1367 comments given:
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skyangel says:


(5 years and 560 days ago)

Visiting His Girlfriend
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skyangel says:

I love the story this one tells. Very amusing.
A couple of adjustments are needed.... The muzzle of the front bear is fading into the fish too much. It needs to be sharper, less faded.
The foot of the bear at the back has obviously been cloned from the foot of the front bear but the claws are facing the wrong direction. They need a horizontal flip.

(5 years and 561 days ago)

I do not know...they just showed up !
avatar skyangel
skyangel says:

Congratulations Sylvie. You did a good job of turning the person into marble.

(5 years and 561 days ago)

Four hands Madonna
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skyangel says:

(5 years and 562 days ago)

The blob
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skyangel says:

Looks like the kids are having a lot of fun.
I agree about removing the pole.

(5 years and 563 days ago)

avatar skyangel
skyangel says:

I remember that fun little pac man game. Your pac bug is very cute. You did a good job of making the balls.
Suggested improvements..... The cloning of the grass and wall areas need some attention because it is too obvious. Good cloning should be almost invisible.
That area where you cut the wall back looks like you cloned from the left wall. I suggest you clone from the right wall of the source image because the cloned lines still need to be vertical not diagonal.

(5 years and 563 days ago)

pac bugs
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skyangel says:


(5 years and 563 days ago)

Musician hand
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skyangel says:

That looks like some ooey gooey fun stuff my grandkids would love to play with.

(5 years and 563 days ago)

The blob
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skyangel says:

She's a cutie.

(5 years and 564 days ago)

Butterfly Suzy
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skyangel says:

I am not going to red flag it. The mods will eventually decide if a toy qualifies as a statue/sculpture or not. In my opinion all toys qualify as statues though. Dolls are just mini 3D statues or models of people, animals or cartoons.
I just thought the contest idea was more along this line.....

(5 years and 566 days ago)

Littel Red Frostie
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skyangel says:

Interesting sculpture but the perspective is all wrong. Look at the where the wall meets the floor on the art visitors source and make sure the new wall and floor meet in the same place. The green box would also be a lot lower and visible from under the bench in the area where the feet are. The top of that box should be the same perspective as the top of the bench.

(5 years and 566 days ago)

avatar skyangel
skyangel says:

Where is the sculpture that you created? You have done nothing to the source images except cut out and resize the chocolate and paste it on top of the other.

(5 years and 567 days ago)

...choco tower in Prague
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skyangel says:

Your masha is already a statue. We are not allowed to use sources which are already sculptures or statues. The idea is to make one out of something which is not a sculpture or stature.

(5 years and 567 days ago)

Littel Red Frostie
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skyangel says:


(5 years and 568 days ago)

Rio Christ Construction
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skyangel says:

Goodness me. How can people stand being in all that smoke? I would be choking.

(5 years and 571 days ago)

Beyond the Prayer Flags
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skyangel says:

Looks superb in black and white. I love it.

(5 years and 571 days ago)

Smoke that Smoke
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skyangel says:

Congratulations on 1st and 3rd George.

(5 years and 575 days ago)

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skyangel says:

Congratulations on 3rd and 4th place Ernest.

(5 years and 575 days ago)

Stirk Polly
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skyangel says:

Congratulations. Excellent work as always.

(5 years and 575 days ago)

Robo Chameleon
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skyangel says:

Great work.

(5 years and 580 days ago)

Robo Chameleon
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skyangel says:

A very unusual teacup. I want one.

(5 years and 581 days ago)

avatar skyangel
skyangel says:

Well done.

(5 years and 582 days ago)

Rio Christ Construction
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skyangel says:

Congratulations Randy. Very creative idea. Love those wheels.

(5 years and 582 days ago)

Pepper Cart
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skyangel says:

Congratulations George. The sun and moon look great.

(5 years and 582 days ago)

avatar skyangel
skyangel says:

Great work on 3rd.

(5 years and 582 days ago)

United Republic Of Pxleyes Coinage
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skyangel says:


(5 years and 582 days ago)

Show me the money
avatar skyangel
skyangel says:

Congratulations Loyd. A well deserved win.

(5 years and 582 days ago)

Apollo 13 Fifty Year Commemorative Coin
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skyangel says:

Congratulations George.

(5 years and 589 days ago)

Random Items
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skyangel says:

Congratulations BWR

(5 years and 589 days ago)

Special Delivery
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skyangel says:

Congratulations Lolu.

(5 years and 589 days ago)

Royal candlestick
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skyangel says:

Congratulations BWR. A well deserved win.

(5 years and 589 days ago)

A Robot and His Car
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skyangel says:

You could have put both in the contest if they look different enough. You are allowed more than one in a contest.

(5 years and 591 days ago)

A Robot and His Car
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skyangel says:

Just as well since we couldn't have a orphaned elephant. That would create a very sad mother.

(5 years and 591 days ago)

Special Delivery
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skyangel says:

Very well done. Cute story with a stork bringing a baby elephant to mama. Must be a very strong stork.

(5 years and 591 days ago)

Special Delivery
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skyangel says:

Great work.

(5 years and 591 days ago)

A Robot and His Car
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skyangel says:

Very nicely done

(5 years and 591 days ago)

Royal candlestick
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skyangel says:

Excellent. I love it. It looks good enough to make a real coin from that design.

(5 years and 594 days ago)

Apollo 13 Fifty Year Commemorative Coin
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skyangel says:


(5 years and 596 days ago)

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skyangel says:

Congratulations Olga.

(5 years and 596 days ago)

Elephant Ear
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skyangel says:

Congratulations Randy.

(5 years and 596 days ago)

Ponzo Railway
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skyangel says:

Congratulations George

(5 years and 596 days ago)

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skyangel says:


(5 years and 598 days ago)

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skyangel says:

Luigy looks a bit rough for wear. Too much jumping in and out of pipes? He needs refining around the edges.

(5 years and 598 days ago)

avatar skyangel
skyangel says:

Ahh, you were going to try the walking on water trick?

(5 years and 600 days ago)

Feels like jesus, looking down
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skyangel says:

Fascinating. What on earth are you standing on ?.... A mirror? I decided it cant be a puddle because the shoes still look dry.
The bright spot in the center tends to grab the attention though. Not sure if you wanted that to be the focal point?
If it was mine, I would crop it just below that bright spot to keep the focus on the feet and that mysterious ground.

(5 years and 601 days ago)

Feels like jesus, looking down
avatar skyangel
skyangel says:

I love the light and shadows and that rusty pot. A very unique entry. One of my favorites.

(5 years and 601 days ago)

Chestnut tree
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skyangel says:

Try making a copy of the section and placing it on a new layer. Then blur it so the spot disappears and merge it back with the original layer.

(5 years and 601 days ago)

Papa Tree, Mama Tree, Baby Tree
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skyangel says:

Much Better.

(5 years and 602 days ago)

Ganesh blessing
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skyangel says:

Source links? SBS?

(5 years and 603 days ago)

stairs, only viewed differently
avatar skyangel
skyangel says:

Congratulations for taking out the top 4.

(5 years and 603 days ago)

In Prayer