yellow snow

Snow can be yellow for the stock photos
Snow can be yellow for the stock photos
Why did the elephant paint his toenails red? So he could hide in the strawberry patch. thanks to the following for stock photos. ReapRevenge thanks once again for stock photo. Wings of a Hero ht... thanks for the great fish photos. thanks to the following for the model stock: thanks for the wreck
For: hawkbit contest
add background apply pattern overlay add frame. blur edges add candle, blur edges and burn fill frame with gradient duplicate candle , soft light layerblend, lower opacity soft erase flames on both candles use brushes to create soul,add gradient overlay. shadows: duplicate frame and ca...
For: the soul contest
After many years we were told We would have a baby To love and to hold. Emotions dancing above the clouds The miracle of birth Finally ours a swollen belly and love filled hands a family making baby plans a little life so tiny and yet so bold dad wonders what baby will be when gr...
Credits and thankyou for stock photos to the following: Thank you to Falln_Stock for Skeleton Thanks to LongStock for Pirate Stockz4U for pirate ship Trish the stocker...
For: zip it contest
PLEASE READ: the theme said near or distant future. I have gone for near future. A mother's dream of the future. This depicts how a mother sees her future. ---- sleeping past the alarm. I know this is very different to all other posters... FEEDBACK welcomed THANKS TO THE FOLLOWING F...
For: future views contest
source only. Mind your fingers , I BITE! Ok reworked ... look forward to your feedback.. thanks
For: leaves contest Thanks to Neville 6000 for his photo of “Well dressed Man” SCREEN PRINT OF PERMISSION IS IN STEPS I HAVE POSTED A VINTAGE COLOURED COPY OF ""AMPED UP"" IN STEPS. Here is the rest of the resources ht...
For: steam punk contest
thanks to Dannystock for the photo of yellow water lily. thank you Iribel for photo of little girl . photo downloaded from Eirian ..Iribel's site link is
a special thanks to Eirian stock from deviantart for the photo of girl with candle thanks to for the photo of the owl SBS to follow. this will take me a few days to up load.
1st , add cloud layer, add grass layer, add cows, blur edges of cow, add grass overlay and use grass brush to add extra strands. blur some for the distance. hue/sat overlay for shadows, gaussian blur clouds thanks for the advice, amended entry. i like the stump idea i think it looks better.
For: burger contest
plastic bags are an enviromental hazaard. go green and buy our range of plastic bag beach wear. no need to throw away your shopping bags we can send you a DIY kit so you can make your own. send $9.95 to 123 @ baggybaby.gogreen SBS: transform bag to clothing.. blur edges... hue/sat overla...
For: go green contest
water like lifes other essentials is precious. so much of it is wasted, polluted and dismissed. It is time that we reflect and see how IMPORTANT the role of water really is. STOP! REFLECT! SAVE! HOW? SHOWER WITH A FRIEND this image was created to make one reflect on the magic of...
For: go green contest
this is my first source only creation. no other images were used to create this clock. image-adjustments-brightness/contrast. to darken bread settings.-35 -70-100.. to lighten+35+70+100 I used custom shapes for fancy work -link provided for shapes( i was given this set as a gift ,howeve...
For: bread stack contest