5528 comments given:
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still26 says:

Great portrait.

(5 years and 448 days ago)

Peacekeeping Nephew
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still26 says:

Congrats on three!

(5 years and 448 days ago)

Approaching Night
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still26 says:

Congrats on number two!

(5 years and 448 days ago)

last quarter
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still26 says:

Congrats Fred

(5 years and 448 days ago)

glass sphere lighted with a seashell-lamp
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still26 says:

Congrats to you too!

(5 years and 448 days ago)

Decaying Stairs
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still26 says:

Fred, you just cannot leave this site which is already about as exciting as a cold wet mashed potato sandwich, but your comments and your photography are helpful, appreciated and the images you post inspire others to try some of the out of the box stuff you put up. I think the moderator was just trying to do his/her job as best as they could and forgot that software will not allow selective editing that is all. I'm with Zizounai on this issue.

(5 years and 449 days ago)

Medieval village
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still26 says:

A blast from the past, what a time mankind went through. Well cropped and caught. I like it.

(5 years and 449 days ago)

I,m in Charge
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still26 says:

This is a happy photograph and a great memory. I like the dof you applied, very appropriate.

(5 years and 449 days ago)

Nanny Knows Best
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still26 says:

Oh Gosh, he looks like Trevor Noah and she's beautiful. I love the glow you have put on this photo it suits it very much.

(5 years and 450 days ago)

Wedding day
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still26 says:

Well taken, sharp image the colour palette is gorgeous and warm in a "fall" fashion but best of all is the communication shown between these two, it speaks volumes. The light is soft and diffused with no harsh shadows showing. A photo that warms our hearts.

(5 years and 451 days ago)

Aunt and Uncle
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still26 says:

Great catch with this one although the focus could be sharper and the man growing out of his knee does weaken the image. Had you put this into b/w you would have made it timeless. (or sepia)

(5 years and 451 days ago)

At the Ready
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still26 says:

Love it, very creative and eye catching with all those grrrrrreat patterns.

(5 years and 451 days ago)

glass sphere lighted with a seashell-lamp
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still26 says:

Great tonal quality and composition. ahhhhh I see it is you, I should have guessed.

(5 years and 451 days ago)

last quarter
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still26 says:

Creative + + + +

(5 years and 451 days ago)

Approaching Night
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still26 says:

Just check your horizon line as it dips to the right but the words hit at the heart.....and still we fight wars....when will we ever learn?

(5 years and 451 days ago)

Pages of the Sea
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still26 says:

Stairs it is, no muss, no fuss, sharp as a woman's tongue. A clear and well taken image.

(5 years and 453 days ago)

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still26 says:

Solid and strong image with great complimentary colours. Good eye to see this!

(5 years and 453 days ago)

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still26 says:

Good catch of bulletin board. Could this be Dubrovnik?

(5 years and 453 days ago)

Side Street Stairs
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still26 says:

How unusual...blue stairs, hmmmm! I think a bit of a crop down would improve the image and help focus on stairs. Remember how the human eye gravitates to the lightest and brightest spot on the canvas.

(5 years and 453 days ago)

Blue Stairs
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still26 says:

Wow the detail is phenomenal, what a work of art. My eyes desperately would like to see this without the tops lopped off but that was not your intention.

(5 years and 453 days ago)

Fancy Brickwork
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still26 says:

whoooaaaa was that tilt intentional?

(5 years and 453 days ago)

On its Own
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still26 says:

Looks like a Rols Royce of a bike.

(5 years and 453 days ago)

Sweet Ride
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still26 says:

Interesting how the shadow of the wheel looks broken, I'm trying to figure it out. Good title....ha ha ha ha.

(5 years and 453 days ago)

Thats the Last Time i Drink
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still26 says:

ha ha ha and why not! I like how the other bike in the background has been included in this photo to add to the flavour of bikes!

(5 years and 454 days ago)

This is not a joke
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still26 says:

I like the tonal quality of this photograph....well composed too. Don Quixote would be pleased.

(5 years and 454 days ago)

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still26 says:

Told you....huh....didn't I ????? Big Congrats.

