5528 comments given:
avatar still26
still26 says:

Congrats on this !

(5 years and 441 days ago)

Love is in the air
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still26 says:

Congrats on this win !

(5 years and 441 days ago)

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still26 says:

Congrats !

(5 years and 441 days ago)

Love on the wall
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still26 says:

Hey congrats !

(5 years and 441 days ago)

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still26 says:

Good clarity with detail seen in shadows. All triangular shapes meshing into grid point....good composition.

(5 years and 442 days ago)

River reflection
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still26 says:

This photograph makes my heart yearn for the good things that life has to offer...like coffee served with cream in good china. Love the composition of this piece.

(5 years and 442 days ago)

Coffee with Cream
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still26 says:

Wonderful colours. Thought has been put into this upload. Very nice exposure and light on coffee.

(5 years and 443 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

So this is the famous St. Moritz, thank you. If you post processed this in PS you could bring out some of the shadows and pop the canoes a bit more...just go to image...shadow/highlight lever and play with it.

(5 years and 443 days ago)

St Moritz Lake
avatar still26
still26 says:

Oh Capri, instantly we think of romance. A beautifully caught image in hues of blue, sharp, well exposed. A postcard kind of photograph. Have you been to the Blue Grotto?

(5 years and 443 days ago)

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still26 says:

Nicely set up this image, simple yet strong with good exposure. All you need is chocolate !

(5 years and 443 days ago)

Coffee bags
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still26 says:

Love the varying shades of blue in this image. The blur at the base leads our eyes inward...clever you are.

(5 years and 443 days ago)

Ocean meets land of fangs
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still26 says:

Loch Ness maybe? Interesting low lying clouds, good contrast and a photo that is "pretty as a picture".

(5 years and 443 days ago)

Scottish Loch
avatar still26
still26 says:

Nice a crisp with good exposure. The top of the hotel is nipped off and the only reason I'm noticing that is because at our photo club a member submitted an image similar to this , it was perfect, until one of the members noticed the top was clipped off and that photo did not make it into the Photo Exhibition.

(5 years and 443 days ago)

Grand Hotel
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still26 says:

Yes, it dips to the left and my eyes feel like it could use just a touch more of exposure but a nice landscape indeed.

(5 years and 443 days ago)

Swiss Lake
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still26 says:

I like this capture and the gloomy day comes across. When I look at this shot it makes me want to go there. Nice and sharp and realistic. I like the lead line of the grasses taking our eye to that all important spot of 3.

(5 years and 443 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

My absolute fave tea. Mailbox crop makes it quite interesting even tho parts are blurred but that is artistic license.

(5 years and 443 days ago)

Lady star earl grey
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still26 says:

Nice to see someone shopping amidst the warm coloured wooden bowls.

(5 years and 443 days ago)

Please Buy Our Bowls
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still26 says:

Interesting shop but it does not show "shopping"...it does however show a shop! I love the colours and the glow.

(5 years and 443 days ago)

Pick and Mix, Yummy
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still26 says:

Sounds like your family has some amazing roots.

(5 years and 443 days ago)

My Son
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still26 says:

Negative but I am old and sturdy!

(5 years and 444 days ago)

Old and sturdy
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still26 says:

EGADS I wish I could go back that far with my family history! WOW...and thank you.

(5 years and 444 days ago)

My Son
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still26 says:

You will score high marks with Mr. b/w. I like the tonal ranges on this and the title could be my moniker

(5 years and 444 days ago)

Old and sturdy
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still26 says:

Every time we see this scene in a grocery store it brings about smiles on fellow shoppers, so does this shot. Interesting how you decided to keep the focus on the bread and lemons and put Margaux into softness.

(5 years and 444 days ago)

No room for more
avatar still26
still26 says:

awwww rather shmaltzy but sweet. photographically speaking a well taken shot, nice and sharp on hand and ring.

(5 years and 444 days ago)

If Only...
avatar still26
still26 says:

Your title is my moniker Nice in b/w and so good to see the whole 'beast'. Tonal ranges rock.

(5 years and 444 days ago)

Old and sturdy
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still26 says:

I am most curious about the tat over his heart. I know fortis semper means always strong and is the navy's motto but what does fortis sed mean. I like the back lighting to this portrait of a handsome young man.

(5 years and 444 days ago)

My Son
avatar still26
still26 says:

What a grrrrrrrreat colour palette, looks almost like this machine is fashion conscious. How tall is it and I wonder what does it do. Well taken.

