5528 comments given:
avatar still26
still26 says:

Thank you for that...I''m going to research out the pen tool because I rarely use it.

(5 years and 625 days ago)

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still26 says:

I read your SBS and to a newbie this is really educational. How do you cut out the pieces so precisely? ..Do you use the pen tool? I have to tell you that after viewing KILL, and BANG and explosions and more explosions and fire..... to have come upon your little scooter, peaceful in blue, nice reflections, cool blue to calm the heat of BANG BANG BANG was simply a joy for my eyes. This, to me, is top notch work. I love it.

(5 years and 625 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

they say that when an image touches you on an emotive level that you have created art. I really hate this upload and the message KILL.... especially with all the killings going on in the news. It makes me hate guns....however, it is for this very reason, the reason being that I have been affected by the message that makes this a really strong image, full of impact. As far as the photoshopping goes, it looks good but can you see how that shiny handle is incongruous to the whole ?

(5 years and 625 days ago)

Time to Kill
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still26 says:

Steam punk indeed showing the old with the new and the colours are very Victorian....antiqued. I like the power of this upload, it is crisp and clearly seen. Nice work.

.......................ahhhh should've know it was yours!

(5 years and 625 days ago)

Big Bang
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still26 says:

This looks like a lot of chopping and thank you for your SBS. Top notch

(5 years and 625 days ago)

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still26 says:

I just checked your SBS....really professional looking work, so eye catching, well done...top notch.

(5 years and 625 days ago)

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still26 says:

It's the warmth hues of this upload that I'm drawn to and it looks like it was done by someone who "knows their onions" regarding photoshopping.

(5 years and 625 days ago)

Bang!🔥 Bang!🔥
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still26 says:

Can you see that I'm still smiling? Imagine pulling the udder and all you get is milk squirting out of the gun. I love the colour palette of this piece. Corny (yes pun intended)..........but good.

(5 years and 625 days ago)

Udder Gun with Corn on the Cob
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still26 says:

Like the grunge effect and shadow effect. A gun God....hmmm we'd better start praying to him.

(5 years and 625 days ago)

...the Gun God
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still26 says:

Nice effect but agree with CMYK46 that "there would also be a lot of stuff in front of him as well".

(5 years and 625 days ago)

Splitting shagginess
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still26 says:

Well I read all your comments and to me this looks like it has a point to it, and looks well done. I like the fire the explosion effect and it marries well with that face.

(5 years and 625 days ago)

Exploding Migraine
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still26 says:

I'm still laughing. It's really a Flatus Asana, methane gas I'm assuming. You must be a barrel of laughs at a party. I like this.

(5 years and 625 days ago)

Flatus Yoga
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still26 says:

I can relate to this photograph and I feel it has been done well to convey a blow out feeling. Nice work.

(5 years and 625 days ago)

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still26 says:

This really feels blown up and oh so eye catching with all those vibrant colours. KABOOM

(5 years and 625 days ago)

Popcorn Kernel in Space
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still26 says:

Achhhh this is just good. I love the story, and black and white was the way to go.

(5 years and 626 days ago)

School Seating
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still26 says:

Y'know, I think those chairs were white, were they not? But they appear gray on this upload. Was your exposure well calibrated? This is a tricky image because if you overexposure you run the risk of blow outs....ahhh challenges, always fun with photography.

(5 years and 626 days ago)

Just Want to Sit Here
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still26 says:

Hmmm 'colours are everywhere'. The low POV is nice but the upper part of the photograph is screaming for attention....and getting it.

(5 years and 626 days ago)

Waiting for People
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still26 says:

Nicely seen this one. I feel it could use a touch more of exposure as it is "dirty gray". It is a steady photograph, well balanced and we can see you thought about it when shooting it...it's not happy snappy.

(5 years and 626 days ago)

Restaurant Chairs
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still26 says:

Twins, maybe but they are fraternal...ha. Nice angle to this shot and tight too keeps our focus on the "twins".

(5 years and 626 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

Twins, maybe but they are fraternal...ha. Nice angle to this shot and tight too keeps our focus on the "twins".

(5 years and 626 days ago)

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still26 says:

OH GOOD GRIEF, my bum hurts. We are a horrible species to do this to each other. Really a strong image in black and white and I just looked it up on wikipedia. Did you know that it could take a few days of sitting here bleeding before one died and not only that the torturer would put hot coals underneath the chair to burn the victim. This was used into the 1800's. A horribly good photo.

(5 years and 626 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

Low key but with the light on the focal point, clever. I love the play of light and shadow and good on you for changing it into monochrome.

(5 years and 626 days ago)

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still26 says:

This is a lyrical photo, it sings a poem out to us. I keep hearing Eva Cassidy singing Autumn Leaves. I love the colour palette too. You need to do a few things with this photo:

1. sign it

2. matte it

3. frame it

It's lovely.

(5 years and 626 days ago)

Autumn Porch
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still26 says:

Why did you nip off the chair which is supposed to be the focal point and the whole reason for this contest? I love the wood texture as shown on the stairs and then the chair.

(5 years and 626 days ago)

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still26 says:

Woooaaaahhh what a difference in high res! Y'know those blotches (no doubt from the dirty window) actually add to the antique feel of the photo. I have a filter that blotches up photos just like this...lucky you, serendipity. Nice shot, thank you for sharing.

(5 years and 626 days ago)

Forgotten Lessons
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still26 says:

Ha...well at least he let you in! Yes, this speaks loudly of affluence, snobbery, exclusiveness. Did your "distant relative" give you a glass of water to drink? I have been in 'posh' homes where the touch of human kindness is missing....not even a cup of tea....ahhhh. I like this photo because it was taken from the inside of the car further punching out the story of maybe you got in or maybe you just drove off. Nice sharp photo.

