Devil's Face
I used only the source image. Tried to make a new creature face.
For: bird face contest
I used only the source image. Tried to make a new creature face.
For: bird face contest
I have used one outside source of apple. Thanks to Author;Oscarsol
For: apple press contest
This is second time I adding to this contest because I did a double entry because of network problem. One entry is there for the same but that is not in my account. so please consider this one is the real one. The hand from Pxleyes contest named as Hand Sign. Back ground rain: - Add new fol...
I used one external source of Apple thanks to Author: Oscarsol The floor: filled with the ps pattern.
For: empty plate contest
no outside source i used. fingers: copy the bottle neck and warp to make the different finger shapes. then merge together with the hand. In the back ground I applied some burn and dodge tool to create a shape of face.
ion I have used one external source of Pool table. Thanks to Author: sufinawaz The striker: Eliptical marque tool, fill with colour, add shadow, burn, dodge, and change the colour to light red. Nose and face from the source hand. the carpet: render - cloudes, chan...
For: hand sign contest
I have used two external sources of Bird and the back ground pictures. thanks to Author: rolve Author: oOlemon
For: leaf closeup contest
Only source image is used.
For: deco girl contest
No outside source.
I used one external source of Mouse Thanks to Author: lockstockb
For: bathing cat contest
I used only the source image.
I used one external source of Lion thanks to Author: GermanGirl - Cloning, masking
For: grandpa contest
I used one external source of birds thanks to Author:fds Modified.
For: red flower contest
I used only the source image. Modified.
For: berries contest
No external source. only used the source image.
For: gaudi style contest
I used only the source image.
For: fifty cents contest
I used only the source image. I modifed. add light and little black background and shadow to make night effect.
For: guard contest
I used one outer source of the statue Thanks to Author: tlacuache7 The Bow and arrows made from the source file only.
For: amish chair contest
I used only the source file
For: banana bench contest
I have used only the source image.
For: tourist ship contest
I used two external sources of Earth and Sea thanks to and Authors: ba 1969, Author: danieli2
Only source image used.
For: skyscraper window contest
I used only the source image. Wings and tail modified
I used one external source of Clown thanks and Author: LeeA
For: sofa render contest