4822 comments given:
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Perfect author! Just as it should be. Nice work as well!

(5 years and 1576 days ago)

Sitting tower of Pizza
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You do have some problems with the source links you've posted. The sources from deviantArt are okay. The sources from wikimedia should be okay but you used the download page links. You must use the link that shows the image and the usage terms for the image.

Source 2 doesn't show the specific image, you must link to the page with the image used and it must show usage terms as well. If it's in public domain the link should show that. Sources 6, 7, and 8 are also download links, these don't show us the terms of usage. You have to replace the links and show the pages with the image and the usage terms.

Source 9 doesn't show any image again you must use the link showing the image and the usage terms.

You should make these corrections as soon as possible. The contest moderator will allow you some time since I posted this comment to help you but if you don't fix the links soon you will get a warning and your entry will be removed until you make the explained corrections.

(5 years and 1576 days ago)

Sitting tower of Pizza
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Nice clean work and good tonality!

(5 years and 1576 days ago)

The Village Gnome
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Congrats Lois!

(5 years and 1579 days ago)

Sunflowers from My Garden
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Congrats! Such fine workmanship!

(5 years and 1579 days ago)

Fish Reflector
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(5 years and 1579 days ago)

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Congrats! Another great entry!

(5 years and 1579 days ago)

Tiger Squirrel
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Congrats! So good to see your work again!

(5 years and 1579 days ago)

PiGuana; the vegetarian (may be)
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(5 years and 1579 days ago)

Rising From The Ashes
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Your sources are all good to go! Congrats for sticking with it! It gets easier after you've done a few entries.

My thanks to my friends and fellow members for being so supportive, you guys prove how good and helpful our community is!

(5 years and 1579 days ago)

V3 - Relaxing on Some Mushrooms
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Beautiful and delicate...well done!

(5 years and 1583 days ago)

Fish Reflector
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A great thought and a great entry... Congrats!

(5 years and 1584 days ago)

Returning home
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Congrats! Fine work so well crafted!

(5 years and 1585 days ago)

They are There
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Congrats! You just keep getting better!

(5 years and 1585 days ago)

The Rising
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Congrats old pal o' mine!

(5 years and 1585 days ago)

Entry number 91870
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Now that's funny and cute! Good thinking author...very original idea!

(5 years and 1587 days ago)

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Very well done! Great to see you again!

(5 years and 1589 days ago)

The Rising
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Good one! I love that you added the stripes on the squirrel's body, really makes it look believable!

(5 years and 1594 days ago)

Tiger Squirrel
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Great! I like the additional changes... looks even better than before!

(5 years and 1594 days ago)

Open Road Biker
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A nice, fun entry!
However there is a slight problem with your source for the zipper, it's not a photo it's an illustration. Rules do state: 5.7. 3D Renders or Illustrations as Source:
Using other people's 3D renders or illustrations (even with permission and no matter in which form they are offered) creates a false impression of your artwork. So 3D renders or illustrations can not be used as sources, unless they are entirely created by yourself...
You need to replace that source in your image with an acceptable photo source. There are many available just check the image carefully to be sure it's not an illustration.
I'll ask the contest mod to give you some time to make the correction before sending a warning.
Good Luck!

(5 years and 1594 days ago)

Open Road Biker
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Good imagination, nice and creepy with a touch of humor.

(5 years and 1595 days ago)

Are You Sure He Is Human?
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I like the improvements you've made! Really looks great!

(5 years and 1595 days ago)

The Chase
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Very cool and nicely done! Good SBS as well! Great to see you back again!

(5 years and 1596 days ago)

Rising From The Ashes
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Yup the links work fine now author so I removed my comment.
To repeat what I said about your entry...Not baaad (sorry couldn't help myself) and Good Luck!

(5 years and 1596 days ago)

Sheep Dog
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Okay your links are working now. I've removed my comment about the problem. Good luck author!

