5528 comments given:
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still26 says:

You have caught the attention of 5 of those guys! I feel a tighter crop would have made for a stronger image as there really is no strong focal point to hang our hats on. It is a happy snappy image....and sometimes that is just fine and is exactly what others want to see. A change of POV, shooting like no other photographer transports an image from ordinary into the realm of extraordinary. Also, if there is something you want to show us, get in closer, and show us. I do like the airy free feeling you have caught here.

(5 years and 754 days ago)

Indian market
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still26 says:

3.60 Euros for 200 grams??? Are you living in a real world? Maybe I am living in a dream world. Never mind. I love your post for this is a scene one would see in an open market and I find it very enticing. You posted this full frame without many disturbing other pieces of information...just nuts sin sal or naturalemente....que bueno. The photograph is nice and sharp in dead center where you want us to look, the colour saturation is natural and your contrast is smack on the money. YUM

(5 years and 754 days ago)

Oh Nuts !
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still26 says:

I like the mystery of this portrait. Having her look "over there" versus at you further adds meat to the story. She is behind bars, looking towards......well, you can read a lot into this post. The shot is well composed, balanced, good skin tones...(have you tried soften skin lever on NIK software?). Nice contrast, sharp and clear. You need to put your title TRAPPED....into where you have your entry number. Titles matter and often in gallery showings a title can mean the difference between a sale and no sale.

(5 years and 754 days ago)

Entry number 105678
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still26 says:

I really am drawn to the chiaroscuro effect of this post. I think even a tighter crop would work to really pull us into those gorgeous eyes and curls. Have you considered lightening the eyes a bit to open the "gates to his soul" and thereby mesmerizing the viewer?

(5 years and 754 days ago)

Serious Curls
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still26 says:

This is really very nicely done and I quite like it.

(5 years and 757 days ago)

Through the window
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still26 says:

I liked this entry quite a bit. Congrats on #3.

(5 years and 758 days ago)

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still26 says:

Congrats on #2 and #1 as well. YAYA

(5 years and 758 days ago)

The Tiber
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still26 says:

Congrats on this win, I liked this entry a lot.

(5 years and 758 days ago)

Brighton Pier
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still26 says:

Congrats on this win, I liked this entry a lot.

(5 years and 758 days ago)

Brighton Pier
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still26 says:

..........see I knew you would be fun.....

(5 years and 759 days ago)

Muscle Bug
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still26 says:


(5 years and 759 days ago)

Dewy gem
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still26 says:

Ahhh, at long last, nothing to gross, instead it's sweet.

(5 years and 759 days ago)

Cuddle Bug
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still26 says:

I bet you are fun to be with at a party!

(5 years and 759 days ago)

Muscle Bug
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still26 says:

Love it....simply love it. It's so gross.

(5 years and 759 days ago)

Human Eye Spider
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still26 says:

Top marks, this is great. Now why couldn't I have thought of that as I have elephant photos and a similar cicada. Sometimes I feel like I've got marmalade between my ears.

(5 years and 759 days ago)

Elephant Weevil
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still26 says:

ewwwwwwwwww gross....ick. BUT good!

(5 years and 759 days ago)

Crunchy for Munchy
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still26 says:

What an imagination. Good grief, this is good.

(5 years and 759 days ago)

Betlspider Fly
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still26 says:

Love it...simple and strong.

(5 years and 759 days ago)

Praying hare
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still26 says:

Sensational....clear, humourours, crisp. LOVE IT>

(5 years and 759 days ago)

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still26 says:

Top marks....love it. Clear , punchy to the point.

(5 years and 759 days ago)

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still26 says:

Fantastic imagination you have....love it.

(5 years and 759 days ago)

Trying to Escape
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still26 says:

hmmmm my emoji didn't work....grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

(5 years and 759 days ago)

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still26 says:

HOLY GUACAMOLE....this is just superb. I feel like kissing him :kisses2:

(5 years and 759 days ago)

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still26 says:

Another top notch post. I give up.

(5 years and 759 days ago)

Puppet show
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still26 says:

OMG this is goooooood.

(5 years and 759 days ago)

Going home
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still26 says:


(5 years and 759 days ago)

The Toy Dolls
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still26 says:

I really value your comments, wish you would critique more so I could become a better photographer through your suggestions. Thanks

(5 years and 759 days ago)

Backlight and poppies
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still26 says:

A lovely posed photo that warms our hearts. You zoomed in and thereby a lot of noise is showing. I do love the eye connection.

(5 years and 760 days ago)

Great GrandMa
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still26 says:

Good eye, good shot, exciting and effervescent! Top marks.

(5 years and 760 days ago)

Peppered Pink
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still26 says:

Yes, this is lovely, artistic, showing great detail, sharp and crisp. Nice, I should have known it was yours...top of the shelf!

