Tennis Ball - Face Mask!

thanks to flickr &
For: tennis ball contest
thanks to flickr &
For: tennis ball contest
edit: updated...sorry was to late but I was not home this day :)
For: fountain contest
thx for the stock images
For: hand sign contest
Thanks and credits to flobele
For: hand sign contest
Only the source image is used.
For: dwarf contest
Poor little drunk dude is seeing things ;P ♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪ All source... Reference used... Bubble brush used...
For: dwarf contest
Hi all.... please help me with ur fabulous comments.... to makeup this one..
For: papaya tree contest
For: papaya tree contest
All source with Reference :)
For: papaya tree contest
Used the source image, Photoshop CS4 and CorelDraw for some of the small shapes and stems
For: papaya tree contest
Just having fun with color and water...hope you enjoy!
For: killer frog contest
They attack at dusk because their weak eyes can't stand the daylight. Why they can build highly advanced drill attack ships but never invented sunglasses remains a mystery.
For: cork screw contest
toughest of all my works.... took me a lot of time..........
For: cork screw contest
in my memory tea cup is the first thing that I draw
For: drinks contest
For: male fairies contest
In case you weren't sure yet, aliens do exist à nd they know the way to planet Earth! The humans hoped they came with the world peace where they longed to for so long already, but nope...these aliens -the Blurks- just want to take over the world, which they did pretty successful too! All the world...
C4D, CS3 and 1 source.... SBS is coming!!!!
For: bulb contest