(5 years and 1596 days ago)

Yawning Tiger Prawn
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By total coincidence I was watching this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ob5UJS2WwQ8 on you tube when I switched over and looked at your entry. My only critique would be to add a little tint of color to the figure, it's just a little too black and white, still a nice composition.

(5 years and 1602 days ago)

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Love it, love it, love it!! (reminds me of my ex-wife) Missed you author. Great to see you back!!

(5 years and 1603 days ago)

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Congrats again Loyd!!

(5 years and 2234 days ago)

A message from the Office of Homeland Security
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(5 years and 2234 days ago)

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Congrats Loyd!! Really good retro feel and a well thought out design!

(5 years and 2234 days ago)

Support the Choppers
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You state "i live with a constant threat of violence against me for the things i say and believe." In my world your rights would be protected. In your definition of freedom: "the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint." Those wishing to harm you are just exercising their freedom... or do you qualify that definition for your own purposes?

This isn't the proper venue to discuss this subject and I won't continue to do so. I suggest you study the nature of the human animal and how the societies evolved and what motivated their development. In knowledge there is truth.

(5 years and 2240 days ago)

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I'm quite sure that an academician of kyricom's stature has a thorough knowledge of the meaning of freedom. A democratic society protects the individual freedom of it's populace. Anarchy offers no protection for anyone and would always leads to the suffering of the multitudes and the rise of the most powerful. There is no perfect society as yet but without a country like the USA fascists and dictators would rule and you couldn't make the statements that you have.

(5 years and 2240 days ago)

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Congrats Daniela!!

(5 years and 2281 days ago)

Magic Halloween Night
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Gorgeous, radiant and wonderful work!! I agree with Rick and George, so good to see your work again!!

(5 years and 2287 days ago)

Magic Halloween Night
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Congrats Cheryl!!

(5 years and 2308 days ago)

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Congrats pal o' mine!!

(5 years and 2308 days ago)

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Definitely much better! Nicely done!

(5 years and 2308 days ago)

True Nature
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The mask work is a bit rough especially on the figure and her gown. The branch should better match the color of the tree and also needs edges cleaned up. The coloring of the gown is off in the middle covering part of her right arm and showing a hard edge of two different values of the green. A little clean up would improve the image which is a very nice concept.

(5 years and 2310 days ago)

True Nature
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I agree with what's been said, you did just fine even though you were alone. You created a very good, realistic entry and deserve the recognition so Congrats!!

(5 years and 2310 days ago)

Entry number 89165 - Monumental
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I see you figured out how to edit your entry. The changes work well, the image has a natural, believable appearance. Nicely done!

(5 years and 2313 days ago)

Entry number 89165 - Monumental
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I agree the people should be sharper, you should be able to find suitable replacements. I see another problem with the lighting. The background light source is from the upper left with shadows on the right of the structures but the foreground has the opposite lighting. Flopping the background should fix this.

(5 years and 2314 days ago)

Entry number 89165 - Monumental
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Congrats again Loyd!!

(5 years and 2314 days ago)

beneath The Io Moon
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Congrats Loyd!!

(5 years and 2314 days ago)

Giant Jovian Ammonia Breather
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Congrats Bob!!

(5 years and 2314 days ago)

Danger in the dusk
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Congrats Randy!!

(5 years and 2314 days ago)

Got Him!
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Yes author this is the one and only Pxleyes and it's good to see you back my friend! We've changed a little and we are a bit different than you may remember. Source rules are the same as before, no copyrighted images and links must show usage terms just like before.

Your entry is just fine, this contest allows both cyborgs and robots. Nice work, good luck!

(5 years and 2315 days ago)

The attack of Titan MD-7103
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Not exactly a logo. A logo is a singular design unit representing the name of the product or corporation.
Dictionary definition: a symbol or other small design adopted by an organization to identify its products, uniform, vehicles, etc. : the Olympic logo was emblazoned across the tracksuits.

(5 years and 2318 days ago)

Run and gun agency
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(5 years and 2319 days ago)

iguana family
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Congrats Lois!!

(5 years and 2319 days ago)

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(5 years and 2319 days ago)

doggy love