(5 years and 444 days ago)

Green Machine
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still26 says:

When I first saw this shot last evening my first reaction was one of lusting after a small, hot , shot of espresso cafe! I like the rich colours and the angle of this shot. Well cropped........YUM YUM

(5 years and 445 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

The crop may be a tad tight because we would love to see more of the machine, well at least I would but your crop is your personal artistic choice. Nice and sharp and quite interesting upload. What does it do? The bags are from Guatemala and 'cosecha' means harvest or crop....crop of what!

(5 years and 445 days ago)

Old Machine
avatar still26
still26 says:

Love the intensity caught on the man and I would have loved to have seen more of this "work machine". Good in colour as red, a hot hot emotive colour suits the situation.

(5 years and 445 days ago)

Well it Was Working
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still26 says:

I love Italy and this sign with all those delicious words makes me want to return....if only to eat!

(5 years and 445 days ago)

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still26 says:

Mirko, I choose Mirko. What a great find this was for this contest. Your upload makes the viewer really read the words and so it has that "linger longer" aspect to holding us.

(5 years and 445 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

When you are working in PS go to your shadow highlight lever and play with it. You could have brought out that man in the cab and given him more details.

(5 years and 445 days ago)

Old Lorry
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still26 says:

Ha.....good one, like everything about this...a nice tight crop, colour palette is great so glad you didn't change it to b/w...

(5 years and 445 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

Nice nice tonal range here and your dof is perfect as is the crop. I am trying to figure out where you are standing? In Greece?

(5 years and 445 days ago)

How Far
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still26 says:

I learned an onomatopeia song and now it is going through my head....grrrrrrr.

Top notch, a great catch and good eyes for seeing this.

(5 years and 445 days ago)

Onomatopeia graffiti frescoes
avatar still26
still26 says:

Good catch and we photographers are always walking through cemeteries...I wonder why? And like all good wanderers of cemeteries, we all ponder the same questions....I like the clarity of this photograph and the crop is strong . You took this during the bright part of the day and your exposure is spot on.

(5 years and 445 days ago)

Who Have Died
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still26 says:

A nice natural feel to this, unpretentious, good lighting, a wee bit of a rebel.

(5 years and 445 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

I'm coming.....let's have a nice espresso at a cafe together!

(5 years and 445 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

Clear and crisp offering a breath of fresh air. I viewed this in the high res and was blown away by the dof you had used bringing in everything sharply. I was going to mention the trees on the left showed clipping with loss of detail THAT IS NOT SO WHEN VIEWED IN HIGH RES....in high res this image is simply perfect. What a great way to start off this contest. Makes me want to go and visit the Dolomites and this lake area. You are fortunate to have captured this...nice one.

(5 years and 445 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

You are educating me...I checked it in wiki 'tout en francais, pero je intiendo toutes" Jarlot a Morlaix.

PS I get Espanol y Francais melange toute le temps!

(5 years and 446 days ago)

Love on the wall
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still26 says:

You make it sound so easy

(5 years and 446 days ago)

Candy box
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still26 says:

This is my kind of photo following the KISS principle to a t! Crop has been thought out as has been composition.

(5 years and 447 days ago)

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still26 says:

I like the way you set up this still life, looks like you put a lot of work into it to find those red crystal hearts to match the Baci box. DOF is well used to help pop out the main focal point and the "back up singers" are there softly supporting. I wonder if a bit more contrast would have punched this out a bit more?....but most likely you were gunning for a soft feel.

(5 years and 447 days ago)

Candy box
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still26 says:

If I lived here I would be constantly walking up and down that canal pathway. It has a very romantic feel . Your dof is good and crop is appropriate. A gloomy day but the heart speaks volumes and makes the place feel welcoming.

(5 years and 447 days ago)

Love on the wall
avatar still26
still26 says:

You have exposed this well and captured the depth of this heart which looks edible to me! Nicely composed with a soft touch to it and a warm glow.

(5 years and 447 days ago)

Heart of glass
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still26 says:

There is a lovely warm glow coming off the skin tones and when we connect with those eyes the glow just flows deeper into us. A lovely portrait of innocence, perfect dof and nice tight crop.

(5 years and 447 days ago)

Grandson In Red
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still26 says:

There is something magical that happens when nature meets humanity, a secret communication of respect and love and that is what we see in this lovely photograph. The colours are perfect her plaid shawl suitable for the outdoors, reminiscent of a lumberjack and that Whiskey Jack is quite enthralled with her gentleness and beauty. Top notch.

(5 years and 447 days ago)

Kiki and the Whiskey Jack
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still26 says:

Ahem Rob.....a discussion was started on the forum and the membership is still waiting for a reply.

Discussion ....open! ..........on the forum.

(5 years and 448 days ago)

Medieval village
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still26 says:

Emotive factor is very strong in this shot.

(5 years and 448 days ago)

Man in black, to a bird in black