Veni Vidi Women

The Weekly Magazine For Women
The Weekly Magazine For Women
Thanks to all the photographers whose photos I've used!
For: silo contest
Please view in High Resolution for all the details. All other sources used are listed below as there was not enough spaces provided. Thanks to the following artists from DeviantArt for the use of their stock: tanit-isis-stock for the girl taeliac-stock for the hat deathangel for the hose A...
For: steampunk 2 contest
Only source image used.
For: fly macro contest
Does anyone knows what it's mean?:)
For: gas pump contest
A little ambient and some flash.. A speedlight held in a 42" reflected umbrella with a dodgy umbrella bracket. Constantly worried about seeing the speedlight fall..... fortunately, No flashes were harmed during this photoshoot
For: l is for contest
The musical notes were made with the Custom Shape tool.....
For: angel contest
I was having fun with PS and thought of sharing :P Hope u like it Important: check SBS & HIGH RES.
For: autumn leaf contest
I might as well show one more that I liked doing, took a real long time to put together all of the images,...too many to show or find again.
For: welcome back contest
For: anonymous portraits contest
For: the colors of fall 2 contest
One more (own) source in the SBS, background is selfmade.
For: game based contest