5528 comments given:
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still26 says:

Awww, now how did you do that? Neat.

(5 years and 633 days ago)

Maybe Had a Little Too Much
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still26 says:

Still life that makes one warm and fuzzy inside. Well done.

(5 years and 633 days ago)

Special Evening
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still26 says:

Well seen and well shot.

(5 years and 633 days ago)

Stone House
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still26 says:

Nice one, should do well.

(5 years and 633 days ago)

Stone Layers
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still26 says:

I'm coming over.

(5 years and 633 days ago)

Better with a drink!
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still26 says:

I wish you had put up more detail on how you created this so some of the more dense members could learn (that would be me). I think you did a spot on job with this presentation.

(5 years and 633 days ago)

...da muncher
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still26 says:

This is just so over the top that it is good. I love corny photoshop images and this one takes the cake.

(5 years and 633 days ago)

Vitamin S
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still26 says:

I like this because it made me smile. It has been put together well and works, although the fish looks a bit mute.

(5 years and 633 days ago)

Strawberry Fish
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still26 says:

Excellent and eye-catching, creative and has holding power.

(5 years and 633 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

Gorgeous, innovative, fun, eye catching and well done.

(5 years and 633 days ago)

strawberry fish
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still26 says:

Like that shadow effect on this portrait. Lovely

(5 years and 633 days ago)

Woman with  book
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still26 says:

Nicely done, very seventeenth-century look to it.

(5 years and 633 days ago)

Lady Stark circa 17th Century
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still26 says:

Your SBS is so appreciated, THANK YOU. My mom told me that babies you can get in a department store, and mother knows best, so there ,

(5 years and 633 days ago)

Babies comes from storks, everybody knows that...period
avatar still26
still26 says:

Another well done still life and love the colour palette. It is very warm.

(5 years and 633 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

Nice still life, well done.

(5 years and 633 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

Nice still life. The focus is on the knives. A very pleasing colour palette, well exposed.

(5 years and 635 days ago)

Butter knives
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still26 says:

I like the story here, it is a bit of a mystery. A knife, roses, and shadows. Good pop on the main focal point giving a good crisp image.

(5 years and 635 days ago)

A Knife
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still26 says:

Gentle and feminine!

(5 years and 636 days ago)

Spring burst
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still26 says:

Looks like the bubbles are floating around her face! Thank you for the bubble brushes download.

(5 years and 636 days ago)

Spring burst
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still26 says:

This photo looks like it was created with love and care. It is a great still life and I love the light . Top notch!

(5 years and 637 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

Really nice in high res but why oh why did you nip off the ball of yarn at the bottom?

(5 years and 637 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

For some reason this jumped straight into high res and caused me to almost fall off my chair. I love the colours and the patterns including the diagonal slant to the photo making this a very dynamic and exciting upload to study! Very nice indeed.

(5 years and 637 days ago)

Entry number 107235 Kayaks
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still26 says:

This photo looks much better in high res because as is it seems soft. It is too bad that the beak has been chopped off by the branch, you also have chromatic aberration around the branches.

(5 years and 637 days ago)

Kingfisher in the mist
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still26 says:

You have two photos here in one. The one you have up and you could have cropped out the bottom and just have the kite and two birds. Very clear and sharp upload with evening colour cast evident.

(5 years and 637 days ago)

K is for Kite
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still26 says:

Knee, but it is the object on the knee that steals the show....

(5 years and 637 days ago)

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still26 says:

I got a bit of a chill when I looked closely at your upload. A child on the back, albeit wearing a life jacket and dog too! Yet the adult is quite absorbed into getting to point B from point A. ohhhhhh my. You do have some hot spots of overexposure and the child seems soft but I shall check hi res before voting on your upload, usually in high res the photo is always sharper.

(5 years and 637 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

I love your little Easter Bunny. JK. It is the light that makes the photo, the back /side light really pops out the fluffiness of your kangaroo....is she/he just a baby? Good portrait.

(5 years and 637 days ago)

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still26 says:

Just thought I ought to tell you that I like this back shot and how the fragility of the child, the child's smallness bounces off that knight. You have to be careful not to nip off the feet due to tight cropping....or shooting. I have a tendency to do the same thing as we tend to get absorbed into the photo and forget about extremities. This is a nice photo and I have enjoyed viewing it.

(5 years and 637 days ago)

A Knight and a Kid
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still26 says:

People with a sense of humour are so much easier to talk to.

(5 years and 637 days ago)

Car crash
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still26 says:

Felicitări !

(5 years and 637 days ago)

stop smoking
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still26 says:

This one made me laugh and highlights your creative imagination.

(5 years and 638 days ago)

Car crash
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still26 says:

Wow and very little distortion. You might be interested in this site, our photography club members belong.


(5 years and 642 days ago)

K is for Kitchen
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still26 says:

This took some doing to get it this right.

(5 years and 642 days ago)

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still26 says:

K is also for the kettle. Nicely composed and strong POV

(5 years and 642 days ago)

K is for Kitchen
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still26 says:

It should sell well.....naw, I usually say "crap".

(5 years and 642 days ago)

Guardian of the Skies
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still26 says:

hmmmmm a tunneltube.....I will have to look that up, thank you for sharing how you get your shots.

(5 years and 642 days ago)

reclycling the old pavement
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still26 says:

Yes, I saw a video of a photographer shooting portraits through these lights and the end result was super. Thanks.

(5 years and 642 days ago)

Mask carnivale
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still26 says:

Just noticed you won 2nd and third....CONGRATULATIONS !

(5 years and 643 days ago)

Balds, they wanna have fun!
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still26 says:

Just noticed you won....CONGRATS.

(5 years and 643 days ago)

Bald Hero
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still26 says:

I read you SBS....HOLY CRACKERJACKS you need to get paid! HELLO ADMINSTRATION ! ! !

Thank you so much for being here, you are another great teacher.

(5 years and 643 days ago)

Guardian of the Skies
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still26 says:

I so appreciate reading your comments. Your notes become learning tools for me.

(5 years and 643 days ago)

Modern Lisa
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still26 says:

Dear BMW thank you for commenting because we learn from titans like yourself and I for one really appreciate reading comments, so again thank you.

Author: I laughed out loud at this upload, it is so corny that it is good, really well done in my opinion, everything looks fine to me, don't know if you fixed it or not but the first impact is strong. Good one. Thank you.

(5 years and 643 days ago)

Strawberry Blonde
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still26 says:

Has that abandoned look about it. Like the way you framed it.

(5 years and 643 days ago)

Broken Peugeot
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still26 says:

Looking at this in high resolution just makes it so perfect. Your creativity is phenomenal and your work stellar. I like everything about this and I envy your skills.

(5 years and 643 days ago)

Strawberry Island
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still26 says:

I can see you capturing this image, trying to get the best shot....you succeeded. Very nice and I like the colour palette too.

(5 years and 643 days ago)

Grinding in HDR
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still26 says:

The fact that the hammer shows blur and a see through effect on the phone transports this image into another realm. Very cleverly done.

(5 years and 643 days ago)

no calls
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still26 says:

Agreed, a lower crop would bring our attention to the artist but nice.

(5 years and 643 days ago)

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still26 says:

Good upload, he really is absorbed into this work and we can see that clearly.

(5 years and 643 days ago)

Bus Repair
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still26 says:

It would be a better photo if they were actually doing something instead of standing around.

(5 years and 643 days ago)

Track Repairs
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still26 says:

Why did you nip off his feet....I know, you were channeling HC BRESSON!

(5 years and 643 days ago)

Welding Work