5528 comments given:
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still26 says:

I bet this would look great in monochrome, high contrast too!

(5 years and 724 days ago)

Church of St Juan
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still26 says:

Ahhh yes, I see, well then why didn't you as the frame is not filled? But this is really a good sharp image and you could have come in closer.....if that was what you were gunning for, don't you think? Did you know you can eat rose petals? These are delicious looking and I remember reading somewhere that you can wrap butter in rose petals and serve it that way (I'm sure you really wanted to know all this....sorry)

(5 years and 724 days ago)

F is for Flower
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still26 says:

There is always a good reason, it's all about artistic prerogative.

(5 years and 724 days ago)

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still26 says:

Hi, I think you can alter it and re-upload....but you are the mod. and would know better!

(5 years and 724 days ago)

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still26 says:


(5 years and 725 days ago)

Entry number 106003 Frog, Port Douglas
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still26 says:

You need to visit Thailand, I hope your cross country move brought you closer to the Pacific.

(5 years and 725 days ago)

Frozen firewood
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still26 says:

HOLY GUACAMOLE, you can even see the heatwaves in this photo. I thought this was your photo and I was right. Really great.

(5 years and 725 days ago)

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still26 says:

Woooaaah you could really play with this image and that face. Nice angle!

(5 years and 725 days ago)

Entry number 106002 Fountain, Imperial Apartments Vienna
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still26 says:

Nice, but why did you clip off the petals?

(5 years and 725 days ago)

F is for Flower
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still26 says:

I bet you were thinking of "colours are everywhere" contest! Good eyes, nice to fill the frame with lusciousness.

(5 years and 725 days ago)

F is for Fans
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still26 says:

Yes, good eyes. Did you shoot this on A or M? Manual gives you more creative leeway and the exposure can be calibrated to diminish hot spots.

(5 years and 725 days ago)

F is for Fish
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still26 says:

If you have PS I would clone out that white hue beside the fox behind the tree bark...I know you are not allowed to do this with these contests...it's only a suggestion in case you are going to take this image further. I love it and that one eye is the icing on this well baked cake.

(5 years and 725 days ago)

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still26 says:

You caught the patterns, the monochrome is well done with broad range of grays, a rather mundane image made better through your post processing thinking.

(5 years and 725 days ago)

F is for Funnels
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still26 says:

One glassy frog...ooops, I mean classy. Do you think it would have been a better image with that orange band out via a heavy crop? Never mind, I like it.

(5 years and 725 days ago)

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still26 says:

A wee bit out of focus but the idea is great and the colours splendid.

(5 years and 725 days ago)

Flying finch
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still26 says:

She sure looks European, perhaps a German fairy. You did a nice job noticing the strong colour palette of contrasting colours of blue and yellow for yellow never looks as yellow as when placed against blue. This follows the KISS principle, and I am a sucker for KISS.

(5 years and 725 days ago)

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still26 says:

Your frumpish fly on fern is a delight, as is the fern which seems quite happy ...exploding onto your 'canvas'. Sharp and well done with diagonal slant.

(5 years and 725 days ago)

Frumpish fly on a fern
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still26 says:

You certainly have a great eye for seeing beauty all around you. This does have a wee bit of noise, most likely due to zoom....but those sexy eyes make up for it.

(5 years and 725 days ago)

Entry number 106003 Frog, Port Douglas
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still26 says:

Well, blow me down. I think we have a winner here. Exciting, sharp full of story and sharp.

(5 years and 725 days ago)

Entry number 106000 Fireworks, Festival of St John, Barcelona
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still26 says:

You have a good eye because those pink flowers, nicely diffused in the background accentuate this flamingo. Another nice photograph.

(5 years and 725 days ago)

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still26 says:

ha ha ha ha....clean and simple and strong, no muss no fuss...sharp and I like the metallic feel to this slippery fella. And in the corner, a cuppa waits for someone.

(5 years and 725 days ago)

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still26 says:

The crop could enhance this to bring us closer to the focal point. Blue and Magenta snow? Were you shooting on A mode or M because manual would give you more creative power. I like that you actually saw firewood and shot it!

(5 years and 725 days ago)

Frozen firewood
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still26 says:

A family of furry friends in a frigid foggy "onsen". Lovely capture and love that pinkish face amidst the gray.

(5 years and 725 days ago)

F is for Family, Fur, Freezing, Fog
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still26 says:

It is always such a pleasure to stumble upon the humble mushroom and this family is colourful, your pov gives sense of 'largeness'. A tighter crop would have punched out the fungi even more. There is somewhere a photography quote : "When you think you are close, get closer."

