Garden mulch Now

this was a miner flood, but the poor farmer lost lots of feeding hay.
For: farm land contest
this was a miner flood, but the poor farmer lost lots of feeding hay.
For: farm land contest
Little Miss Sophie arrived 7 days after this photo was taken,
For: mother love contest
taken while driving though mountains
For: sun 2 contest
taken out the plane window.
For: sun 2 contest
these were made by my sister, n given as my wedding gift, sorry to say I hated them n divorced now. So got rid of two things I disliked in 1 go. lol
For: pottery contest
made from red food dye n water.
For: valentine contest
hehehehe !!!
For: wearing contest
we have a comp every yr, n we call it the wife carring, n now to make it even we now have husband dragging as well. its a great day out n have heaps of laughs.
For: large crowds contest
after taking this shot, I had to eat the model. hehehe
For: eggs contest