(5 years and 760 days ago)

Backlight and poppies
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still26 says:

Hey, this is full of mystery and for some reason, I thought it was Michael Jackson. It is a tad dark, cloaked in ghost like features.

(5 years and 760 days ago)

Professor Snapes Cloak
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still26 says:

Thank you so much for saying that...I do wish more members would explain the process then peons (like me) would be able to learn from you. This image is sharp and crisp on the center and softens nicely into a black background, that darkness makes the rose pop out well. Good for you with the exposure because you have no bleeding at all and yellow is one of the hardest colours to photograph.

(5 years and 760 days ago)

The Yellow Rose of Texas
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still26 says:

Now, why couldn't I have thought of that? I like this but it is a bit soft , n'est-ce pas?

(5 years and 760 days ago)

Dewy gem
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still26 says:

OMG The emotive element is top of the shelf here! KUDOS to you for capturing this shot so clearly in low light conditions. What was your ISO? Frankly, I think this is award-winning photography and I feel privileged to study it.

(5 years and 760 days ago)

The Toy Dolls
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still26 says:

Top marks for this inspirational image. Your point of view really makes it for me bringing us down and showing what is up ahead. You have the darkneses of the distance which gives mystery, and the snowy slippery road which gives a sense of danger. The photograph is well exposed giving white snow with no overcast of blue. What is that orange light giving so much warmth...I like it, just can't figure out what it is? Very lovely shot DMitry, I used to live and work in an environment like this in Northern Canada.

(5 years and 760 days ago)

On the Road Again
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still26 says:

Simply a lovely portrait image composed to the side with plenty of black to give it a Rembrandt feel of chiaroscuro. The image is pin sharp, emotion has been caught because of your timing. It is really a joy to review this photograph. Top marks.

(5 years and 760 days ago)

Rage against the peppers
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still26 says:

'whodathunkit' a moon and a lamp post! You surely need photographer's eyes to spot this. KUDOS to you for bringing it to us and thereby inspiring all of us to see the world around us with a different perspective and insight.

(5 years and 760 days ago)

Competing Lights
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still26 says:

I like the coldness of blue juxtaposed with a light bulb which is usually warm, so this tricks our brains (my brain, such as it is) into seeing deeper into the photograph because we feel it as well as see it. Nice one. Top notch.

(5 years and 760 days ago)

Black Light
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still26 says:

The predominantly large blackness of this shot really makes the focal point(s) jump out at us in clariy. I also think your compoistion is very good to the side like that. This image engages the viewer instantly with hot heat and cold death scene.

(5 years and 760 days ago)

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still26 says:

really like the artistic handling of blow out....you used it to your advantage and it works...well done.

(5 years and 760 days ago)

Brighton Pier
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still26 says:

Sharp, clear , great stitching....lovely quality of tonal ranges. Top notch mon petite chou chou.

(5 years and 760 days ago)

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still26 says:

Much much better in high resolution.

(5 years and 760 days ago)

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still26 says:


(5 years and 761 days ago)

Wagah border ceremony
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still26 says:

I'm an idiot.

(5 years and 761 days ago)

Wagah border ceremony
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still26 says:

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh this is gorgeous. It looks like an alien creature that is eating my inner ear and working it's way into my brain. I really like how the sun is behind the thing and the trees look like tentacles that will suck the life right out of my skull. You have no noise, tightly cropped nice colour paltette and just really great. I'm going now to look up how to do this technique. What a great site to learn all this new stuff. Your work is inspirational. Thank you.

(5 years and 761 days ago)

Back light planetoid
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still26 says:

see it didn't work I typed in the code which is :hammer and nothing shows up.

(5 years and 761 days ago)

Wagah border ceremony
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still26 says:

waaaahhhh what a whole load of hard work :hammer

(5 years and 761 days ago)

Wagah border ceremony
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still26 says:

But I'm here in this comment box and I scrolled to the bottom of the page and there is nothing there. So, are you saying I have to go out of this comment box ....and carry an emoji from another page to over here. Please don't laugh at me....I'm a wee tad retarded when it comes to computers (and photoshopping beautiful images like on the photoshop section of this site).

(5 years and 761 days ago)

Wagah border ceremony
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still26 says:

..........all the good ones are.......grrrrrrrrrrr.

(5 years and 762 days ago)

Making Chocolate
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still26 says:

I like your emoji...how can I do that? Yes, I understand what you are saying. We needed to remove our shoes at some temple in Nepal and the whole place with full of monkey shit, bird shit, the steps exhaled the stench of human urine....sacred, yeah right.

(5 years and 762 days ago)

Wagah border ceremony