A rainy day

A rainy day provides an opportunity to capture a different side of nature.
For: best things contest
A rainy day provides an opportunity to capture a different side of nature.
For: best things contest
Smile :)
For: white bike contest
Someone had to do it. I simply have no more time to spend on this entry, otherwise I would have made many changes.
For: snow globes contest
For: diptych contest
I didn't think condensation would be so hard. 2% of the time it took to create this was modeling it, the other 98% was trying to get it to look right.
For: pxl beer contest
This was modeled after a real Mossberg 590 Persuader.
For: mixed contest
Starry night, in its popped out form.
For: stepping out contest
For: your name contest
A Fractal made from colorful crayons.
For: fractals contest
A model of a desk lamp coming out of the screen and becoming real.
For: your desk contest
White tub in a green room.
For: tub fun contest
This pumpkin pattern allowed its carver to reach through the eyes to clean out the seeds, thus no "top" to cut out. ;)
Modeled after my very own.
For: coffee contest
A simple, yet realistic looking drop of water in a pond modeled in Modo. The reflection image is part of the standard modo package.
For: water drops contest
High speed photography of a pipe wrench crashing through an egg.
For: motion contest