German Shepherd

For: dogs contest
I wanted to do something like this for a long time, and seeing the cross gave me the opportunity. No other sources used.
For: jesus cross contest
thank you mods for bringing it back to the contest
For: dogs contest
she's not a little girl anymore.. happy and inlove.. enjoying life to the fullest.. ..well, I saw her with her the woods =)
For: cat fun contest
This is my first digital drawing/painting.
For: cat fun contest
Ok I've never been to Paris, but guess the eiffel tower looks roughly like this.
No other sources; The image was created with Photoshop and CorelDRAW
For: globe contest
used only source and skills I had learned from the linked tut
source and PS
For: empty plate contest
Only source image used. Just something I have been messing with.
For: empty plate contest
a study for a painting in a series i am working on charcoal and pastel on paper 12"x18" had to adjust the brightness and contrast on a picture editor.
For: surrealism contest
Only vector masks, filters, adjustments and layer masks.
Thanks to Kechake-Stock for her excellent model Thanks to Ilovemuffin-Stock for her dramatic sky Thanks to texurestockbyhjs for the birds
source/my pics/ps7
Used only the source image and painting.
Entire image made of text. Some effects were added.