Sifiso Mabanga is a 42 year old man from Johannesburg, South Africa. His Pxl age is 5 years and 3947 days.
HEY ! How you doing ? YOU ROCK !
hello! im sleepy - worked all night with one picture and can't now in day-time too sleep, becouse of normal life-time we will see, how this kind of life will end... cheers to the beautiful times!
2 profile comments: ( page 1 of 1)

(5 years and 3937 days ago)HEY ! How you doing ?
hello! im sleepy - worked all night with one picture and can't now in day-time too sleep, becouse of normal life-time
we will see, how this kind of life will end...
cheers to the beautiful times!
(5 years and 3937 days ago)