Meager Rations

Only half a peanut?
For: in the box 2 contest
Only half a peanut?
For: in the box 2 contest
Done with Topaz Glow.
For: one filter 2 contest
Done with Droste filter in Gimp. Apparently the Droste filter does not work with any photoshop versions after V5. Those who still want to use it can use it in Gimp. Gimp is a free graphics program and the filter is free too.
For: one filter 2 contest
My son got his paramedic degree and we are all very proud of him. His brother is standing beside him with a look of pride on his face.
For: adult men contest
Since I don't have fancy flashlights and backgrounds to set this up indoors, I simply went outside, used sunlight and the sky as a background. I taped the wineglass to a tripod and placed it on an angle. I put my camera on another tripod and separated them far enough so I could reach both. I filled...
For: a glass of 2 contest
The following site has the history of this aircraft.
For: disasters 2 contest
It was useful in its day.
For: wood contest
A private place to sit and chat with a friend about the old times. ;-)
For: wood contest
For: adult women contest
I made the dining set from twigs, bark and acorn shells.
For: brown contest
Hurry up and get one before they are gone.
For: brown contest
Some people keep these lizards as pets.
My grandson was nursing a wild little bird back to health.
Seven images stitched together in Photoshop using photomerge.
For: panorama 4 contest
The best place to find ingredients for honey making.
For: flowers 3 contest
Flowers on a tropical shrub.
For: flowers 3 contest