4822 comments given:
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I like the image very much, a little clean up on the edges would help as Bob suggests.
I agree that the pen tool is theoretically the best way to select an image since it's math based and not pixel based. However there are some images that can be silhouetted much faster and just as smooth with the proper use of the magic wand. I did just that with this source image using the magic wand with layer mask and got a clean accurate silhouette in less than five minutes.

My first job as an artist involved silhouetting B&W photos for catalogs with white paint and brush (no Photoshop in those days). I still use the same technique in Photoshop for much of the silo work, I can work faster than using the pen tool. I don't recommend that for everyone, it's just my experience that makes it easier for me.

If anyone is just starting out with Photoshop take the time to learn the pen tool, it is the best way to make selections once you've mastered it.

This tutorial is a big help: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_bJSWni7Huw
You'll find others on youtube that are also good.

(5 years and 1481 days ago)

The Great Turtle and The World Tree
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Source 4 isn't actually owned by the Deviant Art author, it's even stated in his description that he takes images from the net. The actual original can be found here: http://walkingwithdinos.wikia.com/wiki/Gorgosaurus .

It's a 3D render from "Walking With Dinosaurs" and since Photoshop Rules don't allow use of illustrations or 3D renders you'll have to replace it with a safe source.

5.6. 3D Renders or Illustrations as Source:
Using other people's 3D renders or illustrations (even with permission and no matter in which form they are offered) creates a false impression of your artwork. So 3D renders or illustrations can not be used as sources, unless they are entirely created by yourself. Only acceptable non-illustration brushes and clip art may be used, but you need to mention them as a source too. Don't use an image that has been altered by the source owner nor an entire work created by someone else.

You'll find some good dinosaurs on flickr like this one: https://www.flickr.com/photos/scottkinmartin/457428714

Use this link for more choices: https://www.flickr.com/search/?advanced=1&license=1%2C2%2C9%2C10&text=dinosaurs

I hope this helps.

(5 years and 1483 days ago)

Frost Fire Dragon
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(5 years and 1484 days ago)

In The Garden
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My bad Ernie, I overlooked that part of your comment, since it's already been said I removed my comment. Author you did nothing wrong I just wanted to be sure everyone understood your description.

(5 years and 1485 days ago)

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The perspective of the bottom section is a bit off. This link may help you understand circles in perspective better:


Also where the string ties around the branch it should be rounded following the shape of the branch. It's a very nice piece, a little tweaking may make it even better IMHO.

(5 years and 1486 days ago)

In The Garden
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Congrats Bob!!

(5 years and 1488 days ago)

Greedo Strikes Back
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Congrats George!!

(5 years and 1488 days ago)

Playing Darth Vader
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(5 years and 1488 days ago)

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(5 years and 1488 days ago)

Photoshop Mag!
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Congrats again Bob!!

(5 years and 1488 days ago)

Down Time In Orbit
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Congrats Bob!!

(5 years and 1488 days ago)

A Boy
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Interesting image, with a surreal feel! Made me think of Metropolis (Fritz Lang 1927)

(5 years and 1490 days ago)

To and Fro Work
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Good to see your creativity again, welcome back!

(5 years and 1495 days ago)

Dragon Roar
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Whoa! I'd hate to see the shotgun that uses those shells! Funny entry well done. Great to see you back author!

(5 years and 1495 days ago)

Wrap Rage
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(5 years and 1495 days ago)

The Hanging Village
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(5 years and 1495 days ago)

Going Home
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Congrats Bob!!

(5 years and 1495 days ago)

ROBOT: Friend or Foe?
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Congrats Ernest!!

(5 years and 1495 days ago)

A Play on the Classic Droste
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Congrats Bob!!

(5 years and 1495 days ago)

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Congrats, well deserved!!

(5 years and 1495 days ago)

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I do like the image and I agree it's a good use of the source. My only critique is the outline of the mushroom, I think it would look better without it IMHO.

(5 years and 1495 days ago)

Mushroom House
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I'm glad the Wikipedia image worked for you, boosting the saturation was a good idea, looks good to me!

The source for the foam is okay and the link will suffice for the attribution required. That site has an unusual way to handle images but the link does show the license and the origin of the image.

Technically a link showing the image with the author's name and information about the image is enough to satisfy the attribution requirements. I like to use the text for the link to include the author's name even if no attribution is required. I feel it's the polite thing to do.

