The Rusty Nuggets

They're a metal band, of course. Thanks to TheMM and CGTextures
They're a metal band, of course. Thanks to TheMM and CGTextures
Can you tell the name of the stage? I hope it's clear that there are two light sources in the environment.
For: favorite video game contest
For: TD dazzle contest
no sources.
For: halloween DD contest
The roots and lights are all drawn by me..
For: four seasons contest
Thanks to Alun Salt at for source for texture layer, Horsehead Nebula
For: fruit contest
She is, understandably, a reluctant bride. Thanks to CGTextures, faestock, mjranum-stock (Marcus Ranum) and dreamweaver69stock for the generous use of their stock.
For: cathedral contest
credits and thanks
For: autumn leaf contest
Done with a pen and poster color.
For: boardgame contest
Source list continues: Soil pattern Trees brush Crow brush Cracks brush http://solalia.devianta...
Thanks to foxtongue, for the pic of the cowboy hat, and to Jonmallard for the pic of the cigar, both pothographers from flickr.
For: ugly cat contest
No sources used, done entirely in painter 9 using the air brush and oil paint brushes
For: flowers dd contest
All photos are mine except the road sign. Thanks to AllWork on flickr for that.
For: misty forest contest
One of my biggest goals in life is to give life to something beautiful that I've dreamed not long ago. I guess it was one of my greatest dreams that brought me peace and love in my soul. When I woke up I stood a while trying to remember on and on my beautiful dream. I can describe my dream through t...
For: dream art contest
Thanks to PiratedPictures, Dracoart-Stock, NightFateStock and Chulii-Stock for their images :)
For: dream art contest
Save Water...Don't let such a moment ever come in our life.......!!!! The hand is my own image provided in the sbs... hope you like it friends...god bless all
For: old tap contest
source PS and My photos and SMOKE BRUSHES
For: old tap contest
source and PS
For: old tap contest