108 comments given:
avatar slayyou
slayyou says:

it looks so much more alive this way i usaly make multiple exposures to achieve this effect but this works as well!

(5 years and 3844 days ago)

Storm Clouds (HDR)
avatar slayyou
slayyou says:

jks i have no idea how you call these animals in english but they are awsome really love it!

(5 years and 3844 days ago)

Guard Duty
avatar slayyou
slayyou says:

it certainly looks old

(5 years and 3844 days ago)

witch hut
avatar slayyou
slayyou says:

aww the litle cowlet is sooo cute!

(5 years and 3844 days ago)

Cow and Calf
avatar slayyou
slayyou says:

nice concept man i realy love the pointy tongue!

(5 years and 3844 days ago)

What the ....
avatar slayyou
slayyou says:

now that's inventive!

(5 years and 3844 days ago)

Looking out
avatar slayyou
slayyou says:

wow this is creative and very beatifull love it!

(5 years and 3844 days ago)

avatar slayyou
slayyou says:

image should look brighter and the shadows more acute or els the fire won't look realistic

(5 years and 3844 days ago)

barn on fire
avatar slayyou
slayyou says:

the textures are great it would realy be nice if you showed them to us it'l also stop your entry form getting pulled

(5 years and 3844 days ago)

avatar slayyou
slayyou says:


(5 years and 3844 days ago)

Just Another Day
avatar slayyou
slayyou says:

wow this looks awsome man

(5 years and 3844 days ago)

No Diving
avatar slayyou
slayyou says:

happy in each others arms! gl

(5 years and 3844 days ago)

love u
avatar slayyou
slayyou says:

i think the size is so awsome i feel it symbolises that peace is greater than one man amazing entry you won't need gl

(5 years and 3845 days ago)

Forest Meditation
avatar slayyou
slayyou says:

honestly CMYK46 there is more to photomanipulation than just geting images from deviantart a lot of work goes into it and i find it insulting to all photomanipulators that you would call his work "prefab" especialy since not everyone has a good camera that is capable of taking high quality images to use!

(5 years and 3846 days ago)

Windy Day
avatar slayyou
slayyou says:

hahaha love how wacky the spider looks almost cute ! :>

(5 years and 3846 days ago)

Out of the water came the..
avatar slayyou
slayyou says:

umm thee dinosaurs kinda look flat maybe use the burn and dodge tool more?

(5 years and 3846 days ago)

avatar slayyou
slayyou says:

that lightning realy looks fabulous good job author!!

(5 years and 3846 days ago)

The Storm Worsens
avatar slayyou
slayyou says:

another thing you could maybe fix is the orange colorcast on the water you don't have to remove it just desaturate it a litle it will make it fit with the whole stormy weather feel

(5 years and 3846 days ago)

The Aftermath
avatar slayyou
slayyou says:

this must have taken a while to come up with good job!!

(5 years and 3846 days ago)

Mobile Foilage
avatar slayyou
slayyou says:

i realy like this it realy does look windy over there!

(5 years and 3846 days ago)

hurricane winds
avatar slayyou
slayyou says:

hmm i don't quite know how i would consider this a city maybe add some sighns of life by showing crafts coming of the surface ?

(5 years and 3846 days ago)

borg cube city floating
avatar slayyou
slayyou says:

ohh this is defineatly the best piece yet submited to this competition good job!!

(5 years and 3846 days ago)

avatar slayyou
slayyou says:

it's prety good i understand that you proablychose the simplistic look unpurpose but you might want to put a litle more detail in the water coming out the hole just to make it look more like the water ontop of the island

(5 years and 3847 days ago)

Floating Kingdom
avatar slayyou
slayyou says:

another thing you could do is burn and dodge the city using the mountain you turned upside down as a reference

(5 years and 3847 days ago)

End of Days
avatar slayyou
slayyou says:

this is great i thought it was a picture at first

(5 years and 3847 days ago)

avatar slayyou
slayyou says:

yup this is defineatly a winner

(5 years and 3848 days ago)

Special delivery
avatar slayyou
slayyou says:

wow this is amazing man really like it, it just looks right to me!

