45 comments received ( finished contests only ):
avatar lchappell
lchappell says:

I'm with Nator...priceless was my 1st impression too.

(5 years and 2810 days ago)

What a catch
avatar Akassa
Akassa says:

That's creepy (in a good way)! Good work author xD

(5 years and 2813 days ago)

Come to Daddy
avatar Drivenslush

this is very eerie, well done, but still.. very very eerie

(5 years and 2815 days ago)

Come to Daddy
avatar Athanaric
Athanaric says:


(5 years and 2816 days ago)

Come to Daddy
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pshoudini says:


(5 years and 2817 days ago)

What a catch
no avatar
pshoudini says:

great job...i think that if you lower the saturation of the hole image you'll make all the heads look even more realistic on the bodies. but its a great job and nicely taught of.

(5 years and 2817 days ago)

Come to Daddy
avatar aheman
aheman says:

add shadows, "pale" the lady to match the raincoat guy... then they make a great couple

(5 years and 2817 days ago)

What a catch
no avatar

Pretty neet!

(5 years and 2817 days ago)

Come to Daddy
no avatar
homeu98 says:

not bad not bad ...

(5 years and 2824 days ago)

OutBack Wizard
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Try harder next time.

(5 years and 2845 days ago)

Tickets Please
avatar spaceranger
Moderator says:

You still have to add a link to that contest, it's required.

(5 years and 2845 days ago)

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homeu98 says:


(5 years and 2845 days ago)

Tickets Please
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

There would be a shadow beneath the beaver, not a white area.

(5 years and 2846 days ago)

Tickets Please
no avatar
Keiley22 says:

Nice work cloning out the background author, however the turtles need a little bit more work with their edges. Then maybe play with the brightness of them, the background is very cloudy so I would suggest darkening and playing with their colours so they dont all look the same, you could change them to a greeny brown colour then also play with the saturation to give them a slight difference as well

Goodluck, will hold my vote for now.

(5 years and 2858 days ago)

An Old Place For the New