Analyse Me Gently

Working on SBS
For: tortoise contest
Working on SBS
For: tortoise contest
mountains brushes - JavierZhX
Credits to nexus35-Stock liam-stock
use a part of hand and liquify tools
For: joecacia contest
For: joecacia contest
"Nine out of ten people like chocolate. The tenth person always lies." - John Q. Tullius
For: carl warner contest
Thanks to NASA for the wonderful photo of the Lagoon Nebula.
For: power supply contest
I saw the wonderful textures in the source and naturally thought of dragon skin and shiny horns! So I spent hours turning the source into this guy!!!
For: power supply contest
Just the source
For: power supply contest
I can't even keep one of *these* going?!? I should have bought the warranty... Thanks to loungerie, Mattox, Cesar Vonc, Wojtek Starak and rubyblossom Redone to reflect contest guidelines
For: robopets contest
For: pashmina contest
thank you to *Lisajen-stock for the use of her photo
I understand that I am not the first person to have this idea, but I wanted to try it for a long time. I tried to do this kind of manipulation a while back by following a tutorial, but the result was terrible and unfortunately I don't have the link of the tutorial, I wish I could credit it. I wil...
Thanks to mymy for the pic of the full moon.
For: rubber ducks contest
Who knows what lurks beneath the waves in toy land!
For: rubber ducks contest
No sources used
For: let it rain contest