5528 comments given:
avatar still26
still26 says:

You have significant noise in the sky but the scene is scary and has good emotive power.

(5 years and 516 days ago)

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still26 says:

Thank you for your sbs. I personally would like to see less noise on the background but perhaps it is your choice to have it grainy. Great post.

(5 years and 517 days ago)

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still26 says:


(5 years and 518 days ago)

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still26 says:

Congrats on your win.

(5 years and 519 days ago)

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still26 says:

Congrats on this win.

(5 years and 519 days ago)

Bonnie and Clyde
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still26 says:

Congrats on this win.

(5 years and 519 days ago)

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still26 says:

Congrats on NUMBER ONE!

(5 years and 519 days ago)

The shiny Ford
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still26 says:

Congrats on your win.

(5 years and 519 days ago)

Mountain road
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still26 says:

Congrats Brian.

(5 years and 519 days ago)

City Road
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still26 says:


(5 years and 519 days ago)

Watch for Black Ice
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still26 says:

I love the minimalistic touch to this very arty and well-rendered image. When images are sliced in the middle giving equal visual weight to the top half and bottom half the brain interprets that as boring. I do feel if you crop down, giving more weight to the land leaving some sky in situs it would be the stronger image.

(5 years and 520 days ago)

Val d
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still26 says:

I think you have heard of the phrase "pretty as a picture"? This is what your upload reminds me of and it oozes a feeling of calm, serenity. It has a meditative quality which I find most appealing. It would look wonderful on a calendar. You have taken the time to frame this between those trees. It is a photograph made not a snapshot taken!

(5 years and 520 days ago)

Lake Sompunt
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still26 says:

Nice, I like the feeling this gives me.

(5 years and 521 days ago)

In the Countryside
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still26 says:

Artistic! WOW

(5 years and 523 days ago)

Mountain road
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still26 says:

I have lost a few friends to black ice death and this image looks foreboding. It is another one of those photos that brings out the ewwwwwww in me.

(5 years and 523 days ago)

Watch for Black Ice
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still26 says:

Nice play of shadow and light on this one.

(5 years and 524 days ago)

Cold outside
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still26 says:

ewwwwwwwww, this is so bad that it is good.

(5 years and 524 days ago)

Murder, Inc.
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still26 says:

This is my hometown...thank you. You have some spots on your lens/sensor. Look on the road to the right lower section, then look in the sky and you can find dust spots in the heavens above, one above the CN tower to the right (viewer's right). You could crop up to cut off that gray spot yet leave enough lines on the road. Use your healing brush to get rid of spots.

(5 years and 524 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

I didn't know that! Solid upload, nice and the cars in blurred bokeh in the background support your photo.

(5 years and 524 days ago)

Bonnie and Clyde
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still26 says:

The play of light and dark works well, it is "photographia" (painted with light) from the Greek! I like the haunting shadows beyond the pillars giving your image depth. Very nice.

(5 years and 525 days ago)

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still26 says:

Strong upload and looks great in a panorama. This will be a strong contender. No constructive critique to offer, it is lovely.

(5 years and 525 days ago)

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still26 says:

You have a great artistic sense with your images as this one proves. Lovely.

(5 years and 525 days ago)

the city of flowers
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still26 says:

I'm coming over! The Bega canal at night would be a great shot too! This has winner written all over it. Love that rich saturation pushing it over the top!

(5 years and 525 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

Hi there. I think you have a slight tilt to the left you might want to check it out if there is...it is really almost insignificant. I do think the photograph would be stronger with a nip at the left and my reason for saying so is because you are highlighting the shiny Ford, that is your goal, isn't it? To include the background is unnecessary clutter that takes away from the truck. Have you tried working with a perfect square format? You will be surprised how strong images come out with square (and pfffft to the rule of three's since we all know rules are for fools and need to be broken)! 🤔

(5 years and 525 days ago)

The shiny Ford
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still26 says:

I can't imagine fighting flames with this on one's head! Nice shiny, could have used a better aperture setting to get it sharp. Good tight crop keeps the viewer focused on the focal point 😁.

(5 years and 525 days ago)

Old Helmet
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still26 says:

And it is shiny! Like the way it is coming in at a diagonal and there are no hot spots! Good one....5 star.

