Sunset on Lake Tinaroo

For: sunsets and sunrises 2 contest
For: sunsets and sunrises 2 contest
An iron statue of Ned Kelly on his horse.
For: black 3 contest
To sit and rest from your walk around the park.
For: park bench 2 contest
This is the view from my backyard
For: sunsets and sunrises 2 contest
From a cats perspective.
For: just chairs contest
They are dead and decaying
An overcast day at the beach.
For: just chairs contest
Empty chairs in a waiting room.
For: just chairs contest
The strawberries were placed on a mirror which was placed on a chair which I had a black cloth draped over. The light came from the window. No other lighting was used.
Two bulls
For: cattle 3 contest
Fattening up some Beef.
For: cattle 3 contest
Under a pier light at night.
Metal mobile ornaments which spin around in the wind.
For: geometrical shapes contest
Three shells on a mirror.
For: textures 3 contest
Rocks carved by water from river.
For: textures 3 contest
Colourful rocks in a dry river bed.
For: textures 3 contest