(5 years and 454 days ago)

Purple splash
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still26 says:

another big congrats...and on number three too !

(5 years and 454 days ago)

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still26 says:

This one spoke to me. I liked it a lot.

(5 years and 454 days ago)

You look so sweet!
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still26 says:

Looks like Viagra pills.....congrats on this win

(5 years and 454 days ago)

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still26 says:

YUM YUM YUM congrats to you

(5 years and 454 days ago)

Candy machine
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still26 says:

ha....congrats.....often following the KISS principle works the best.

(5 years and 454 days ago)

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still26 says:

I like the way the textured rocks and foliage on left side of same colour as rocks hug these stairs. Going down is a refreshing look a refreshing POV.

(5 years and 454 days ago)

Down hill
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still26 says:

Very beautiful..... Congrats.

(5 years and 454 days ago)

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still26 says:


(5 years and 454 days ago)

Through the Arch
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still26 says:


(5 years and 454 days ago)

On the viaduct
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still26 says:

Like the mystery of this photo, the angles of light work nicely to give your photo feeling.

(5 years and 456 days ago)

small stairs
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still26 says:

I really am drawn to the dappled effect of these stairs and the glow for it makes them otherworldly. What a great catch for this fine art photograph!

(5 years and 457 days ago)

Decaying Stairs
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still26 says:

Y'know the majority of the men in the photo club are just men, old, many are old professional photographers and old school. So it is tough to be the only woman presenting another opinion. sigh.

(5 years and 458 days ago)

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still26 says:

Hmmm but this is not your conventional kind of splash and that separates it from the crowd...sort of an "out of the box" presentation which is oh so refreshing.

(5 years and 458 days ago)

Yellow splash
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still26 says:

Lovely image with good tonal quality and with the inclusion of those boulders adds a depth of "ancient". Very nice.

(5 years and 458 days ago)

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still26 says:

I know in our photo club the members are always yapping about "the lean" and how to correct it and I always squirm in my seat because it is the lean of this photograph that makes it so good. The power and strength of the Pantheon juxtaposed against us small people is just splendid. Good tonal range as well!

(5 years and 459 days ago)

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still26 says:

Would cropping in help that somewhat I wonder?

(5 years and 459 days ago)

Yellow splash
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still26 says:

Ahhh, yes I know there is a whole technique to this and you have it mastered. Nice one.

(5 years and 459 days ago)

Purple splash
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still26 says:

this feels very old, even the clothes they are wearing seem old. Interesting fete you attended. Clean and sharp image.

(5 years and 459 days ago)

All Lined Up
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still26 says:

Colour always touches us carbon bi-peds on an emotional level and for me purple together with pink hues brings back so many memories (my graduation bouquet was purple and pink is one of those memories) . OK I know you have blue too....never mind.

I love the crop and the full focus on the splash and the one globe up there breaking away and making such a strong statement. Really a great upload, and at our eye level. It would be wonderful to learn how to do this.

If this one doesn't win I will eat my lens cap!....so there.

(5 years and 460 days ago)

Purple splash
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still26 says:

A very "yummy" upload which I find soft on the eyes (meaning it is kind to my visual perception). Feminine colours and a crop that shows us from whence this splash was born. I think your contrast is well done as is the exposure on this piece. You will do well I''m sure of this!

(5 years and 460 days ago)

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still26 says:

It's the top of the shelf work! Looks like a splash, feels like a splash and love the unusual colour palette especially those touches of blood red. I wonder how long it took you to get this one just so right?

(5 years and 460 days ago)

Yellow splash
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still26 says:

Great handling of bw and this image is well suited for all the tonal ranges from black to white and much in between. Too bad about the man's posterior on display but I love the sharpness of the shot and the contrast is nicely done.

(5 years and 461 days ago)

Maintaining the Fire Engine
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still26 says:

This photo looks really great in high res, you can even see the sawdust flying around. Your tonal ranges are fabulous but we need to see their faces hard at work and not their derrieres! Good one for the bw contest.

(5 years and 461 days ago)

Sawing up Logs
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still26 says:

WOW....you have dust on your sensor in the sky part of the image....you can clean those up easily.

(5 years and 461 days ago)

Endless Column