5528 comments given:
avatar still26
still26 says:

Congrats to you mate :y: !!!

(5 years and 589 days ago)

Grand café
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still26 says:

Nice one, congrats you!

(5 years and 589 days ago)

Arter work
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still26 says:

Congrats to you on this. I really liked it Brian.

(5 years and 589 days ago)

Edinburgh Graveyard
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still26 says:

Congrats to you on one and two !!!

(5 years and 589 days ago)

Zero Gravity
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still26 says:

Grass View...hmmmm but the contest says bridges! A piece of a bridge is a tease.

(5 years and 590 days ago)

Amsterdam Bridge
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still26 says:

Hi you need to crop at the right to eliminate those branches coming into the frame. The reason for this is because our eyes go there and then our brains try to complete the picture by guessing what it is and then we quickly leave the photo and you don't want that to happen, you want the viewer glued to your image. If you look at the thumbnail print of this photo have a look and it looks mighty fine the way they have cropped it for you as they eliminate the black shadow at the left too and a bit of the sky has been taken down. Play with it, it is a fine photo!

(5 years and 590 days ago)

Verona Bridge
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still26 says:

Photo makes me feel lost too! In Picasa you could have tilted this a bit to put it on a diagonal and thereby making it a bit more dynamic. The photo feels static but colourful pops of humanity are nice.

(5 years and 590 days ago)

Think We are Lost
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still26 says:

Love this one. It is well composed and to me it looks like one priest is about to punch out the other one, most likely fighting over a woman ! Your rendition in black and white is good with a large gray tonality throughout. The patterns are so Dubrovnik and oh so photogenic. Nice one...top of the shelf.

(5 years and 590 days ago)

Religious Talk
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still26 says:

....and low light too!

(5 years and 591 days ago)

Spanish Bar
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still26 says:

You need to make those reflections fiery red....! ha. I like this photo and do think it works in monochrome.

(5 years and 591 days ago)

Reflective Bridge
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still26 says:

Nice clarity of the bridge but that bush in the center keeps calling to me. Where was this taken?

(5 years and 591 days ago)

Small river, Big bridge.
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still26 says:

I was here, I was here when my husband ran the Firenze Marathon. Ohhhh this brings back memories, thank you for this post.

(5 years and 591 days ago)

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still26 says:

Hi, I think you know this already, but it is really really really noisy.

(5 years and 591 days ago)

Spanish Bar
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still26 says:

This is wild and I like the inversion into negative...it is nice to see you playing and exploring. This is otherworldly...good on you.

(5 years and 591 days ago)

Hogwarts Bridge
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still26 says:

I didn't know we could do that, enlarge in high res. Yes, I saw that medallion in the back, clear...crystal! Thank you.

(5 years and 592 days ago)

Old Cemetery
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still26 says:

Yikes, yes old indeed and that is shown on your image. The two flags add to the evocative element of this photo....dead but not forgotten.

(5 years and 592 days ago)

Old Cemetery
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still26 says:

I would like to chime in and agree with Lifetime Damage's assessment. As a general rule photographs that are sliced in half are perceived by the brain as boring, so a crop down would work wonders to highlight the cemetery, which is the focus of this contest. I do think this a well taken shot and we get caught up in the repeat of patterns of the stones and we love patterns.

(5 years and 592 days ago)

Too Many
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still26 says:

I like the composition of this shot and the way it draws me into it. Framing the stones with FAIRVIEW is a good touch. Furthermore, the autumn feel, the skeleton of the tree in the background all adds to a fine photo that is visually appealing.

(5 years and 592 days ago)

Fairview Cemetery
avatar still26
still26 says:

Thank you. Yes, I can see that now. Appreciate this discussion.

(5 years and 592 days ago)

Old and Abandoned
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still26 says:

I do it digitally. I store my photos on Picasa (free from Google) and they have a soft focus app. I rarely use it but now that I have seen your work I might just try it out more often. Thank you for taking the time to explain this to me...appreciated.

(5 years and 592 days ago)

Low light action without flash
avatar still26
still26 says:

Educational, thank you. The photo is more about the gate rather than the cemetery but we do look beyond and see the stones.

(5 years and 593 days ago)

Chinese cemetary
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still26 says:

That iron pole smack dab in my face is truly a distraction but the lighting is really wonderful and I am reminded to shoot cemeteries during the haunting hours of day!

(5 years and 593 days ago)

Old and Abandoned
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still26 says:

We are polar opposites but we get along.

(5 years and 593 days ago)

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still26 says:

Brian is better but we all know he's a barbearian! I just have to hope he doesn't get grizzly with me!

