5528 comments given:
avatar still26
still26 says:

Really lovely....an oil painting, right? Love the patterns and colour.

(5 years and 801 days ago)

Port side
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still26 says:

Takes a photographer to see this and capture it....and that is what you are...one of the best!

(5 years and 801 days ago)

The Cube
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still26 says:

WOW the mood is fantabulous, misty and oh so UK. The reflections caught provide lovely patterns and we carbon based bi peds LOVE LOVE LOVE patterns. Nice one this.

(5 years and 801 days ago)

Old Pier
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still26 says:

EGADS, this is fantabulous. It is dreamy in composition, sharp as a beak on the main focal point and rich without being over cooked. LOVE IT!

(5 years and 801 days ago)

Greater Yellow Legs with reflection
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still26 says:

Dear heart....this looks a bit over sharpened but the reflections are dynamite and your pov is superb.

(5 years and 801 days ago)

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still26 says:

Oh gosh the story is brilliant and so much to see, not only with reflection but also in colour which is pure eye candy. Sharp as a woman's tongue, well focused, dynamic colour range well handled. It is....dare I say it....magical.

(5 years and 801 days ago)

Magic Kingdom
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still26 says:

Did you use High Pass? This is also top notch work that engages the viewer with clarity, great tonal ranges without being over cooked.

(5 years and 801 days ago)

Trees on the river..
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still26 says:

Good grief this is top notch. You have it framed as well with the shore hugging the focal points, where was this taken? I want to go there. Your exposure and contrast are really well done. A rich photograph that delights the viewer.

(5 years and 801 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

Do you use high pass filter to get it THAT sharp. Love the fur on the one cat pouncing out at us and how the sister is only slightly diffused. Nice usage of focal ranges.

(5 years and 801 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

Sweet but the bed clothes take away and rob the photo of punctuation. Your tonal ranges are nice and the focus is spot on.

(5 years and 801 days ago)

Playing hide and seek
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still26 says:

Mmmmmm your dof is excellent on this picture for all is blurred except that stunning determined face coming right at us. He seems absorbed in something and we are therefore engaged quickly into this beautiful image. I love it, the story is wonderful the feeling is magical. He looks like he needs to go on a bit of a diet but I love fat furry cats so to me he is quite smushable (something cats hate...they hate getting kissed...I know I had 3 of em). I predict a winner here.

(5 years and 801 days ago)

Alley king
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still26 says:

Blue, yellow (contrasting colours) splendid with green as tertiary colour and that is including the eyes. wonderful POV and good exposure as you have absolutely no clipping. Bravo, well done.

(5 years and 801 days ago)

I sit and watch the children play
avatar still26
still26 says:

Love the close up of this rather handsome beast. The colour palette is coordinated and that I know is serendipity but it took a photographer like yourself to find it. That green eye is gorgeous. This photo shows the wildness within this cat, almost looks like a lynx. Great contrast and sharp as a whisker.

(5 years and 801 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

Wow you are old....and I thought you were a kid....in your heart I know. AND an artist too. I think this is a wonderful photograph showing off pencils and your work which is fantastic.

(5 years and 801 days ago)

First Attempt
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still26 says:

Yeah, cool...you got the patterns, the colours and you filled up the entire frame with beautiful texture to boot. My prediction for THE WINNER is........

(5 years and 801 days ago)

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still26 says:

Super duper corny but oh so cute. Love the baby's dimples.

(5 years and 801 days ago)

Mrs Red and Mr Yellow are proud to present their baby
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still26 says:

Thank you , I'm so computer challenged.

(5 years and 802 days ago)

Dreamy portrait
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still26 says:

WHere can I find them?

(5 years and 803 days ago)

Dreamy portrait
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still26 says:

Awwww how can we learn if you don't say how you arrived at this stunning portrait. Tell us your steps............please.

(5 years and 805 days ago)

Dreamy portrait
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still26 says:

Awww not fair, just because she's a poor and raggedy looking church .....the photograph itself is really good. bahhhhhhhhhhhh.

(5 years and 807 days ago)

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still26 says:


(5 years and 807 days ago)

Posing for the shot.
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still26 says:


(5 years and 807 days ago)

Charlestown Parish church
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still26 says:

Ha....I knew it, just knew it! BIG BIG CONGRATS!

(5 years and 807 days ago)

Listening to your feet
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still26 says:

Looks like you were glued to her feet and THAT has made this photo a stand out!

(5 years and 807 days ago)

Dancing feet
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still26 says:

Awww, thank you Mrs. Google, I appreciate your answer. My husband is so determined to go back to Romania and really explore this area. When we were there we LOVED LOVED LOVED it and met up with a fellow that I met on another photography site. It is always nice to meet in person someone you met on the web. You will have a grand surprise when you meet me, which I hope will be soon. Thank you again for your explanation and the photo of this rather nice and slowly dying beauty.

(5 years and 807 days ago)

Monastery church, Gura Humorului
avatar still26
still26 says:

I too often use levels. Did you know that it is better to underexpose an image for then you can bring back detail easier. I don't know anything about Flash functions....only work in PS, Affinity, Topaz, Nik. and probably more. Thanks.

(5 years and 807 days ago)

Drinking Duck
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still26 says:

I bet I could eat this whole thing in one sitting. When we come back to Canada, we will visit you when your wife makes this decadent delight. A splendid upload that is sharp and delightful to behold. I also like how you included all the surrounding information, candle, classy table setting.

(5 years and 808 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

I just don't understand how any hunter can see this beauty and kill it....unless you are a First Nation (what a dopey PC title). ooops I'm rambling. I love this shot, the Canadian feel to it and the focal point sharp, so sharp it melts my heart. Your exposure is really well done too for that deer is crystal clear.