(5 years and 1496 days ago)

My German Vacation
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The image of the town has been altered by the owner and is Copyright: Boris Stroujko. The image is available from shutterstock however manipulated images are not permitted as sources on Pixeleyes. You'll have to replace it with an acceptable source.
This similar image is found on Wikipedia: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Rothenburg_BW_4.JPG and can be used. Compare it to the image you used: http://www.his-j.com/kix/europe/img/area/germany/mainbox_min01_large.jpg and you can see how the color was enhanced a great deal. Only minor adjustments made to the original source image is acceptable, not an extensive color enhancement.
The image of the foam is acceptable using a CC license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ requiring attribution be given.

You'll have to make these changes or the Contest Moderator will send you a warning and your entry will be removed until it has been corrected.

(5 years and 1497 days ago)

My German Vacation
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Great image, love the nostalgia!

(5 years and 1499 days ago)

A Boy
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Well done iconic image! I love Marcus Ranum's great high quality stock photos!

(5 years and 1502 days ago)

Darth Vader
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No offense meant just my opinion on the purpose of a source contest.

(5 years and 1502 days ago)

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Congrats Ernest!

(5 years and 1502 days ago)

Nausea Heartburn Indigestion Upset Stomach Dia... well you know... Racer
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(5 years and 1502 days ago)

Corpse Wagon
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Congrats Ernest!

(5 years and 1502 days ago)

La Touche Finale
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(5 years and 1502 days ago)

Steampunk Trio
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(5 years and 1502 days ago)

Red Forest
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Very lovely cacti. There's a typo in the copy under "Next Month" you left out the u in "around" the USA

(5 years and 1502 days ago)

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I have to agree with CMYK46, not much point to a source contest if the entry is totally CBR IMHO.

(5 years and 1502 days ago)

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Excellent entry, colorful and well done! Good SBS too!

(5 years and 1502 days ago)

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The little tweaks really make it better, great concept, classic 1940's-1950's Sci-Fi!

(5 years and 1503 days ago)

ROBOT: Friend or Foe?
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(5 years and 1508 days ago)

Redneck Ride
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Congrats Ernie!!

(5 years and 1508 days ago)

In the Hay Field of Poland
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CongratsBob!! Certainly worthy of a higher score!

(5 years and 1508 days ago)

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Congrats Bob!!

(5 years and 1508 days ago)

Room For One More
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(5 years and 1508 days ago)

Seasons Greetings
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(5 years and 1508 days ago)

Christmas Card
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It's obvious you don't understand the rules of these contests nor what images are acceptable for use.

First you MUST post working links for ALL images used in your entry. Finding images anywhere on the web does not guarantee they are usable, you have to show a link that displays the image and the usage terms for that image.

Illustrations not made by yourself cannot be used no matter what license they use.
The image of the hands holding the globe is owned by Getty Images: http://www.gettyimages.com.au/detail/photo/womans-hands-holding-a-glass-globe-royalty-free-image/84472764

I assume you are saying you took the image from Google Play. Just because you see the image there does not mean you can use it for these contests. The image MUST be purchased from Getty and the license terms must be honored. A comp version is available but may not be used for any purpose not permitted by the comp license terms.

I strongly suggest that you read the Rules and Guidelines found here: http://www.pxleyes.com/guidelines/ and also the Photoshop Rules found here: http://www.pxleyes.com/guidelines/photoshop/ You should also read this Forum post: http://www.pxleyes.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=5644 to learn about sources.

If you don't comply to the rules you will receive an official warning from the Contest Moderator and your entry will be removed until it is corrected.

(5 years and 1508 days ago)

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Your source links don't work you need to correct them. The photo of the hands with the globe need to be purchased and you have to show the receipt in your SBS.
From Photoshop Rules: 5.2. Use of Paid External Images as Source:
All source images that you purchased must have a screenshot of the download receipt (blackout anything which identifies you to keep the contest anonymous).

The leaves appear to be illustrated and if you didn't create them they can't be used.

(5 years and 1509 days ago)

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Very cute and funny! An original use of the source for sure! A few tweaks would really improve the details IMHO. The edges of the cone could be softer and the finger tips could be rounded off more. A shadow under the hand holding the cone would help and the piece on the left side inside the mouth is distracting. Just my thoughts, still a real fun image and very imaginative.

(5 years and 1511 days ago)

The Sherbert Man
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I like the nostalgic approach, works well IMO!

(5 years and 1512 days ago)

The Day They Attacked!
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CMYK46 is quite correct. Members won't be impressed with a minimum effort. It's best you do as he suggests and read the Rules and Guidelines.

(5 years and 1515 days ago)

Steampunk in the 50
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(5 years and 1516 days ago)

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Congrats!! Well deserved!

(5 years and 1516 days ago)

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Congrats Mr.K!!

(5 years and 1516 days ago)

The Wood Cutter
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Congrats Rob!!

(5 years and 1516 days ago)

Apple my dear?