(5 years and 525 days ago)

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still26 says:

There is a tilt to the left with this upload, you might want to take it down and straighten it. Also, a little less sky (crop down) would punch out the road a bit more. A wintery road well taken.

(5 years and 525 days ago)

At dusk
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still26 says:

Terrific! The patterns, the balance, the focus, the shine makes this image rock! Strong upload.

(5 years and 525 days ago)

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still26 says:

Hi there, a lovely portrait of Ila.

(5 years and 525 days ago)

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still26 says:

A lovely portrait of a "hippie".

(5 years and 525 days ago)

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still26 says:

Thank you.

(5 years and 526 days ago)

Catholic Churc
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still26 says:

Have you considered cropping up to eliminate that black bar going across the road? These buses look old, like from another era. I like how they are crowding the road. Good catch.

(5 years and 526 days ago)

Road Full of Buses
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still26 says:

Now I can't stop singing that song. "ON the road again"...la la la la . This is more about a man on a motorcylce than it is about a road which you have cropped out. I'm seeing it as an alleyway. BUT...the story is present, as is the song. 😉

(5 years and 526 days ago)

On The Road again
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still26 says:

Doesn't look like a traffic jam but bad enough for me not wanting to be there LOL. I like the solidity of this photograph, the balance, the colours natural.

(5 years and 526 days ago)

Highway traffic jam
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still26 says:

Good idea to change this to monochrome for the strong shapes and textures really pop. The black shadow in dead center is rather strong and please look at your sky...there is a lot of noise with jpeg artifacts thrown in, try using your de-noise .

(5 years and 526 days ago)

Spanish Pass
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still26 says:

5 stars easy for lovely texture which works really well with b/w. Well balanced, good contrast, nice gray tonality. Everything works here, so much so, that I would like to go and visit this place. A great upload. 👍

(5 years and 526 days ago)

City Road
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still26 says:

Many nice things to like about this post. Well composed, sharp and shiny. The colour saturation natural and unpretentious. See that lampost on the margin line poking it's head into the frame...?....try cropping to the American flag to cut it right out, if it bothers you. 5 stars easy. 😁

(5 years and 526 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

I liked this one a lot. Congrats on your win!

(5 years and 526 days ago)

Since You
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still26 says:

Congrats on your win!

(5 years and 526 days ago)

Chain chain chain
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still26 says:


(5 years and 526 days ago)

Catholic Churc
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still26 says:

I liked this one, congrats on your win!

(5 years and 526 days ago)

Italian Poster
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still26 says:

I like everything about this. You have good marginal space all round and the texture is great as is the colout palette.

(5 years and 529 days ago)

Italian Poster
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still26 says:

Love that POV and your composition rocks.

(5 years and 529 days ago)

Are you here ?
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still26 says:

Following KISS principle. I love it.

(5 years and 529 days ago)

A Mustang
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still26 says:

Hi, you can see you have overprocessed this piece with that white halo effect and jpeg artifacts in the sky too. This is a powerful presentation and yes, it is circular!

(5 years and 529 days ago)

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still26 says:

Hi, you might want to use your denoise filter to clear the sky of artifacts. I like the description you have given this piece, it would have made a great title.

(5 years and 529 days ago)

São Paulo
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still26 says:

Just love the dynamic tension that you have created with this well comoposed photograph. The smallness of the church to the vastness of land around it and the tonal colours make this image a stand out.

(5 years and 529 days ago)

Tiny Church
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still26 says:

Hi there....this image is all about visual weight, that which grabs our eyes, what we view the longest and most closely at...what steals the show. In my eyes, your gravestone on the left demands and gets attention. I feel just a tad of a smaller crop would have put more visual weight onto the church and less on the stone.

(5 years and 529 days ago)

Old Church
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still26 says:

Yes, it does look frameable and makes me want to go there.

(5 years and 531 days ago)

Meteora monastery
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still26 says:

Very good shot showing emotion and we get into the story. I do not have any suggestions for improvement but want to say thank you for the description. Did you know that police work is one of the MOST stressful occupations there is?

(5 years and 531 days ago)

Arresting Sight