(5 years and 808 days ago)

Whitetail Deer
avatar still26
still26 says:

I like how you caught this with the two boats adding to the story. There is a tilt to the L a touch however in Venice everything is leaning...ha. We can see you took time to compose this artistically and it works giving us a colourfully balanced image (the green window shutters match the door).

(5 years and 808 days ago)

Venetian door
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still26 says:

Yup, good one, also a good entry for BLUE colour contests on TOS. Sharp and good grunge shown. Thoughtfully composed. I like it.

(5 years and 808 days ago)

D is for Door
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still26 says:

Wonder why you shot this from behind? We want to see their expressions of joy and not their behinds. But maybe you were gunning for body expression. I think this would have been a stronger photo had a different pov been shown. Technically tho, it is sharp and clear showing their "sweat" at the Sweat, Tar and Steam show.

(5 years and 808 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

I didn't know that?!?!?! I wonder if Digoxin is made from this? Thank you for educating me. I like this because it looks like a painting in its softness and the bokeh highlights the flower nicely.

(5 years and 808 days ago)

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still26 says:

Only a photographic artist could capture the beauty in this die. Have you considered a tighter crop?

(5 years and 808 days ago)

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still26 says:

Art on the beach. Can you see you have noise and clipping (block ups) and that is due to exposure calibrations gone amuck. You have an artistic eye and it shows.

(5 years and 808 days ago)

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still26 says:

Delightful door with delightful decals! Had you taken this on a tripod without a flash you would not have had that glare.

(5 years and 808 days ago)

A Door with Decorations
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still26 says:

Looks like a painting, nicely balanced and soft.

(5 years and 808 days ago)

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still26 says:

Yes, two thumbs up for this shot. I bet if you turned it into a b.w. high contrast it would work also...it would be fun to try. I like everything about this...from the warm colour to the details on the door to the "thou shalt not enter" feel. Just a good catch.

(5 years and 808 days ago)

D is for Door
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still26 says:

Hi there, nice eyes you have to see the beauty of this old gal and photograph her! You do have a hot spot on it and this could be brought down with shadow highlight lever somewhat and because that would affect the entire image it is allowed in the rules (I do believe).

(5 years and 808 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

Poor wee thing looks terrified of you. How did you get so close and so low...that is really a good photograph. My husband just brought me a cup of coffee and looked at this picture and said "hey, that is very good" so there you have two reviews for the price of one. It is so sharp we could cut ourselves on it. Top notch.

(5 years and 808 days ago)

Dragon of Komodo
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still26 says:

Did you use a high pass filter on this? If so, at what percentage. It is very sharp without being overcooked and how brilliant that he is looking straight at that lens you have. Composition is centered.

(5 years and 808 days ago)

Drinking Duck
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still26 says:

Knock! Knock!

Who’s there?


Ho-ho who?

You know, your Santa impression could use a little work


Nice and sharp on the focal point and I like the colour palette too.

(5 years and 808 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

Achhh I'm in love. What a gorgeous face and your POV is so perfect that it makes the pup jump out at us. You also have managed to give this a story of her personality, her "impish" spirit, full of fun. Love it....woof!

(5 years and 808 days ago)

Blue and Red
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still26 says:

I have checked to see if you have a blow out on the white and you do not! It is simply a delightful image that would make a great Xmas card. I love the mood you caught, the bokeh is perfect and the colour coordination is sublime. I have a feeling this could take first spot.

(5 years and 808 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

Oh gosh, this would make a great Xmas card. How much these two are loved is so felt upon viewing. Nice that you came down to their level. I do think it is a bit soft but sometimes when you have such sweet focal points we have to ask ourselves, does it matter?

(5 years and 808 days ago)

Tilly and Mason Wishing you all a Merry Christmas
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still26 says:

Achh sad when they leave and their paw prints remain forever imprinted on your heart. I love your POV and crop too . YOu have come in close and personal to your pet and we cannot help but visually engage immediately with this fellow. Nice....woof!

(5 years and 808 days ago)

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still26 says:

Achh it is sad when they leave and their paw prints remain forever on our hearts. Yes, you caught her well, she is sharp and clear and cute in a goofball way. The fact she is looking straight at you...and us gives strength to an already strong image. Woof.

(5 years and 808 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

WHAT???? NO DROOL. What a handsome gentleman we see here and we cannot help but wonder what caught his eye. The horizon line slices his head in half but it is nicely blurred and all sharpness is on dog. It is so sharp that I can see every strand of brushed fur...he looks so well cared for that I just want to hug him and give him a big squish. The colour palette is natural and matches his handsome profile.

(5 years and 808 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

Good grief this is wonderful, full of mood, the chiaroscuro effect works brilliantly. Personally, I would not have minded a tighter crop but that is all about artistic license and I bow to yours. There may be a bit of a blow out on the white too.

(5 years and 808 days ago)

Posing for the shot.
avatar still26
still26 says:

I think I'm in love! How could anyone resist these dreamy eyes looking at you? Sharp on the eyes, good dof used and the colour palette is so co-ordinated...from the sofa to the beige of the flower pot everything works here. I can see Cyrillic writing on the back poster...what doe it say because the dof used has blurred it nicely. Caught at eye level of this handsome boy brings him smack to our eyes...and hearts. Top notch work.

(5 years and 808 days ago)

I do not watch TV
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still26 says:

Yes, why not ? Good usage of DOF and what a pleasure to see all those colours lined up and presented to us in that slight dynamic composition. Also, your POV is quite nice, not belly button position but you crouched down ....and worked on getting the best possible view....it worked.

(5 years and 808 days ago)

Ready to Play