(5 years and 593 days ago)

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still26 says:

Sharp as a pin, saturation not overcooked, belly button POV!

(5 years and 593 days ago)

Do not go gentle into that good night
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still26 says:

How is an Iris blur different from soft focus vignette? (with the center being sharp) Is there a difference?

(5 years and 593 days ago)

Low light action without flash
avatar still26
still26 says:

Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....what a difference! Thank you. I thought it was slanted a wee bit but I am wrong, the photo is straight and all those lines within tantalize us visually. The man on the L is exactly where he is supposed to be , photographically and compositionally speaking. Very lovely.

(5 years and 593 days ago)

In the factory
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still26 says:

An "IRIS BLUR" thank you. This looks tons better after post processing. A great low light photo.

(5 years and 593 days ago)

Low light action without flash
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still26 says:

I could "bearly" contain myself upon viewing!

(5 years and 593 days ago)

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still26 says:

Yes, the natural pathway of the human eye (the western eye) is to read from L to R and that is why images look stronger when composed that way....I think there is a vast improvement

(5 years and 594 days ago)

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still26 says:

Dancing and singing, what a happy photo.

(5 years and 594 days ago)

Dance of the hippie
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still26 says:

Nice "memory" photo for your family album!

(5 years and 594 days ago)

Cretan Dancers
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still26 says:

Sepia has taken us back in time...ahh yes, back to the 40's. It is too bad that the expressions are out of synchronicity as is the body language for it causes the feeling of "dance" and a well-choreographed piece to have a somewhat disjointed feel.

(5 years and 594 days ago)

40,s Rave up
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still26 says:

Love the quietness of this dance and the concentration on the face of this performer. (Cambodia ? ? ? )

(5 years and 594 days ago)

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still26 says:

It's the dance of the hands with this shot. The little boy on the flute in the corner adds nicely to the story. I hunger to see some emotion on the face of the dancer. I do think the shot, especially on the hands, could have more clarity.

(5 years and 594 days ago)

Entry number 107705Dancer, Mae Rim
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still26 says:

Love the energy shown here including that fella in the background. I am one viewer who really likes to see blur in dance images and not pin sharp and the movement shown here pushes the image into the top. The whole photograph is dancing...I love it.

(5 years and 594 days ago)

Entry number 107706 Dancers, Bikaner, Rajastahn
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still26 says:

Hmmm, they are not dancing instead they look like they are in discussion about something on the written pad of the woman in the center. Their costumes are interesting and the photo is sharp.

(5 years and 594 days ago)

Entry number 107707Morris Dancers, Tasmania
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still26 says:

Surely you have caught the emotive element in this shot. It is dreamy and soft and the softness of the photograph is appropriate to match the emotion of that one dancer. I wonder if a wee bit of a nip down (a tighter crop) would benefit this shot?

(5 years and 594 days ago)

Entry number 107708 Dancers, Taipei
avatar still26
still26 says:

Many nice things to like about this shot from the low pov that encourages our visual journey inward, to the dappled effect of light on the graves to the clarity of the stones and being able to read the inscriptions on them. Well done. Nice exposure too

(5 years and 594 days ago)

Graveyard 1
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still26 says:

Nice strong image, unpretentious and well done in post processing although the clouds do show as overworked giving a bit of a surreal feel, a good thing since this is a graveyard.

(5 years and 594 days ago)

Who is the richest man in the cemetery?
avatar still26
still26 says:

Have you tried flipping this horizontally so that the angel is on the L side? You have a strong "punctum" in this image of the statue and the nice diffused background supports the main focal point.

(5 years and 594 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

You did a nice job on this. Thank you. I especially like the "look" she is giving you! Colourful and youthful photo.

(5 years and 595 days ago)

Birthday Girl
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still26 says:

If I came here I know I would be lost for hours. What a great gritty sepia catch! It is all-encompassing and full of history. Good one through and through!

(5 years and 596 days ago)

Edinburgh Graveyard
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still26 says:

A bit soft but you surely did catch the movement!

(5 years and 596 days ago)

Lets Dance
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still26 says:

Looks like a lot of fun. A happy snappy touristy shot, good for the family album!

(5 years and 596 days ago)

All Together Now
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still26 says:

She is absolutemente gorgeous .... congrats!

(5 years and 596 days ago)

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still26 says:

Congrats on this win too !

(5 years and 596 days ago)

Blue balloons
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still26 says:

Congrats !

(5 years and 596 days ago)

Blue glasses
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still26 says:

Yes, to this one...congrats !

(5 years and 596 days ago)

Little rabbit, where are your ears?
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still26 says:

So good and effective, Congrats!

(5 years and 596 days ago)
