
For: hats 2 contest
All dressed up to help mum with the baking.
For: hats 2 contest
A small amount of methylated spirits burning on a baking tray with ice thrown on top of it.
For: fire and ice contest
The small candles were frozen in a cup of water. They were placed on a baking tray with another baking tray behind them. A small amount of methylated spirits was put on top of them before I lit them. The methylated spirits makes the flame blue.
For: fire and ice contest
A backyard bonfire at night.
For: fire and ice contest
Grade 1 learning about vowels.
For: learning contest
A retired teacher was doing some voluntary work in a historical village. He was answering questions about what school was like 50 years ago.
For: learning contest
When leaves change colour from green to red, its a sign that Autumn has arrived.
For: the colors of fall 2 contest
Do you see a fish face?
For: the colors of fall 2 contest
Set up indoors on my old scratched dining room table with the light coming from the window on the left. No other lighting used.
For: dictionaries contest
If you visit Queensland in Summer, do not swim in the open ocean. Swim inside the nets. The stingers are jelly fish and they can be fatal.
Planning to build a sandcastle. Start with digging a mote?
This is how to make a living while building sand sculptures on the beach. Anyone want to be a professional sand artist?
For: wild birds contest