4822 comments given:
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I've discussed the use of the Photo Contest sources with the Contest Moderator and we will allow those sources as an exception this one time but in the future you must obtain permission for Photo Contest images.

You still must correct your links as explained.

(5 years and 728 days ago)

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Remember all sources must be free of copyright and links must show the image used along with the usage terms or license for that image. Do not use the download link for source images, they don't show usage terms or license information.

Source2 link should be: http://www.pxleyes.com/photography-picture/4ce835ebe3a4b/Closeup-rust.html

Source3 link should be: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Livestock_grazing_in_Armenia.jpg

You need to correct those links as required.

It's recommended that you read the Pxleyes Guide found here: http://www.pxleyes.com/courses/pxleyes-guide/
You'll find a forum post All About Sources here: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=5644

(5 years and 728 days ago)

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When posting sources on the entry form place the URL (address) in the top box. The lower box marked "text" is for the description and/or credit for the source. You can still do this by going to your entry and editing your information. Just go to "Profile" in the menu bar at the top of this page then click on "My Entries".

(5 years and 728 days ago)

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You can't remove your entry and leave a white page, you'll get low votes and we won't remove your entry unless you post the original again. You can correct your image with acceptable sources however. Search the recommended sites like Pixabay or one of the others found here: http://www.pxleyes.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=5644

You can find safe images of Godzilla here: https://www.flickr.com/search/?advanced=1&license=1%2C2%2C9%2C10&text=godzilla just don't use illustrations and check the license for the photo you select. You can send me a PM if you aren't sure and I'll check it for you. Be sure to read that forum post I gave you the link for and also check out the Guide found here: http://www.pxleyes.com/courses/guide/

(5 years and 756 days ago)

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CMYK46 is correct those UFOs are renderings and can't be used. There are many UFOs that are photos on sites like Flickr (see this forum post on how to search on Flickr: http://www.pxleyes.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=5644).

I can give you two links which I know are safe to use, this one on Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Moonbeam_UFO.JPG and this one on DeviantArt: https://absurdwordpreferred.deviantart.com/art/Flying-Saucer-160295379 I've checked both and I know they are safe to use, the Wikipedia image is in Public Domain and the one on DeviantArt I verified to be a photo of a scale model. You can find more as I mentioned, if you aren't sure if the ones you find are okay just send me a PM and I'll check them for you.

It's an easy fix but make the correction as soon as you can to avoid a warning from the Contest Moderator.

(5 years and 756 days ago)

...look, Daddy!
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Congrats once again Sylvie!!

(5 years and 907 days ago)

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Congrats Sylvie!!

(5 years and 907 days ago)

Believe in your dreams, always...
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Congrats BWR!!

(5 years and 907 days ago)

Coat of Arms
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Congrats Sylvie!!

(5 years and 907 days ago)

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Congrats George!!

(5 years and 907 days ago)

In The Garden
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Congrats Angel!!

(5 years and 907 days ago)

Denim Dragon
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Congrats sigi!!

(5 years and 954 days ago)

Pay attention to the airplanes
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Congrats Sylvie!!

(5 years and 954 days ago)

Is it a bird, is it a plane?
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Congrats BWR!!

(5 years and 954 days ago)

Robot W
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Congrats George!!

(5 years and 954 days ago)

Agent X-005-2 Undercover
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(5 years and 954 days ago)

Alien with cat eyes
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Congrats Nicky!!

(5 years and 954 days ago)

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Very nicely done and a good SBS! Just so you know when you have more than ten sources you can add them in your description box. Adding them to your SBS is also okay.

(5 years and 968 days ago)

Upon the Hatters Hat
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Very nicely done! I like how the limited use of color adds to the effect!

(5 years and 970 days ago)

Alien with cat eyes
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Congrats again Sylvie!!

(5 years and 970 days ago)

An elephant in the room
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(5 years and 970 days ago)

Jumping the Gun
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Congrats sigi!!

(5 years and 970 days ago)

Needle in a haystack
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Congrats Demi!!

(5 years and 970 days ago)

hello mario
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Congrats Sylvie!!

(5 years and 970 days ago)

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Congrats BWR, nicely done!!

(5 years and 970 days ago)

Mario Brothers Band
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You won't be able to add it to this entry any longer but you could post it in the forum under General Discussion. Write an introduction explaining that you couldn't add it to your entry but thought it might be helpful for some members to see how your entry was made. Be sure to give the link to the entry. At least it will be seen this way.

Members should use the forum more often, it's the place where ideas can be shared and problems discussed, we used it quite a lot in the past and everyone should take advantage of it...there's more to Pxleyes than just the entries, there's much that can be learned by writing, discussing and sharing your thoughts and ideas.

(5 years and 977 days ago)

Joy Ride
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(5 years and 977 days ago)

Caricature of a black puppy
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Congrats George!!

(5 years and 977 days ago)

Just Flying Around....
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Congrats brah!!

(5 years and 977 days ago)

Joy Ride
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Congrats once again Sylvie!!

(5 years and 977 days ago)

I remember...
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Congrats Sylvie!!

(5 years and 977 days ago)

When I grow old, I
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Congrats sigi!!

(5 years and 977 days ago)

One day I
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Congrats once again Sylvie!!

(5 years and 982 days ago)

A Clockwork Orange
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Congrats Sylvie!!

(5 years and 982 days ago)

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Congrats sigi!!

(5 years and 982 days ago)

The Flash
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Congrats Sylvie!!

(5 years and 982 days ago)

Peeping Jerry
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(5 years and 982 days ago)

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Congrats koʻu hoa opiopio!!

(5 years and 982 days ago)

Who Am I?
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(5 years and 990 days ago)

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Congrats Sylvie!!

(5 years and 990 days ago)

Zebra fashion
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Congrats Angel, truly beautiful entry!!

(5 years and 990 days ago)

Colourful Teaset.
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Congrats Sylvie!!

(5 years and 990 days ago)

Aladdin magic lamp
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Congrats Angel!!

(5 years and 990 days ago)

Water Ballet
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Congrats iki hoahanau!! You're piling up an impressive record with your work and hopefully inspiring others!

(5 years and 990 days ago)

Frog From Water Drop
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The problem is resolution. I always work at 200 pxls per inch (sometimes larger). Canvas size 10 X 12 inches minimum size, (most always larger).

I rescale the JPEG usually never less than 100 pxls per inch and reduce the size (dimensions) until I get as close to the maximum 5MB size allowed for submissions. Always make the final size as close to the 5MB max as possible.

In Photoshop edges get softer when they are enlarged so working larger, even with type sizes, will help keep sharp edges sharper in the final JPEG submitted. Vector images as in Illustrator remain sharp at any size but Photoshop uses pixels and the more pixels the sharper the image.

(5 years and 995 days ago)

This is Jurassic Park!
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What was the size and resolution (pixels per inch) of the PSD?
What was the final size of the image submitted (MB)?

(5 years and 995 days ago)

This is Jurassic Park!
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Félicitations à nouveau Sylvie!

(5 years and 998 days ago)

In the closet
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Hoohiwahiwa hou BWR!

(5 years and 998 days ago)

Dude, Wake Up!
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Congrats Aiden, great work!!

(5 years and 998 days ago)

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(5 years and 998 days ago)

Elephant gargoyle