment back ground i used an image.credits to is just a simple 3ds max modeling process with poly modeling
For: crown me contest
I just want to create an old indian king's crown.Modeled in 3ds max and rendered with the simple vray materials and rendered in Vray.and with the simple studio light set up has been used and for the environment credits to morguefile..i hope i did my best in this.
For: crown me contest
3ds max,Vray,default VrayMtl
For: crown me contest
An entry i created 2 years ago for PST. Made a few minor changes since, and thought this fitted the theme nicely.
Sorry It came out so dark! ;o; When I was colouring it, it looked normal, but when I went to look at it on my sister's laptop... er... I guess it looks dark (since my desktop screen is lighter, I guess?). I don't know, I bearly got my new computer! So either way I guess I'm happy~ -- ps. I tried...
For: manga contest
I'm a fan of Manga for a long time ^^. This is the first time I try digital drawing and also manga. Hope you like it!. Every comments and criticisms are welcome :D
For: manga contest