(5 years and 3849 days ago)

evil wins
avatar slayyou
slayyou says:

realy sorry man but the colours just aren't doing it for me maybe a more thought out colour scheme? they have amazing ones at adobe.kuler.com.

edit: oww sorry i don't realy know what ozz is but if it has the same colours i'll fry the desighner ;P

(5 years and 3849 days ago)

avatar slayyou
slayyou says:

this is true, one way you could increase definition on those clouds is by duplicating scaling and rotating the existing clouds or the easier way would be to get a free cloud brush from DA. otherwise a dreamy image
edit: i'll explain myself, the clouds in front of the structure that you created look like there is a powerful light source right behind them while in your image there is city behind it even if the light source was there it would cast a shadow on the cloud but now if the light source where to be above everything just like it seems to be in your image the clouds would look like the image here http://alphabettr.com/images/cloud.jpg so that is what i mean when i say i think the clouds need more definition.
Still a very nice and creative image

(5 years and 3850 days ago)

Cloud base
avatar slayyou
slayyou says:

very nice man but the white line has to go or else needs to have more of a purpose in teh city

(5 years and 3850 days ago)

Magician Resort
avatar slayyou
slayyou says:

for me it's bright enough becaus i always keep my screen at maximum brightness but i'd imagine that for the average viewer here it would be too dark try using adjustmet layers to bump up contrast and brightness

(5 years and 3850 days ago)

Terraforming City
avatar slayyou
slayyou says:

it looks fine from a distance but once you look closer i noticed that there where some serious errors here conflicting light sources halos around trees some trees that are wayy too dark for the sky and much more

(5 years and 3850 days ago)

Just an old village
avatar slayyou
slayyou says:

could try making the colours in the scene match better but otherwise great job!

(5 years and 3850 days ago)

A strange place
avatar slayyou
slayyou says:

nice the grass is alive

(5 years and 3850 days ago)

Enter Grassman
avatar slayyou
slayyou says:

you could maybe try using a slight lens blur on the castle but otherwise awsome

(5 years and 3850 days ago)

Dragon Slayer
avatar slayyou
slayyou says:

hey you have that brightness problem too? but yea it would look more like it's floatin if it where actualy in the sky good job besides from that

(5 years and 3851 days ago)

Terraforming City
avatar slayyou
slayyou says:

wow did a slick job on this one

(5 years and 3851 days ago)

Magician Resort
avatar slayyou
slayyou says:

that looks realy slick man good job and gl

(5 years and 3851 days ago)

Otter Buzz Play
avatar slayyou
slayyou says:

now i am not a particular fan of this style but i do think you ought to recieve recomendation for this work, from the colours to the way you made it look almost cut and paste. It all looks realy good

(5 years and 3852 days ago)

Mysterious Journey
avatar slayyou
slayyou says:

wow looks realy homy and realistic good job author!

(5 years and 3852 days ago)

silhouette in gold
avatar slayyou
slayyou says:

man gota hand it to you i like this allot it feels authentic gj

(5 years and 3852 days ago)

Vintage ride
avatar slayyou
slayyou says:

hold on i am very sure i have seen almost the exact image somewhere else

(5 years and 3853 days ago)

The Blue Knight
avatar slayyou
slayyou says:

this is great you did an amazing job on it but i either think you ought to give that lock on the domes the same amount of atention as the rest or just remove it as a whole because in my opinion it doesn't fit with the buble

(5 years and 3853 days ago)

La Defense
avatar slayyou
slayyou says:

i have no idea why but your DOF looks realy messed

(5 years and 3853 days ago)

On Yorkshire moors
avatar slayyou
slayyou says:

great technique pgroably gona use it someday

(5 years and 3854 days ago)

Jelly Venus de Milo
avatar slayyou
slayyou says:

nice nice nice i love abstract and i have a feeling you do too

(5 years and 3854 days ago)

Cubistic Jelly Guitar
avatar slayyou
slayyou says:

wow skilzzzz rlly like this one

(5 years and 3854 days ago)

Winter Holiday Shopping Season
avatar slayyou
slayyou says:

might have been beter if you did a bit more to it

(5 years and 3856 days ago)

industrial bugs 2
avatar slayyou
slayyou says:

i like it the way it is right now it gives a litle more artistic flair to it high marks from me!!

(5 years and 3856 days ago)

avatar slayyou
slayyou says:

lol this is so awsome!

(5 years and 3856 days ago)

Revenge of the Crabs ...