Playing Keyboard

Playing Keyboard
For: music contest
Old string instrument from arabia
For: music contest
Wood lumber tree trunk
For: circles 3 contest
Reflection of citrus slices on glass
For: food 2 contest
Owl Photographers are weird.
For: flying junk machines contest
Time is dripping of my hand. A Dali like attempt.
For: pocket watch contest
For: beheaded contest
The Weekly Magazine For Women
There's always another UFO story in the news, most are proven fakes but not all... I wanted to put the newspaper in an environment rather than just show the front page so I thought this would make it more interesting. I extended the bench and cloned out the man in the background. Alien was altered...
For: old green tractor contest
Espen Lind - When Susannah Cries When Susannah cries She cries a rainstorm She cries a river She cries a hole in the ground She cries for love She cries a sad song She cries a shiver Sometimes she cries for me too And I say I'll never hurt her But she knows it isn't true Cause although I never to...