(5 years and 725 days ago)

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still26 says:

EGADS, this is beautiful. Your usage of dof is magical and you have a beautiful face with those haunting eyes married with gorgeous flower arrangement. This photograph tells the viewers that you created this photograph , not just snapped it and I LOVE IT.

(5 years and 725 days ago)

Face and Flowers
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still26 says:

When I see photos like this I think to myself "now why didn't I submit a field"? Good observation and good entry showing barley dancing in the wind. Your photo dips a bit to the right and there is a dust spot on your sensor (the bane of all photographers). Can you see it? It is on the horizon line at the right, actually, I can see two spots, one smaller. Had you followed the horizontal cut rule of photography this would have been a stronger photograph, however, that is very much an artistic prerogative and I bow to yours.

(5 years and 725 days ago)

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still26 says:

I like how you think out of the box. I'm trying to locate the flags...on your fingers? Did you know that there are 38 tri coloured flags in the world sporting red white and blue! (good information for you next soiree). Looks to me like a classy hand of a classy French damsel. I only wish your hand was pointing the other way so we could see the flags with more detail and clarity.

(5 years and 725 days ago)

Fingers with a Flag
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still26 says:

I believe a closer crop would have done justice to this sparkling and exciting image...with a tighter crop and composition to give him room this image would jump out at us with greater strength.

(5 years and 725 days ago)

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still26 says:

ha ha ha ha ha.....I like the detail in this bike, you got all the tonal ranges in quite nicely. May you both travel safely on it for many years and much more mud.

(5 years and 725 days ago)

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still26 says:

Looks invasive and pretentious, which is a good thing, photographically speaking for we see the main focal point instantly. A nice image, sharp, good dof. AND....it's all YOURS. Can I marry you?

(5 years and 725 days ago)

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still26 says:

Love the story here as those miniatures pull us into Spain...a Spanish street, has a fiesta feel to it.

(5 years and 725 days ago)

Spanish morning
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still26 says:

I like your usage of dof to highlight the story. Very pretty, reminds me of liquorice, good enough to eat...ha!

(5 years and 725 days ago)

Please step away
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still26 says:

Nice to see you back here, where have you been? I like this because it looks old and loved. You've got sharp detail and wonderful texture.

(5 years and 725 days ago)

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still26 says:

Nice and sharp, almost looks metallic, very visually dynamic.

(5 years and 725 days ago)

Enough to Drive you Quackers
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still26 says:

ha ha ha ha, cool set up, ingenious and I like it.

(5 years and 725 days ago)

Cannon release
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still26 says:

WOW, really nice one this.

(5 years and 725 days ago)

Garden of Eden
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still26 says:

I love this one, it really rocks! The story you have of the man behind the hill with his head showing and the fact he is having a rest and his bike is at the side then this weather vane in bicycle style....bellissimo.

(5 years and 726 days ago)

riding the wind
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still26 says:

A diptych....wonderful eyes for you to see this one.

(5 years and 726 days ago)

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still26 says:

I looked at this through hi res and what a difference. It looks much better there.

(5 years and 726 days ago)

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still26 says:

Too bad about those two pillars huh? But it is a nice stained glass.

(5 years and 726 days ago)

Garden of Eden
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still26 says:

I like the story that this depicts, it is well taken and fills the frame.

(5 years and 726 days ago)

Dedicated to Fishermen
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still26 says:

this does look a tad soft on this side of the planet but it sure is different and I like your pov looking straight at it.

(5 years and 726 days ago)

Stained Glass Abstract
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still26 says:

I like your pov on this, we are not looking up like in so many other stained glass renditions. Nice

(5 years and 726 days ago)

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still26 says:

Nice balance, colour saturation, good marginal space all round. I like it.

(5 years and 726 days ago)

St Michael
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still26 says:

yeah...wonderful. thank you.

(5 years and 731 days ago)

Humming Sealion
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still26 says:



(5 years and 731 days ago)

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still26 says:

LOL love it.

(5 years and 731 days ago)

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still26 says:

The Oxford English Dictionary (OED)'s first recorded use of the word 'ladybird' is from a 1674 glossary of southern English words. The author describes how the regional word bishop is the term for 'the little spotted beetle commonly called the Lady cow, or Lady-bird'. Ladybug followed shortly after ladybird.

So, it's a lady-cow!

Very imaginative piece and I like the Tibetan monastery.

(5 years and 731 days ago)

Ladybird island
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still26 says:

Good presentation although I do think there is a tad bit of softness, maybe it was low light conditions and your shutter was slow. BUT I do like this.

(5 years and 732 days ago)

Actions Speak Louder Than Words
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still26 says:

Very good shot, made me smile.

(5 years and 732 days ago)

Hanging out