1936 comments given:
no avatar

just adorable

(5 years and 1314 days ago)

High Five Mr Otter
no avatar

oh NO! I understood and knew what you are portraying .. Nerdy Geeks together Author . then the Mothership it is .

(5 years and 1316 days ago)

Space Station Sput Nik
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(5 years and 1316 days ago)

The Irish Kitten with Italian Pompadour
no avatar

yep . this is a mothership for sure. nice entry.

(5 years and 1316 days ago)

no avatar


(5 years and 1316 days ago)

Space Camp
no avatar

this is a fun way to present the entry . love your mother ship

(5 years and 1316 days ago)

The Nerd Rag
no avatar

nice entry . not sure it is the MOTHER ship but love the creativity .

(5 years and 1316 days ago)

Space Station Sput Nik
no avatar

lots to see in this image.. a space exploration .

(5 years and 1316 days ago)

Space Station Needles
no avatar

this is the mother of space stations.

(5 years and 1316 days ago)

The Rainbow Tin Can Chain Station  TIME FOLDING
no avatar

yes I agree.. love the final finish. this is a wonderful entry . good luck

(5 years and 1316 days ago)

Far, far away
no avatar

space city .. nice

(5 years and 1316 days ago)

Shang Highed Space Station
no avatar

love your creation

(5 years and 1316 days ago)

The bee rider
no avatar

I am allergic to bees . this is too scary .

(5 years and 1316 days ago)

no avatar

great use of source.. nice out come

(5 years and 1316 days ago)

Bee Man
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(5 years and 1316 days ago)

Entry number 96872
no avatar

this this guy.. he would be the buzz about town

(5 years and 1316 days ago)

Who Pooped on my Lawn?
no avatar

great job.. interesting image.

(5 years and 1316 days ago)

Helmet Bumble Girl
no avatar

and the race is on.. the winner is....

(5 years and 1316 days ago)

the royal jelly brigade
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(5 years and 1316 days ago)

Bee Flower
no avatar

fun creative image

(5 years and 1316 days ago)

Caterpillar Flying Fish Bee
no avatar

it was worth the work.. love the final image you have submitted.. good luck with the entry

(5 years and 1316 days ago)

no avatar


(5 years and 1321 days ago)

Letter G  With Flowers And A Bird
no avatar

If the entry is removed for rules reason.. REDO. Mods and members alike are here to help and support. go forth and inspire with your creative talents. don't give up .

(5 years and 1321 days ago)

Entry number 96977
no avatar

congrats. as a sword fighter myself love this.

(5 years and 1321 days ago)

Burn Down the Mission, if you want to stay alive.
no avatar

congrats. lovely entry.

(5 years and 1321 days ago)

A Boy and his Bear
no avatar

congrats .. great job .. love all the hard work and improvements you did along the way

(5 years and 1321 days ago)

The Monk
no avatar

congrats .

(5 years and 1321 days ago)

Holland waterway
no avatar

Keep going.. love the concept of your entry. Our site offers lots of links to photo sites. Please redo your entry .

WELCOME and I look forward to seeing more entries from you in the future.

(5 years and 1321 days ago)

Entry number 96977
no avatar

Congrats George 55.

(5 years and 1321 days ago)

UFO Crash Witness
no avatar

congrats.. great entry ..

(5 years and 1321 days ago)

no avatar

bats in the belfry. nice entry

(5 years and 1322 days ago)

Bat Lamp Haunt
no avatar

awesomely cool. great job

(5 years and 1322 days ago)

Royal Air Corps
no avatar

congrats on your entry.. may I give you a couple of tips. if you look at your cut out, especially the arm on the left of screen ( and other parts) it has a very "zig-zag" finish. to help fix that :

get a small brush .. round - hardness 0. size small ( will vary on the size of your image but start small.. eg 10-25

go to the image layer , click on it.. add layer mask. ( use mask not eraser.. easy to fix image issues).. now using soft brush on mask.colour black to take away , white to bring it back, go around the edges of your image and "smooth" them out

hope this helps.


(5 years and 1323 days ago)

Her Royal Highness, Princess StreetLamp
no avatar

love the colour palette you have used in this image. striking.

(5 years and 1326 days ago)

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(5 years and 1328 days ago)

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(5 years and 1328 days ago)

Jane Porter
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(5 years and 1328 days ago)

Blue eyes
no avatar

Third place. great job .. worth the hard work to keep it in the contest. love your work Oana. Did not realise it was your entry.

(5 years and 1328 days ago)

no avatar


(5 years and 1328 days ago)

Where Monsters Work
no avatar

i like the work you have done.. so glad you stuck at it . a cool outcome

(5 years and 1329 days ago)

no avatar

beautiful enhancements

(5 years and 1330 days ago)

Jane Porter
no avatar

I like this one better than the Gothic. all the best.

(5 years and 1330 days ago)

The Ted Turner Moll
no avatar

eye makeup is very well done. love the final change

(5 years and 1330 days ago)

Beauty and the Photoshop beast
no avatar

nice and natural hair redo. lovely image finish

(5 years and 1330 days ago)

no avatar


(5 years and 1335 days ago)

no avatar


(5 years and 1335 days ago)

A Wat of Angkor
no avatar

agree smart use of the horns for the nails. good use of source . a great over all image.

(5 years and 1335 days ago)

no avatar

already looks better or if you have not up loaded a different image , it could be the size I viewed.. keep up the good work .

(5 years and 1336 days ago)

no avatar

like your entry.. with 12 days to go maybe play with some layers and blending to give the skull that SKIN look . explore tutorials that combine items to look as one. GOOD LUCK.

(5 years and 1336 days ago)

no avatar

convincing .. beautiful transition .

(5 years and 1338 days ago)