(5 years and 626 days ago)

Made a Little Money
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still26 says:

I remember years ago I was photographing a similar gate but the house was closer. As I began to shoot, the owner came out screaming at me to get out. I felt sorry for him...just did. I just hope the owner behind this self important gate is living in a happier skin. Nice shot and what I like about it that you have the flowers in the foreground blurred ...that gives the viewer a "witnessing" or seeing something that ought not to be seen.

(5 years and 626 days ago)

Keep Out
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still26 says:

I had to check this on hi-res as it looked oversharpened here but in high res it is perfect. Ha, what a gate, very imposing...(not). I like this because we often see these kinds of gates whilst hiking/trekking through the rural countryside.

(5 years and 626 days ago)

Rural Gate
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still26 says:

YIKES, looks like it needs more than a repaint...someone could use a new gate. Why did you clip off a piece of the gate?

(5 years and 626 days ago)

It needs to be repainted
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still26 says:

Thank you, I appreciate our "chats".

(5 years and 626 days ago)

Night Game in the Snow
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still26 says:

Nice low pov. ahhhh haaaa....should've known it was yours as you are the master of low POV images.

(5 years and 626 days ago)

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still26 says:

WOW and you were paragliding were you?

(5 years and 626 days ago)

Waterspout off the islands
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still26 says:

Like this one, that tree covered in snow makes for a stronger image.

(5 years and 626 days ago)

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still26 says:

this is missing a strong focal point.....yes the snow is there, inclement weather for sure.

(5 years and 626 days ago)

In winter in the forest
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still26 says:

Taken from your hotel room I bet...ha ! A happy snappy photo of a dreary day.

(5 years and 626 days ago)

A Rainy day
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still26 says:

I really really really like this one for the abstraction, the cleverness of the photographer, the black border...it all works and now I will look differently at puddles. THANK YOU for your inspirational and educational upload.

(5 years and 626 days ago)

Light Rain
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still26 says:

I wonder if you added grain to this? Like how you left the goal posts there otherwise I would have thought it was a hockey rink....(I'm Canadian, forgive me)

(5 years and 626 days ago)

Night Game in the Snow
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still26 says:

You seem to have some chromatic aberration (purple lines) around the branches. There is a way to remedy this in photoshop (which you are not allowed to use for these contests

Have you considered a closer crop at the left (viewer's left)? This would eliminate the white blank space as the tendency for our brains is to always gravitate to the brightest pop on the canvas.

A well-seen photograph and makes me want to walk there along that path.

(5 years and 626 days ago)

Sunrise trail
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still26 says:

A very poetic lyrical photograph...I think it needs a poem!

Did you know your horizon line is slanting to the right? I like your composition (not centered) and those birds in the distance add to the melody of your image.

(5 years and 626 days ago)

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still26 says:

This has to be Dubrovnik or somewhere in ancient Europe! A rather cliche photograph but it works. I especially am drawn to the textured walls and to change this to black and white just made it better. I also like the blurred top for that diffusion makes us feel like we are witness to something special. See those footprints in the cement? ohhhh that is great to add mystery. In my photoclub, I would get chastised for saying something is cliche, but most members agreed that there is nothing wrong with cliche, except it's been done before and it is boring. I know you just really wanted to know all this....ha!

(5 years and 626 days ago)

Through the Tunnel
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still26 says:

Have you noticed that the horizon line dips to the right....and soon the ocean will be on my keyboard? If you are trying to highlight the shadows (as your title indicates) a closer down crop would have made for a stronger shot. I love the patterns cast by the shadows.

(5 years and 626 days ago)

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still26 says:

I wonder what aperture you used for this upload as you have significant blurring, perhaps that was your intention. I find this rather a romantic upload, it is poetic but could be sharper.

(5 years and 626 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

This upload makes me want to go out and try something like this. Thank you for the inspirational image. You need to clean your sensor, two prominent dust spots. (I have the same problem and need to take my camera in for a professional cleaning...dust, the bane of all photographers...grrrrrrr)

(5 years and 626 days ago)

Dandelion at Sunset
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still26 says:

Great GUNS....beautiful, just beautiful. Ahhhh , yeah, should've known it was you!

(5 years and 626 days ago)

Saguaro Sunset
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still26 says:

Your point of view helps us to focus on the chairs primarily and secondary focal anchor point is that distant island. Nice straight horizon line and not overexposed even tho this was shot during peak sun hours.

(5 years and 629 days ago)

Just Want to Sit Here
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still26 says:

I like the way the blue pops play off each other making for a pleasing photograph to view. You could have cropped a touch of the left side to remove that cement brown peeking in...but that is neither here nor there. This has a nice exotic touch to it, the only thing missing is the moussaka.

(5 years and 629 days ago)

Blue Chairs
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still26 says:

Hi Chris, just landed home last night. Congrats on this win, it is a very strong image....good on you!

(5 years and 629 days ago)

Entry number 107235 Kayaks
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still26 says:

I knew it.....congrats dearest teacher and mentor.

(5 years and 631 days ago)

Girl with pearl earring
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still26 says:

This is really clever of you. I am always learning something new from your posts and I so appreciate that. THANK YOU. I wish more members would talk to each other and about their posts. I also liked your macro post of spider with a mite on it's leg. Yes, I too sometimes will post knowing full well it won't win but it is educational.

(5 years and 632 days ago)

Maybe Had a Little Too Much
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still26 says:

I think you are the same person who made a jelly bean stand up ....put it on a pin....am I right, was it you?

(5 years and 633 days ago)

Maybe Had a Little Too Much