30 comments given:
avatar sodoff
sodoff says:

In and Out is the best burger ever....nice shot

(5 years and 3243 days ago)

In&Out Burger
avatar sodoff
sodoff says:

I love this shot...1st time I have ever added a photo as a favorite

(5 years and 3436 days ago)

springtime in a glass
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sodoff says:

I don't feel it is too over the top...quite the opposite. Nice job.

(5 years and 3446 days ago)

avatar sodoff
sodoff says:

Sad...but art...nice shot author.

(5 years and 3447 days ago)

avatar sodoff
sodoff says:

Seems crazy to suggest you remove it since someone "may" suggest it is not square...can't argue too much with 3 inches by 3 inches...and I really like it

(5 years and 3525 days ago)

Squared-Off Camera
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sodoff says:

Took me a second to get the ugly part since I really like the photo...hate when that stuff spreads all over my lawn

(5 years and 3525 days ago)

The Plague
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sodoff says:

Gotta love American ignorance. Maths is the common plural of math in "British" english.
Nice picture Author.

(5 years and 3530 days ago)

This is how I learnt maths
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sodoff says:

Nice pic...ridiculous amount of controversy. Good luck with this on topic entry. Hopefully the creative aspect prevails.

(5 years and 3566 days ago)

nothing in life is free...
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sodoff says:

Clever idea and sadly Query does not fit the picture at all...it is like a contest that state only 1 person allowed in the photo, some great photos get pulled because they have 2 people in them. Also this easily could be fixed...markup,markdown,marguee(mark+key) etc. Or change the theme for everyone.

(5 years and 3584 days ago)

For Kyricom
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sodoff says:

Looks like halloween to me Author..pumpkins, costumes. Cute

(5 years and 3769 days ago)

Abby Giving Out H1N1 Flu Shots